My 1979

Chapter 259 New Year of 1985

After Li He had breakfast, he began to write Spring Festival couplets, and Fu Xia helped cut the paper.

After each piece was written, Li He would look at it proudly, and then let Fu Xia take it to the side to dry.

Watch it repeatedly, change the angle of view, squint, open your eyes, look closer, and look further away. Damn it, how can it be so beautiful?

He feels that his calligraphy has improved and writing becomes more and more enjoyable.

Old man Yu had nothing to do and strolled in with his grandson in his hand. His grandson was wrapped like a rice dumpling, with his head hanging down and his neck shrinking. He was obviously unwilling to be led around like a puppy. .

Old Man Yu just wanted to satisfy his bad taste of teasing his grandson.

Fu Xia felt proud when she saw old man Yu looking at Li He's calligraphy, and said eloquently, "Uncle Yu, my brother's calligraphy is pretty good, he looks very beautiful."

Li He also stopped writing, raised his eyebrows, and looked at the old man Yu with expectant eyes. His meaning was very obvious, and he quickly came to praise and praise.

Old Man Yu is an upright person and never tells lies. He said directly, "The structure of the characters is right. They pretend to be elegant, but there are no bones and bones, and there are no peaks in the strokes. The characters look very thin, and some strokes are also very thin." It is empty, has no sense of weight, and makes people feel very weak, as if they are about to faint as they write. The old saying is true, the words are like the person."

After hearing this, Li He felt his face hurt and burned, and he cursed in his heart, I didn't throw your grandson into the well, but you buried him like this.

Fu Xia was indeed a good girl and directly supported Li He, saying, "I think it's just good-looking."

Old Man Li continued to point at the Spring Festival couplets and said to Li He, "You should be writing according to your own temperament. If you haven't learned it systematically, just take a brush and write it and call it calligraphy. I studied official script since I was in elementary school, and then I studied Ouyang Xun for a while. I haven’t picked up a pen for ten years now, but when it comes to writing, it should be better than this.”

Li He was dissatisfied. Although he admitted in his heart that what the old man said was right, no one had ever said that his handwriting was ugly. Suddenly someone came to attack him. He must have resisted, so he asked, "Then you can correct me." Down?".

Seeing that Li He did not believe in evil, Old Man Yu pointed directly at the word '五' and said, "Your writing style is stiff. Let me tell you the simplest word. You wrote the word '五' in a straight style, but the writing style is very thick. The middle stroke of the hook should be connected with a hairspring, but you just brought it over directly, which makes the "five" character very fat. There must be a basic frame and there must be echoes between the strokes of the strokes. You can't call it a draw. You The shortcoming of calligraphy is that I like to "draw", one stroke is one stroke, clean and neat. The first lesson of calligraphy usually talks about this. The more advanced one is to pay attention to the hook as curved as gold, the strike as like a crossbow, and the vertical and horizontal images. , You are high-spirited and ambitious. Where is your talent?"

Old man Yu said it very excitedly, without any concern about Li He's expression.

Li He's faith was shattered by what Old Man Yu said. He felt that the sky was dark and the earth was dark. The words he had been proud of for many years were actually criticized as worthless, and he must feel uncomfortable. However, he was originally a wild man and no one had ever given him guidance. When he met an expert like Old Man Yu, of course he still humbly asked for advice and asked, "How do you practice? You can teach me."

Old Man Yu said, "Let's start with horizontal strokes and vertical strokes. On average, it takes three years to practice one character a day, and a thousand commonly used characters. Three years for regular script and three years for cursive writing, a total of six years, not counting seal script." It is a copy of the Wei stele. It will take another three or four years to copy the Duobao Pagoda stele, which will give you ten years, and I will barely be able to get started by then."

After saying this, he seemed to be victorious and walked away with his head held high.

Seeing that Li He was listless, Fu Xia had to ask cautiously, "Are you still writing?"

Li He waved his hands irritably, "It's nonsense to write. It's embarrassing to post it. Give it to Old Man Yu and let him write it."

Fu Xia stopped asking for trouble and packed up her pen, ink, paper and inkstone and gave them to Old Man Yu.

Li He looked at the rows of couplets written on the ground, and became more and more angry. He went over to hug them, twisted them into balls, and threw them into the stove.

It seemed that Yu Dehua was particularly happy to see Li He being beaten. When he walked in and saw Li He looking very angry, he humbly patted Li He on the shoulder and said, "Why are young people so frustrated? There are specialties in the arts, right?"

"piss off".

Yu Dehua was not angry at all. He came and left happily.

When Fu Xia came back with the rolled couplets in her arms, Li He couldn't wait to open them. He saw that each character shape was connected with meaning, the charm was vivid, and the wind was unrestrained. Li He admitted that he would never be able to write it.

Li He didn't even bother to eat lunch. Fu Xia comforted her, "Brother, don't be discouraged. How old are you? He has been writing for fifty or sixty years. It's normal for you to compare with him. We will definitely write better than him in the future." good".

Li He rolled his eyes at Fu Xia. He had been practicing for almost sixty years in two lifetimes. How could the gap between people be so big?

If a standard is set for life, it is called a gap; if not, it is called diversity. Day after day hard work or laziness gives the possibility of choice.

When Xiaowei came over in the afternoon, Li He ignored him and kicked him away. Then he locked the door and refused to open the door until no one came.

He took a copybook and started practicing again from horizontal strokes and vertical strokes.

On New Year's Eve, when the northwest wind blew, it was very cold and dry. The ice hanging on the eaves was a foot or two long. The ice in the pool in the front yard was a few centimeters thicker than usual. Fu Xia bravely stepped on it without even shaking.

The chickens and ducks raised by He Fang in the yard were so cold that they shrank their necks and had no energy at all. They stayed in cages under the eaves of the wall.

Li He broke all the ice cubes in the feeding basin, poured them out, washed them, added some hot water and some food, and the cage became lively.

Several dogs disliked the cold in the woodshed, so they had to lie under the table in the main room, unable to be driven out. It was so comfortable to have the heater, and the dogs weren't stupid either.

There must also be hot soup in the rice bowl, otherwise they won't even look at the rice bowl.

Fu Xia glanced at the dogs lying crookedly on the ground, then at the lazy Li He, and sighed in her heart.

Li He didn't want to leave the house. The smell of cinders from the stove burning next door floated into the yard. In order to keep warm, many families built foreign stoves from the 1950s and 1960s. A coal-fired stove must be at least 80 or 90 years old. The chimney is still burning low-quality coal from Xishan. The smoke floats high and the smell is strong.

There are also people who burn floor stoves, floor stoves, and stoves, and think of ways to keep warm. There are still a few people like Li He who turn on the heating.

Gas poisoning also happens from time to time, and the neighborhood committee often sends people to check. The front door of Li He's house is photographed two or three times a week.

Before nightfall, firecrackers started to go off everywhere, and the echo was very loud in the alley.

Li He set off firecrackers at the door, and then the door of Yu Dehua's house also started to crackle.

After lighting the incense and lighting the candles, Fu Xia had already served the dishes, including chicken, duck, fish and five or six dishes.

Li He and Fu Xia shared a glass of white wine each, "It's better to drink some wine to feel comfortable."

Fu Xia handed Li He a red paper bag and said, "Here, take it, good luck every year."

Li He said, "What?".

"Red envelope".

Li He, ".".

He seemed to have forgotten that Fu Xia was also older than him.

ps: laugh evilly.

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