My 1979

Chapter 25 Protection against cold and frost is also a revolutionary task

New Year's Day is here, and the wind is blowing louder in the north.

Li He curled his neck and put his hands in his sleeves. His feet were almost numb from stamping on them, and he didn't dare to sleep on the desk anymore. It was so cold.

His heart was broken. If he hadn't experienced warm heating and warm air conditioning, he would have endured it. Isn't that how everyone came here?

But the key point is that his memories are all of mild winters, so ignorance is indeed a blessing.

There are two blackboards in a classroom, the front one is used for classes and the back one is used for blackboard reports.

There is no sign "Study hard and make progress every day" above the blackboard at the back. It is like wearing a T-shirt. The difference between the front and back is the pattern on the front. Knowing the front and back will prevent you from wearing it backwards. The classroom is as simple as sitting upright and backwards. You can sit down or sit down.

There is no heating in the classroom. This season, everyone’s face is always red from the cold. The female classmate brought an intravenous drip bottle filled with hot water. It was cold before noon, so it was not surprising that her face and limbs were turned red and purple from the cold.

In this case, the students had no choice but to use loud reading sounds to drive away the cold.

Morning reading time is usually "english". To understand the hegemony of US imperialism, you must learn English well. To keep up with the development of world science and technology, you must learn English well.

As long as a classmate reads loudly, there will be many tweeters immediately, making it difficult to tell whether he is reading or singing.

After class, the students were in the corridor behind the classroom, jumping rubber bands, kicking shuttlecocks, stamping their feet...

By the time the next class started, the classroom was already filled with smoke.

The exercise of stamping feet to keep away the cold and keep warm happens in more than one school, it is basically the same in all schools.

With conscious attention, Li He read the school newspaper every day, carefully watching the changes in this era every moment and every second of every day. The dispute between China and Vietnam continues, and there are 700,000 small businessmen and hawkers. , small handicraftsmen restored their status as workers, implemented negotiation for purchases and sales, and Comrade Xiaoping called for the Four Modernizations.

1980 New Year's Day editorial: Welcome to the era of great achievements.

Li He finally smelled the fresh, happy and comfortable smell in the air.

Although the streets are still cold and many people have never "dreamed" about China's future, for many Chinese people, they are so urgent to stand tall again among the nations of the world.

Anyone who has played in Victoria knows that as soon as China is civilized, it will punch the United States, Japan and Russia, and kick Britain, France and Germany.

Anyone who has played Hearts of Iron knows that no matter which party wants to unify China, not only can it defeat the Soviet Union and Germany, but it can at least defeat Britain, France and Japan.

No wonder the Chinese people always think that Lao Tzu is the best in the world. It is so strange not to have this kind of thinking.

As long as the Chinese develop, they will be number one in the world. This seems to be the consensus of many people.

On the New Year's Day party, the school hung up banners early such as Happy New Year, Entering a New Era, and Strive to Realize the Four Modernizations. Two physics major classes held a New Year's Day party together.

I bought a lot of melon seeds and candies with the class fee, and happily, some dormitories sang the Yellow River Cantata, some started dancing, and some sang Katyusha.

Until Zhao Yongqi, an old boring man from northern Shaanxi, sang "Horse Racing on the Mountain". This song pushed the atmosphere to a climax. After everyone sang together, the old-fashioned loudspeaker was almost shaken to pieces.

Li He couldn't help but sigh that every otaku has a sultry heart to pick up girls.

Maybe to keep out the cold, maybe because it was too bland, some people bought a Shao Dao and drank directly from the bottle.

In the mood for drinking, Li He and Chen Shuo happily ran out to the school store and bought 15 bottles of Beidahuang 60°, 5 bottles of hawthorn wine suitable for girls, and two kilograms of peanuts.

Chen Shuo said, "I'm sorry to let you spend the money alone. It's more than 50 yuan."

Li He, with his face flushed with excitement, waved his hands and said, "It's okay, just be happy."

Li He and Chen Shuo ran into the classroom excitedly holding the wine tied together with straw ropes and shouted, "If you want to drink, quickly find a bowl or an enamel vat. If you are quick, you will have it, but if you are slow, you will not."

Oh wow, a group of people shouted happily again. Each dormitory drew lots, palms and backs of hands, and quickly selected a representative, and rushed back to the dormitory to get bowls and enamel jars.

He Fang pulled Li He aside and said angrily, "Why are you coming out to join in the fun again? It's already a mess."

Li He smiled and said, "As long as everyone is happy, it's been a long time since I've been this happy."

He Fang said angrily, "How much will it cost? I'll reimburse you from class fees. I can't let you spend this unjust money."

Li He shook his head and said, "Serving the people and talking about money is so tacky."

After saying that, he ran back to the table and poured himself half a porcelain jar of wine. Regardless of whether he was familiar with the wine or not, he clinked his glasses when he picked them up, and there was a crisp sound of clinking glasses in the classroom.

With drunken footsteps, everyone scrambled for the old-fashioned loudspeaker, roaring, singing, and shouting, echoing in the classroom.

Li He also walked to the stage in a daze and sang Fengyang Song in a flowing voice:

Left hand gong and right hand drum

Singing with gongs and drums in hand

I can’t sing other songs either

Shan can sing a Fengyang song.

My life is miserable

I can't find a good wife in my life

My wife is embroidering flowers again and again

As soon as my wife went to the Dahua Bridge

Measuring more than one foot. Oops. Oops.

By the time Li He finished singing, everyone was laughing like crazy and shouted, "Where did this little hooligan come from? Get him out quickly."

Li He may not even realize it, but it feels so good to be able to jump, dance and sing. His mentality is slowly changing. Maybe it's because of his physical vitality, but his mentality is getting younger and he can joke.

On the cold winter night afterwards, a group of young people were not restrained at all. Perhaps after long-term pressure, they could be happier at this moment. The good party has all gone haywire, and the original program can no longer be performed normally, but who cares?

Just be happy.

After drinking until about 9 o'clock, the snow was still falling heavily outside, and the sky was covered with white. It seemed to be even colder, and the drunken man had already run away.

Li He dragged his drunken head to find the toilet. He slipped and fell until he couldn't stand up after taking two steps. He pulled his dog-skin hat off his head angrily, threw it far away, and smashed his fist into the snow. , "Damn it, you damn god is here to bully me!"

With his body stuck deep in the snow, Li He looked at the dark sky in a daze and smiled bitterly. Maybe he had drunk too much.

Suddenly I felt someone coming over. I bent down and picked up the hat on the ground with a flashlight, patted the snow, and slammed it on Li He's head.

"Chad, big brother, if you can't think of it, you don't have to choose this method. If you wait a little longer, your body will freeze and even the gods can't save you."

Li He knows He Fang just by his voice.

"It's okay, it's so dark that I can't see. I lost my footing while walking." Li He propped himself up with his hands, and He Fang went over to help him pat the snow on his body, and waved the flashlight on Li He's face a few times.

"Hey, it turns out to be you, you idiot. You didn't walk on the road with street lights. Why are you trying to get here? If I hadn't swung my flashlight over here just now and looked at someone, I might give it to you tomorrow. There is a memorial service." He Fang said happily.

Li He said, "You can pull me down. You didn't come to bury me. I just didn't pay attention. Are all the people in the classroom gone?"

He Fang was hit by the cold wind and shrunk her neck, "We're done, we can clean up faster if there are more of us. Come on, I'll see you off, you're shaking your head, it's too difficult to go back by yourself."

Li He didn't put it off. The boys' dormitory and the girls' dormitory were not far apart, so he said, "Thanks, let's go together."

Suddenly I felt more and more awake. Looking at He Fang shivering in the cold wind, and then thinking about the whole class looking like this, I couldn't help but feel sad. A new cotton-padded jacket was a luxury.

Including many people's cotton shoes, if they get wet, their feet will become numb from the cold.

Most of them come from rural areas. They will find ways to send the subsidies given by the school every month to their hometowns to save money. If they can spend a few yuan a month, it is good. Li He didn't live like this in his previous life. .

Take Zhao Yongqi in the dormitory, for example. He still has a wife and children in his hometown, and he basically makes it through every month. He only has 2 yuan left with him to buy school supplies, and the rest is sent back to his hometown.

There are only two steamed buns for each meal, a bowl of free soup, and a dish that costs 2 cents. According to him, if he can eat enough every day, he will be much better than before.

Li He vaguely felt that he should do something.

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