My 1979

Chapter 274 Promotion

Professor Wu snorted coldly and said, "It's such a big thing to evaluate professional titles, but you are just like a normal person. I just want to see how long you can last if I don't call you."

No matter from any angle, Li He is now considered to be on the same side as Professor Wu. God knows how many thunders Professor Wu has blocked for him, so the two of them have no worries about talking now, "I am only a second-year lecturer. It doesn’t meet the conditions, even if I have the will, I can’t do it.”

I felt wronged, but he was following the policy. For normal professional title evaluation, a lecturer must have been at least five years old, so he was the one who judged the professional title. To be honest, he was lucky. After graduation, he just went through the motions from teaching assistant to lecturer, unlike other teachers who still stayed in the position of teaching assistant.

On the other hand, in his view, a professor has no position without a supervisor, that is, he is a senior technician.

"Okay, stop inking, fill out this form quickly, and then apply for a professional title," Professor Wu said angrily.

"This is the second host, and my ability is really limited." Li He felt a little guilty when he said this.

The first host of the textbook compilation is naturally Professor Wu. Needless to say, when Li He is placed as the second host, Li He is a little uneasy and unconvinced. Regardless of his qualifications and academic qualifications, he is far behind. .

He is not so thick-skinned yet, even if he has a relationship with someone and opens a back door, he still has to be restrained.

"You don't understand the meaning? This is a national textbook," Professor Wu asked.

Of course Li He understood the significance of this. This is a physics textbook. It has been compiled as a general textbook in colleges and universities across the country. It will be used by at least one generation, and it will naturally go down in history.

Moreover, the members of the compilation committee are all deans, directors, and professors of physics from universities across the country. He can also weigh the relevant resources in it.

The most important thing is that it has a stronger practical significance. This is not only a simple university work task, but also a political task.

Professor Wu said, "Okay, that's it. You are mainly responsible for drafting. Do you think you can't write it?"

Li He still felt reluctant, because "the name is not justified and the words are not right."

"You are a little self-aware," Professor Wu smiled and handed him a document, "From now on you will be my assistant researcher. You can just go to the human resources department to go through the formalities later. This is enough, right?" .

Li He breathed a sigh of relief, this old man really knows how to play with people.

If he had foolishly agreed from the beginning, the old man would have turned on the taunting mode.

"After finishing the compilation, it seems that I am still not qualified to apply for a professional title?" Li He couldn't help but ask.

"The soul of Marxism-Leninism is the concrete analysis of specific problems. How can we let it be trapped by rules and regulations? Isn't this burying talents? Okay, hurry up and go to personnel." Professor Wu was driving Li He away in disguise.

His words made it very clear. The rules for professional title evaluation are set by people. Regulations are dead and people are living. This is equivalent to giving Li He a guarantee. If I say there is no problem, there will be no problem.

Li He went to the human resources department to go through the formalities, and then began to work on drafting.

He was busy every day. Manuscripts came from members of the editorial committees of colleges and universities across the country. In order to save time, he also asked a few students to help run the mailroom every day.

Each committee member is responsible for writing chapters in a different order, with different levels of committee members, different styles, and different languages, and there is no connection between them. It is simply a mess.

Li He had no choice but to write an outline and rewrite it word for word, at least to maintain the unity of style.

He was thankful that he was reborn, otherwise this drafting work would really be a torturous job. He relied on his familiarity with the textbooks of later generations to do it fairly smoothly.

Even so, it was not easy for him. Without a computer, he wrote all by hand, revising the manuscript four times before finally printing it out with a typewriter.

He also took it upon himself to add important and difficult teaching points and after-class chapter exercises to each chapter. This initiative was also recognized by Professor Wu.

When the summer vacation was about to begin, Professor Wu said it was OK. The textbook was now completed, and Li He felt weak with relief.

All that's left is for review by the editorial board, and he won't be able to participate.

He just wanted to have a good sleep and sleep until dawn.

When Zha Haisheng came to see him, he slammed the dormitory door and said, "Go and play with Li Ke. I want to sleep."

Being disturbed by Zha Haisheng like this, I went back to bed and seemed to be unable to fall asleep again.

During the school's final exam, Professor Wu knew that Li He was working hard and did not let him participate in the invigilation and grading work, so Li He took an early vacation.

After packing up and going home, the house was still deserted, with only the chickens and ducks in the cage making noise.

He took a look and saw that the water in the sink in the cage was still clear. It seemed that someone had just changed it, maybe Xiao Wei or Feng Sui Liu.

It had been a long time since he came back, and the quilt had a musty smell, so he had to take it out to dry it.

I took out the dirty clothes again, not knowing what to do and didn't want to move at all. Usually at school, he would only wash himself when he was happy.

The laziness and clumsiness fostered by the law of use or lose were cultivated by Zhang Wanting in her previous life. Who allowed her to marry a good wife who was the leader inside and outside.

No matter how rough and uncomfortable it is outside, he will always be cared for and cared for by Zhang Wanting when he comes home. He doesn't know how to do any housework.

In this life, when he was first reborn, he seemed to be quite diligent, cooking eels and repairing home appliances.

Why are you lazy again?

It seems that He Fang has developed in him the problem of opening his mouth when he reaches for clothes and food. Now that he was thinking of He Fang, he had only met He Fang once this year, so He Fang would probably be back from vacation soon.

He wanted to make a cup of tea, but there was no hot water. He knew how to boil water, so he lazily went to the kitchen to light the stove and boil a pot of water.

After drinking a lot of tea, he felt hungry and was thinking about what to eat for lunch.

He really didn't know what kind of life he was living like this.

Feng Sui Liu came in sneakily, "Brother, you're back."

Li He has been busy recently and has neglected the child. He originally wanted to arrange something for him.

"What have you been doing lately?".

"It's okay, I just hang out every day." Feng Sui Liu also sat directly on the steps like Li He.

"Did you change the water in the sink?" Li He asked, pointing to the cage in the yard.

"Well, it didn't take long. I just locked the door and didn't expect you to come back."

"Do you have a dream?" Li He asked.

Sui Liu scratched his head, "I just want to make a lot of money so that my mother and grandma can live a good life, and my mother doesn't have to work so hard."

He is a single-parent family, with a grandmother, a mother, and a younger sister. His father passed away early.

His mother was married in the countryside, so naturally she didn't want to go back to the countryside. She took over her husband's work, raised two children, and took over the task of supporting the elderly.

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