My 1979

Chapter 291 Guidance

Li He poured tea for the two people and asked, "It's so late, what's wrong?".

"I can't get a meal even if I come during the day." Li Aijun also has deep resentment towards Li He's cooking skills. "I'm still the same no matter what time I come."

"That's right." Li He could only apologize. It was a problem for him to eat alone.

Li Aijun said, "My little sister is in her senior year of high school this year and will take the college entrance examination next year. We don't understand anything, so let's ask you. You must know more than us."

Li He didn't expect that this little girl was already in her third year of high school. When they first met her, she was still a little girl with braided braids. The time was gone without even realizing it.

Nowadays, high schools are all three-year, which is much more difficult than Li He’s previous two-year system. However, the admission rate of universities has increased a lot. The admission rate of Li He’s class was less than 7%, but this year it is 30%. admission rates, and new universities and disciplines are being reorganized across the country.

The increase in the admission rate does not mean that it has become easier to get into college. It is still very difficult. From a national perspective, if a county can get 20 students admitted to college or above, it is considered a super star. After all, the country has The total number of admissions is less than 500,000.

To put it more generally, getting a bachelor's degree is equivalent to entering a 985 key university, and getting a junior college degree is equivalent to entering a 211 university.

To be more detailed, from elementary school to junior high school, from junior high school to high school, students are eliminated at one level, and the competition is fierce.

"The results should be good."

Li Xiaomei cannot boast, "My grades are just average, and every test is okay."

"She has been out of school for a long time because of her poor grades. At worst, I am raising her, so how can I expect her to go to college. Her grades are either first or second in the class, and she is also among the top five in the school." For such a shy person, Li Aijun, He praises his girl for sparing no effort and has no sense of shame. She is even a little proud.

From a small street vendor who repaired shoes to a million-dollar household today, his life to this point is already legendary. He has proved through practice that life will not be miserable for a lifetime, but it will always be miserable for a while. He has the right to be proud, but he has never been proud. Now that a college student is coming to his family, he is extremely proud.

Li Xiaomei couldn't stand the self-satisfaction she felt, "My grades are much better than mine. I just got lucky in exams."

Li Aijun said unhappily, "Luck is also strength. Why didn't others rely on luck to get first or second place? Hurry up and show your test paper to Brother Li, and give you some advice. A few words can give you three years of study."

Li He took the thick paper from Li Xiaomei's hand. The paper was very clean and fresh, with every stroke without any trace of scrawling. Regardless of the academic performance, it at least reflected a serious attitude towards learning.

Li He directly picked out the English and Chinese papers, "The scores in other subjects are okay, but the main one is mathematics."

"Yes, yes, she is just not good at math, otherwise she would have been number one in the school long ago," Li Aijun said hurriedly.

Li Xiaomei's face turned red and she stamped her feet anxiously, "Brother."

She's not that thick-skinned.

Li He asked Li Xiaomei, "How long does it take you to complete a math paper?".

Li Xiaomei thought for a while and said, "About two hours, the time for each exam is just right."

Li He said, "I can't analyze each specific question for you. You still have to learn by yourself. Let me give you a suggestion. When doing test papers in the future, you must practice until you can finish one paper in one hour. So the rest is The next hour can be used to make up for your mistakes."

He found that many questions were actually caused by carelessness and were not true incompetence. As long as there was enough time, there was still a chance to get full marks on a mathematics paper.

Li Xiaomei nodded, "I will try my best."

Li He pointed at the test paper and continued, "There is nothing to say about choosing and filling in the blanks. The general structure is to give points for trigonometric functions, statistics, simple sequence questions, geometric proofs, functions, inequality proofs or geometry related questions. Small questions are all given points. I won’t go into details anymore, write as many blocks as you can as fast as you can. For the remaining two questions, give each question up to 5 minutes. If you don’t think about it, give up and go to the big questions. This will take about an hour.”

Li Xiaomei nodded in understanding.

Li Aijun became anxious and asked Li Xiaomei, "What do you mean by nodding? Just ask if you don't understand."

Li He smiled and said, "You don't understand what you are mixing in."

Li Aijun said, "I just graduated from elementary school. If I understood, why would I be in such a hurry?"

Li He helped sort it out carefully from the perspective of studying and preparing for the exam. Li Xiaomei is a perceptive person and can react immediately. In fact, there are many technical things in the exam, details that are usually not paid attention to, but summing them up can make people enlightened.

In the end, Li He had nothing more to say, "That's probably it. It's no problem to get into college."

Li Aijun asked, "What subject do you think is better to study? She is a girl and I want her to study medicine."

Li He glanced at Li Xiaomei's expression, and it was obvious that she had no interest in medicine, "Just follow your interests. If you are not interested, you will not be motivated to study any major."

Anyway, all majors are assigned, and if you don’t have to worry about finding a job, it’s better to choose based on your interests.

Li Xiaomei happily agreed with Li He's words, "Yes, I want to study communications in the future. They said that the University of Posts and Telecommunications has this major."

A girl was interested in communications. Li He was also surprised, "Why are you interested in this? Besides, Huaqing's communications major is the best, so why go to post and telecommunications?"

"I just thought about it, and I don't know why. I'm afraid I won't pass the Huaqing exam, so I just go to the post office."

Li He said, "Then work hard."

Li Aijun suddenly mentioned the matter of exporting, "A Japanese businessman came to see me and said he wanted to order 100,000 pairs of shoes from me, but I didn't agree. But the leader of the municipal party committee insisted on my consent, so I came to ask for it. your opinion".

Li He asked, "Why don't you agree?".

"Those are Japanese people! Doing business with Japanese people is not a traitor!"

Li He said leisurely, "The equipment in your factory is all made by Nippon."

"I". Li Aijun was speechless and couldn't make sense of his logic. I don’t like Nippon in my inherent concept, but I still use Nippon’s equipment.

"Why don't you do something beneficial? If you earn foreign exchange, it will benefit the country and the people. Don't be narrow-minded." Li He continued, "Besides, now that both countries have established diplomatic relations, they have something worth learning from. Let’s just study, there’s nothing to be ashamed of.”

Li Aijun just couldn't turn around for a moment, "Isn't that considered traitorous?"

Li He felt funny, "Don't think too much. How can you, a small self-employed person, sell the country? You can sell this country if you want."

"You can just say that I am not qualified to betray the country." Li Aijun muttered this sentence for a long time, "Okay, as long as you agree, then I agree. The municipal party committee also said that there will be some signing ceremony. Do you want to attend it? You are a partner, I can't be the only one in the limelight."

Li Aijun had long formed the habit of obeying Li He. As long as what Li He said, he thought it was right. Even if it was an inherent prejudice in his mind that he couldn't think of at the moment, he would still act in accordance with Li He's wishes.

Li He said, "I don't want the limelight, I just want to make money."

It was too late for him to hide, so he was going to make a fuss.

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