My 1979

Chapter 276 Chang Jing

Feng Sui sneaked back home and sat quietly on the steps looking at the stove.

The steam rattled the lid of the samovar, but he didn't move at all.

Chang Jing came over and gave him an angry answer, "What are you thinking about? The water is already boiling and I don't know how to rinse it."

Sui Liu hurriedly stood up, took the kettle, and poured the water from the samovar in. Without paying much attention, the kettle overflowed and hot water splashed everywhere.

Chang Jing was startled and quickly took the samovar into her hand, "You really want to die, you are so distracted."

During lunch, Sui Liu picked up the rice grains with chopsticks without adding any vegetables.

No matter how stupid Chang Jing is, she can still tell that her son is worried.

She usually came back from work so tired that she felt sore all over. She rarely cared about her children, but she couldn't ignore them. After dinner, she asked Sui Liu who was sitting on the doorstep, "Boss, what's wrong with you? Tell your mother?".

"It's okay, Mom, don't think too much."

"Chixi, tell me what's going on? There must be something going on. Don't hide it. I don't know what's wrong with you like this."

Sui Liu opened his mouth, not knowing what to say. He longed to go out and have a try, but thinking about the situation at home, he hesitated, "Mom, I want to go out and have a chance. Do you think it's okay?"

Chang Jing was stunned. She didn't expect her son to have such an idea. But then she thought about it. Her son was almost sixteen years old, so it was right to think so. "You want to follow others and go to the south? I can't agree with this. You are a half-year-old child, so go out." What can I do? Your stammer is indispensable at home, so let’s not go out and suffer.”

"It's not going to the south, it's going to Xianghe."

Chang Jing smiled, "Going to Xianghe? Why are you going to that poor place? Don't you remember? Your grandma's house is right there."

She was married to Xianghe, how could she not know that? Her memory was still stuck in the days when she had one meal but no one, and she didn't even want to think about it too much. She often gritted her teeth to support her parents in her hometown, always thinking of ways to save a few dollars every month.

Even though she herself was living in this situation, a family of four squeezed into a small room of more than ten square meters, with two bunk beds and a table. There was no place to stand down, and the fire and cooking were all in the corridor. But she still thinks it is better than the countryside.

"Brother Li and He said that we could arrange to go to Xianghe to make furniture with Sister Fu Xia," Sui Liu said in a hurry. "He also said that if I become familiar with the work, he would let me work alone in the future."

"Are you talking about the university teacher next door to our house?".


"You are very familiar with him now. How can he help you like this?" Chang Jing usually saw Li He sitting on the doorstep in a daze. She had a pretty good impression of Li He and didn't have any airs. She also met the neighbors. He was polite, unlike other people who held public jobs and walked with their heads held high.

Besides, she also knew Fu Xia, and had known her before Li He moved here. Gao Jianping's house was only a few steps away from here. After Gao Jianping kicked Fu Xia, she had no place to stay. So she went to Li's house and worked as a nanny. Later, I heard that I worked as a waiter in a hotel, and finally saved some money and went out to be self-employed. Everyone said that I became rich, and I occasionally saw her wearing really luxurious clothes.

But she couldn't understand why the nanny was involved with Li He now that she was gone, and how she could arrange for the boss to work there.

Sui Liu took out a wad of money from his trouser pocket and handed it to Chang Jing. He lowered his head and said, "He gave me this money."

Chang Jing was shocked when she took the money and counted it carefully. It was more than two hundred yuan. She asked anxiously with a tiger face, "Honestly, what have you done? How could he give you so much?" money?".

She even got up to find a feather duster.

Sui Liu hurriedly grabbed her mother and said, dumbfounded, "I just helped her run a few errands. He often goes to school and has no time to go out. I have been running errands for him."

After saying these words, he felt a little better. He had never been able to find a suitable excuse to give the money to his mother, otherwise her mother would have thought that he had done some dirty business outside.

However, he could not even say anything about helping Li He to keep tabs on him, and he also brought down a dignified department-level cadre.

Chang Jing still didn't believe it, "Why are you running an errand? I can give you two hundred yuan, so don't try to trick me."

"Why did I deceive you? I really ran errands for him. I came back at night a few nights ago. Do you remember? You still wanted me to beat you." Seeing my mother, she still looked suspicious, a little bit When he got anxious, he shouted aggrievedly, "If you don't believe me, ask Brother Li He!".

After shouting this, he regretted it. I really can't go to Li He.

His voice alarmed the old lady who had been silent in the room, "My baby is a good boy, don't accuse him unfairly. If anything happens, just ask him."

The eldest grandson is the one he cares about, and it's strange that the old lady doesn't protect him.

Chang Jing seemed to be biting her hands with the two hundred yuan. She only earned 200 yuan after working hard as a unit cleaner for a year!

Feeling uneasy after all, I combed my hair casually and decided to go to Li's house to ask.

Seeing that my mother was really going, Sui Liu was anxious and wanted to follow her, but she was grabbed by the old lady. It would not be good for the two of them to fight each other again.

He was being pulled by the old lady so he didn't dare to exert any force. It was not good to bump the old lady. He was so anxious that his heart was burning and his throat was dry.

Chang Jing went straight to Li's house. The door was open. When she entered the courtyard, she found Li He squatting at the door cooking noodles on the stove.

Chang Jing looked funny and coughed on purpose, "Teacher Li, you are at home."

Li He looked up and saw Chang Jing. He stood up and put the spoon on the edge of the pot. "Sister Chang, come in and sit down."

He actually wanted to ask how a woman could take care of herself so well and still have to deal with garbage and dust all day long.

The skin is smooth, the face is clean and delicate, the figure is slim, the belly is flat, and the places that should be erect are also very erect. Such a mature woman has great taste, beautiful flowers, and a charming lady.

Chang Jing stepped forward, picked up the spoon on the pot, and stirred it a few times, "Do you have chopsticks? You're all confused."

Li He hurriedly handed over the chopsticks and said, "The stove is turned on a little too high. I'll close the stove door."

Chang Jing found it funny, "When you cook noodles, you need to keep the fire high. After the water boils for the first time, after adding the noodles, you need to boil it twice, and then add cold water twice to prevent the noodles from sticking. You can see that there is no Add cold water."

She seemed to have forgotten about serious matters, and instead talked about her kitchen experience.

Li He said, "To save trouble, I didn't pour cold water."

"That won't work. It will stick together easily and it won't taste very good." Chang Jing helped to take the noodles out of the pot, then she remembered to get serious and took out the 200 yuan and said with a smile. , "I'm here to pay you back. That naughty kid in my family is ignorant, how could he take so much money from you?"

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