My 1979

Chapter 228 Shoe Factory

Lu Bo came over again early in the morning to report the accounts. The young man walked much more steadily now. He deliberately straightened his body and tried his best to hide the defects in his legs.

After he became famous, many people pointed at him and said, "Don't underestimate people's lameness." He is lame in legs, but his brain is not lame, and his heart is not lame either.

Although he is a slippery man, he is still trustworthy, otherwise Shouhou would not be able to let him take care of the accounts when he leaves.

Li He also regarded him as a friend and treated him sincerely.

Of course, there is a difference between friends and brothers. He loves his brothers unconditionally without asking for anything in return.

Unconditional love equals unconditional care. No matter whether the brothers and sisters meet his ideal standards, such as being well-behaved, obedient, and making money, whether they are healthy and ordinary, or born with imbecility, or they continue to cause trouble for Li He, Li He will Will still love them and take care of them.

Li He treats the sisters at home almost like raising children. Parents who love their children have gained countless happiness from their children. They are already satisfied, so what else do they need to be filial?

He had this mentality towards Li Long, including the fourth and fifth sons. He only wanted good things for them and did not ask for anything in return.

This kind of love is a natural instinct of human beings.

Of course, loving them does not mean giving them a lot of money. If money can solve all problems, just give Li and each of his brothers and sisters a few million.

Blindly giving money will affect their self-perception and make them feel anxious, which is harmful but useless. Apart from encouraging idleness and various bad habits, what effect does it have at all? When the driving force of life is no longer intrinsic interest, but external stimulation, they no longer take the initiative to pursue hard work, but only want to ask for it.

In this process, life itself loses its beauty.

If you want to corrupt a person, use all your sugar-coated bullets.

Li He hopes that they can go further in life and have the ability to control money while having money.

"Brother, these are for the past two months, please order." Lu Bo directly put a bag of money on the table and took out the money in piles.

Although Li He is making money every day, who can dislike having too much money?

"Less?" Li He looked at the account book and frowned.

"You have been at school, and I forgot to tell you that a lot of goods were picked up by Brother Pan Song. The quantity of goods in the past two months has been half less than usual. I have already called Brother Ming and asked him to send more." Lu Bo hurriedly said explained.

"I understand. Did I ask you to deliver milk powder to your cousin last time?" Li He asked. Lu Bo and Shouhou are cousins.

"Give it away, and I added ten yuan."

"Didn't you say you wanted to go on a blind date last time? How was it?" Li He asked curiously.

Lu Bo scratched his head and said, "Last time, the girl was dissatisfied with my feet. After meeting and chatting for a few words, she fell in love. I found another one later and we will get married at the end of the year."

"If I don't go back to my hometown by then, just let me know and I'll join in the fun."

"Well, thank you, brother."

Seeing that Lu Bo hadn't left yet, Li He seemed to be hesitant to speak, so he asked, "What do you want to say directly?"

"I'm thinking about one thing. You see, we don't have anything to sell at this stage. Can we get some from Li Aijun? I heard Zhu Dachang said that you two are friends." Lu Bo said hesitantly.

"What does this have to do with whether he is my friend? You just go to him directly to get the goods?".

"It's not easy to get the goods. The goods are in short supply there. I thought since you are familiar with it, getting the goods is just a matter of words. It can also be much cheaper," Lu Bo said with a smile.

Li He shook his head and said, "Friends are friends, and business is business. Originally, I could sell it for 1,000 yuan, but it hurts my face and costs me 200 yuan. Isn't this blocking people's way of making money?"

Lu Bo said, "I don't mean that. It's fine if the price is higher. Don't worry about selling."

Li He didn't expect Li Aijun's business to be so booming, and he hadn't seen him for a long time. He wanted to take a look out of curiosity, "I'll go change my shoes, you push the motorcycle out, and we'll go take a look." .

When Lu Bo saw that there was something going on, he simply said hello and went to push the motorcycle.

Seeing that Li He was about to go out, He Fang asked, "Will you come back for lunch?"

"I won't reply. You can eat it yourself."

"Okay, I just have to go back and tidy up my house at noon. I don't have time to cook. The cabinets are all infested with moths. If I don't tidy up, nothing will be in good condition."

Li He said, "It's like this even if it's not moisture-proof. It's useless to kill insects. When you have time, knock off the wall layer and make a new moisture-proof one. It will be better."

He got on his motorcycle and took Lu Bo to find Li Aijun.

Lu Bo suddenly said, "The direction is wrong. This is the direction of his store."

Li He was riding fast and the wind was blowing, so he couldn't hear clearly, "Where are you going if you don't go to his shop?".

Lu Bo said, "He has set up a factory in the countryside. We have to go to the countryside to do it."

Li He stopped his motorcycle and couldn't believe that Li Aijun drove to the factory. "Are you sure?"

"I went there several times on my own, but every time he was out of stock."

After Li He heard what he said, he had no choice but to turn the car around and head in the direction pointed by Lu Bo.

The so-called factory building is a courtyard, a square courtyard, surrounded by a two-meter high wall made of red bricks.

There was also a big dog tied at the door, and it barked when it saw Li and the two of them.

Lupo rushed forward without touching the dog. The big dog immediately stepped back and got out of the way, still barking.

"Li Aijun, why have you become such a bad guy? This is my temperament. Trust me, and I will beat you up if you come again. If you don't trust me, I will turn around and leave now."

Li He heard the quarrel inside from a distance.

"Brother Ding, this is too far-fetched. I can't believe it. Can I invite you? Do we brothers need to talk to foreigners like this?"

Li He recognized that it was Li Aijun's voice.

"Okay, since you trust me, don't worry about it anymore. If those little bastards come again, I will handle it. If you, Li Aijun, dare to pay even a dime, I will pack up and go back to my hometown immediately. I won't be angry here!"

"Okay, I'll do as you say," Li Aijun agreed.

"Xiao Li, you're here," Li Aijun's father saw Li He and immediately came out of the house to greet him.

Li Aijun also immediately came out to greet Li He, "Sorry, I've been very busy and I didn't bother to come and see you."

Li He glanced around and saw the sounds of people coming and going in the several large rooms in the courtyard, as well as the clicking sounds of machines.

"It's okay, I just came to take a look. You actually started a factory without making any noise."

Li Aijun pointed to a tall man with thick eyebrows in the room and said, "This is my comrade who came from Mongolia to help me. He encouraged me to start this factory, otherwise I really wouldn't have the courage."

Then he pointed at Li He and said to the middle-aged man, "This is the Li He I often tell you. Without him, I wouldn't be where I am today."

Li He took a careful look at the middle-aged man. He had a short crew cut, a big head, a dark face, broad shoulders, and was a head taller than Li He.

If I have to talk about characteristics, one of this person's eyes is dull and dull.

Li He smiled and stretched out his hand, "Hello, Li He."

"Hello, my name is Ding Shiping. Don't look at me. My eye is disabled." Ding Shiping was not polite. He teased Li He and laughed, "Many people look at my eye the first time they see me." Eye. I was in the middle of a war, and a cannon blast knocked me out. When I woke up, one of my damn eyes was gone, and I became a one-eyed dragon."

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