My 1979

Chapter 262 Treat

Yu Dehua left with his wife and children after the old man Yu was on the 7th day. Normally, the old lady Yu should follow him, after all, he would be alone here, but the old lady Yu insisted not to leave until the old man was on the 5th day of the 7th day.

Every time when we make seven, we start to make seven in the early morning, and we don't make offerings until noon. Generally, the offerings will be more grand during the first seven and five sevenths.

At the end of Huangquan Road, we went up to Wangxiang Terrace. It was already May 7th, which is thirty-five days.

According to what Mrs. Yu said, Mr. Yu would take another look at his relatives at home at the end of May 7th, and then go to Naihe Bridge to drink Mengpo soup. After drinking Mengpo soup while crossing the bridge, he would forget everything about his life and start to relive his life. Reincarnation depends on whether you become an immortal, reincarnate as a human being, or reincarnate as a bird or beast.

Mrs. Yu also said that if she goes to Hong Kong, the old man will be in trouble if he can't find anyone when he comes back. If the paper money tribute is not enough, he will definitely not get a good pregnancy when he is reincarnated.

In the past, Li He would have scorned these statements, but after experiencing rebirth, he was a little in awe of these magical things. He was so lazy that he could actually clean the Bodhisattva statue at home. He only hoped that he would not use up his luck in several lives in this life, and it would be his turn to be reincarnated in the next life.

Li He squatted down and asked Dahuang on the ground: "Do you think I will have good luck in my next life?".

Dahuang wagged his tail, thought about it and said, "Wang! Woof."

Li He was so happy that he stroked the dog's head hard and said, "I didn't raise you in vain. I'll reward you with a big bone stick at noon."

Fu Xia left on the tenth day of the lunar month and went to Xianghe to continue his furniture business.

Li He took advantage of the sun to take out the quilt and dry it all over, and then lay down at the door to bask in the sun.

Xiao Wei came over and excitedly described Er Biao's bravery and martial arts to Li He, how many people he had beaten before and after, who he slapped and whose head he smashed. He spoke clearly and clearly, and there was indescribable admiration in his eyes.

Li He frowned and said to Xiao Wei, "Tell him to let him have nothing to do and stop causing trouble. If it's nothing, tell him to go back to the south."

Xiao Wei was troubled after hearing this, but she didn't dare to repeat it to Er Biao, otherwise she would think that he was the instigator, and he would not be able to reconcile the two sides.

"Brother, I heard Brother Ming say that they are leaving soon."

Li He got angry when Xiao Wei was like this and said, "You should go back too. Help your mother with the work when you go home and stop wandering around less."

He was still worried about the child.

Serena Wei said aggrievedly, "I've grown up too, okay, don't treat me like a child every day."

"Then what do you think now?".

"People's ideas will change. I used to want to get rich by cheating my father, but now I just want to get rid of poverty."

Li He was immediately amused, "Okay, let's go have fun and stop talking nonsense."

Huang Hao sent Zhang Wanting's letter, which made Li He happy all day long. It was just some daily trivial matters, nothing new, but Li He just wanted peace of mind, as long as she was safe.

Within a few days, He Fang came back with large and small bags, and Li He finally lived a happy life with three normal meals.

At the beginning of the school year, the craze for learning from Zhang Haidi had not subsided, and the school still hung a banner reading "Learn from Comrade Zhang Haidi."

However, students are not very enthusiastic about this kind of enthusiasm. Few people participate in study seminars organized by schools or classes. Perhaps due to the catastrophe of history, many people have a rebellious mentality towards political tasks. As long as it is what you advocate above, what is below People must be doing the opposite.

There is even a disdain for teachers who do ideological and political education. The teachers themselves are reluctant to tell others that they are engaged in ideological and political work.

So Li Ke, who had just been promoted to secretary of the Youth League Committee, expressed a headache and complained to Li He, "I can't do this job anymore."

Li He joked, "As long as your thinking does not slip, there are always more solutions than difficulties."

Li He didn't withdraw either. In this situation, no one can cheat and go against the trend. It's just a matter of getting through it anyway.

Li Ke said angrily, "Stop talking sarcastically."

Guo Dong and Qi Gongxun came over to invite Li He to dinner. Li He looked at the smiling faces of the two people and knew what was going on.

Li He had seen the news about arms exports in the newspapers. The arms export worth 20 million U.S. dollars was simply explosive news. The newspapers reported it for several days. At this time, the country's annual foreign exchange income was only 20 million U.S. dollars. That’s a lot.

Li He just pretended not to know anything. When it was over, he brushed off his clothes and hid his identity and reputation.

"Teacher Li, we would like to toast you with this glass of wine. Thank you for your selfless help for so long." Guo Dong stood up and raised the cup. As for what he helped, he couldn't say clearly. Thanks to Li He's help, the unit won the first-class collective merit at the beginning of the year, and they also took advantage of it and won the second-class individual merit. It was only a matter of time before they were promoted.

Li He smiled and said, "This is my professional job. It's no big deal to help each other in the future."

Yes, they will help each other in the future. According to Li He's understanding of the original unit, there is never a rule of using people for nothing. Although he was not given any explicit rewards and benefits, at least his name has been included in the list of special contributors, which is equal to him. Now I have a golden bell and an iron shirt on my head.

Of course, these speculations were also based on Li He's trust in the character of Guo Dong and Qi Gongxun, both of whom he had dealt with for half his life.

The more Li He thought about it, the more he felt a little proud.

Alas, that's all he's got.

Qi Gongxun asked tentatively, "Teacher Li, have you ever thought about doing some professional research, such as in the field of military industry? You also know that we occasionally have contact with relevant units. If you are interested, we can help you recommend it. ".

Li He shook his head without hesitation, "Thank you. You also know that I have some theoretical advantages. I am not a research scholar, so I may not be able to help much."

Guo Dong and Guo Dong looked at each other and could only shake their heads and smile bitterly.

Li He is getting more and more comfortable in class now. Both physics and brief history of science are sophomore courses. He only needs to take out last year's lesson plan and follow it in class. He does not need to take a class like last year. Prepare a lesson plan for a lesson.

"Since Thomas Young, people generally accepted the concept that the nature of light is a wave, until Einstein proposed the wave-particle duality of light and successfully explained the photoelectric effect with the particle nature of light."

"There is a doctor with a very big imagination. He thinks that people's understanding of light has always been biased towards waves. Could it be that the understanding of physical particles is exactly the opposite? He wrote a doctoral thesis and proposed the concept of "matter waves" , Einstein even wrote the word "faith" for him, what is this person's name?"

The classmate below answered loudly, "De Broglie".

"Yes, his name is de Broglie, the only person to win the Nobel Prize in Physics with his graduation thesis."

Li He unknowingly introduced some later Internet-oriented languages ​​​​into class. Many students found it very fun and gradually started to learn it. The word "imaginative" sounds so appropriate.

After Li He finished class, Chen Yun said to him, "I want to tell you something. I'll treat you to dinner tonight."

The sun came out from the west, and Li He asked with a smile, "It's out of season, what kind of meal do you want me to have?".

Chen Yun said, "Don't talk nonsense. It's six o'clock in the evening, Deshun Hotel. Don't forget it."

After saying that, I went to class with my textbook under my arm.

Li He was a little puzzled, but he didn't think too much about it. It was a good thing to be invited to dinner.

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