My 1979

Chapter 246 Crow turns into Phoenix

Because of the popularity of "Escape from the Tiger's Mouth", a group of children shouted stupidly in the alley, "Hey, Hitler."

When Huang Hao delivered the letter, many children circled behind his bicycle.

"Is your wife pregnant?" Li He asked after receiving the letter.

Huang Hao had a smile on his face, "Hey, no, it's been more than three months.".

"Okay, don't forget to invite a drink during the full moon." Li He has a good sense of this young man and is a down-to-earth person.

"No problem, I will give you a big red egg when the time comes."

After saying that, he rang his bicycle bell and left the alley.

Li He opened Su Ming's letter, which was three pages long. Su Ming's business had just gotten on the right track and he was not in a hurry to come back. In other words, he was used to the relaxed atmosphere there and didn't want to come back. There is also a letter from Yu Dehua. Due to the stimulation of Shekou Shopping Center, Yu Dehua is ambitious to build a shopping mall in Shekou.

Shekou Shopping Center was just opened in 1982 by an ordinary Hong Kong businessman on a deserted beach. Clothing, daily necessities, small household appliances and the like were purchased from Hong Kong.

Moreover, the shopping center took advantage of the country's need for foreign exchange and found a way to purchase goods from the country for a long time. Domestic brand-name household goods were suddenly flowing in, such as electric fans, bicycles, rice cookers, electric kettles, etc., and they were sold without waiting to be unloaded. Grab and sell out.

Moreover, taking advantage of the dual exchange rate of RMB, purchasing goods in RMB and pricing in Hong Kong dollars, the turnover in Hong Kong dollars exceeded 100 million Hong Kong dollars in one year. Yu Dehua was so stimulated that no fool would not do it.

Moreover, he now wants money and status, and he has recruited many talented people, but he can't do anything. He remembers Li He's words, the era of barbaric growth, if you miss it, you will be gone.

Li He didn't reply. He went straight to the public phone when he went out. When he touched his pocket, he found no coins.

"I'll give you some coins if you have any."

He Fang took out a few from his pocket and gave them to him directly, "Come back early for dinner."

The public telephones in the alley have been dismantled a long time ago, and the police are checking everywhere. I had to walk five or six intersections before I found a public telephone hall where I could put coins in directly. And I could only put in one coin at a time. If I put more coins in, the total value couldn't be calculated.

I called several times in a row, but the line was always busy, and there was a beeping sound. I couldn't replay it, and I had to re-enter every time I hung up.

I dialed seven or eight times in a row before I got through to the other side.

He was also a little impatient, as there were already five or six people waiting in line behind him.

"Hey, can you hear me?" Li He yelled at the top of his lungs like a lunatic.

"Hey, you hear me, it's Brother Li. I'm Er Biao. Wait a few minutes and I'll call Brother Ming." A rough voice finally came from the phone.

"No need to shout, it's not convenient for me to call a public phone here. Just listen and take notes." It was not easy for Li He to make a call.

"Then you tell me and I'll remember it."

"You told Yu Dehua that I agreed to build a shopping mall. Yes, yes, I agreed. It will cost more than 1 million Hong Kong dollars to build a shopping mall? It's only 6 floors? You told him, either don't build it or at least build it. It's the 15th floor. Yes, yes, that's what I said. Don't be afraid of spending money." Li He was afraid that the intermittent voice on the phone could not be heard clearly by Er Biao, so he already used his loudest voice.

Li He didn't notice at all, and all around him were the caring eyes of the fool.

"What? You only make 300,000 yuan a month? If you don't do this business, I told your brother Ming not to do it. Don't forget about buying the land. That's it. I have no money on the phone. Then I..." Li He hasn't said anything yet. After that, it becomes a busy signal and the phone balance is exhausted.

I turned around and saw seven or eight people lined up behind me. Everyone looked at me as if I was pretending to be a coward.

"Hey, buddy, what the fuck, you can brag better than me. I've seen braggarts, but I've never seen anyone who can brag like this! I'm convinced!" A middle-aged man with a cigarette in his mouth and a shaved head puffed out smoke. He said to Li He with a playful smile.

Another middle-aged man said, "Brother, if you didn't have two eggs falling on you, you would have been flying. You are eating rat poison as candy every day."

This is how these people talk. There is no malice, they are just teasing.

As a typical example of failed pretense, Li He said with a helpless smile, "No matter how bold a person is, how productive the land is, you can brag if you have the ability."

He turned around and left, passing by a wall corner, he found that the unlucky kid Xiao Wei was blocked by someone.

He was pushed into a corner by a few idiots who cursed and greeted him in the face from time to time.

There was no chance to return the phone, so he had to cover his head from side to side.

Li He sighed. He was really worried. He went up and kicked each of the few kids, and kicked them all to the ground.

These little boys are self-aware. Although Li He is not as tall as them, he is much stronger than them.

Seeing that Li He was emboldened, Xiao Wei pounced on a slow runner and kicked him from behind to relieve his anger.

Li He brought him over and asked slowly, "I asked you to develop the film for me. What are you doing? How did you get away with being tricked like this?"

"The film has been delivered. I'll pick it up in a week." When Xiao Wei spoke, the corners of her mouth were painful and she grinned. "They all have bosses, so they bullied me for not having a backer. They asked me for money to buy cigarettes, but I said I didn't have any. They searched for money from me, and it was your money. If it was taken from me, how would I explain it to you?"

Li He looked at the unlucky child with a bruised nose and swollen face, laughed out loud, and couldn't help but give him a thought, "Okay, come home with me and apply some red lotion."

When they got home, Li He hadn't spoken yet. He Fang couldn't help but laugh when she saw Xiao Wei like this. She gave him red potion and said with a smile while wiping it, "You don't learn well every day at such a young age. No wonder you I’m going to cut you.”

Xiao Wei was anxious, "No, sister, it was someone who provoked me, but I didn't provoke them."

Li He said, "Then why don't I see people messing with me? If you attract flies, don't complain."

Serena didn't dare to go home directly, so she stayed for lunch.

In the afternoon, Lu Bo came over to hand over the account. He was now familiar with it, and Shouhou was too lazy to take care of it anymore, so he simply left everything to him.

After Li He read the account book, he pointed to Xiao Wei and said to Lu Bo, "Take this unfortunate child with you, so that he won't have to run around every day."

Xiao Wei was shocked when he heard this. If he couldn't follow his eldest brother, he could just follow his second brother. He looked at Lu Bo with hopeful eyes.

Lu Bo glanced at Xiao Wei and said with a smile, "Sure.".

Li He said, "If you're not honest, I'll beat you up first."

Lu Bo nodded, agreed, and said to Xiao Wei, "Find me at Xiushui Street tomorrow."

Serena nodded heavily.

After Lu Bo left, Li He said to Xiao Wei, "I've given you a chance, just don't mess around."

Xiao Wei slapped her chest and said, "Brother, don't worry, I won't embarrass you."

He no longer stayed at Li He's place, and started to show off when he went out. In the afternoon, the stubborn masters, bad men, and half-grown children in the alley knew that he had worshiped Lu Bo as the boss.

Serena Williams has the illusion that her worth has risen sharply.

ps: thank you for your support

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