My 1979

Chapter 293 Pen reward

When Li He came back, he met Master Qin again. It was not unusual to see him several times a day. The old man just strolled around every day.

"Why don't you go chat with them on the big threshold? You won't be bored by yourself."

Old man Qin said, "It's boring to talk without any excitement."

Li He smiled and left. This old man is very serious and has to choose people to chat with. He is not very happy to chat with people who don't know Beijing Bai. In this capital, apart from the ordinary old men and ladies who can speak authentic Beijing dialect, the young people also only have the so-called Beijing accent, which is not true Beijing accent.

Words such as "borrowing light" and "step aside" rarely come out of young people's mouths, and "very good" has been replaced by "very good".

Only the distinctive Erhua sound still has a bit of Beijing flavor.

First, Mandarin is now being promoted, and all salespeople in stores are learning it. Even when attending cross talk conventions, Mandarin is spoken. Second, there was indeed a large immigrant population before and after liberation, with people of all colors from all over the world.

After class, the atmosphere in the office was different, even though there were only four people.

Didn’t you just get a salary increase? Why are you sighing again?

"It's so irritating to compare people to each other," Chen Yun said through gritted teeth.

Li He asked with a smile, "What's going on?"

Yang Haodao, "Their chemistry department has gone too far this time. It is obviously an 'Advanced Physical Chemistry Experimental Research Class'. Doesn't it have physics? But the teachers are all from the chemistry department's physics, catalysis, material structure, polymers and isotopes." The five teaching and research offices have nothing to do with our physics major, so why are they in the name of physics?"

"What did Professor Wu say?" Li He first wanted to find out what the leader meant. This research class was commissioned by the Ministry of Education. It goes without saying that the benefits are obvious. On the surface, it is a matter of subsidies, but in fact it is a matter of qualifications. If Being able to participate in this project will make your profile look much better.

Chen Yun said, "Classes have already begun. What's the use of these? Professor Wu has been busy with teaching materials recently and has not bothered to get involved."

Li He said oh and stopped talking. This kind of good thing would not happen to him, so there was no use worrying about it.

Chen Yun asked Li He privately, "You stopped contacting her?".

"Who?" Li Hezhen didn't understand.

Chen Yun said angrily, "Who could it be? The one from Director Jiang's family."

Li He smiled and said, "It's been so long, and you're still thinking about it."

Chen Yun seemed to hate the fact that iron cannot become steel, and said fiercely, "You really don't know how to cherish opportunities. In this reorganization, Director Jiang entered the assets office. If you become his son-in-law, how many people will be missing in the school-run factory?" It’s your choice, it’s really annoying to me.”

The school has a lot of assets, and it is indeed a good vacancy. The most famous one is the Founder Typesetting System, but it has not been put into the market yet.

"Thank you, not every toad wants to eat swan meat."

Chen Yun chuckled, "How can I compare myself to a toad? Okay, I'm going to class. Telling you more is a waste of words."

The campus is very active every day, and all kinds of weird clubs are established every day. Li He can't remember them all.

However, the conditions of these students are much better than those of Li He. Even without school subsidies, they have work-study conditions outside of school.

Many students are working as deputy directors, deputy managers, and consultants in rural tractor stations, brick factories, garment factories, repair factories and other enterprises. Those who study economics help with sales and cost accounting research, and those who study science and engineering do research. Some technical support.

Li He didn't know what was going on, but he knew that capable students had a lot of money.

Mu Yan came over to find Li He and accompanied him to the used bookstall.

Used bookstalls are usually found in the areas of Longfu Temple and Liulichang. In the early years, it was impossible to get in without a letter of introduction and household registration. The year before last, a university built a new library, which wiped out all the books in old bookstalls and bookstores. There were more than 100 bookshelves, resulting in the market being out of stock for a long time.

Li He has not sought verification either, so it is difficult to tell whether it is true or not.

Mu Yan wanted to make a tram, and Li He said, "I'll ride a motorcycle."

Mu Yan smiled and said, "That's the best."

"Should we go to Liulichang or Panjiayuan? There are many books there."

Mu Yan said, "You don't understand. All the good books are at Longfu Temple and Ditan Book Market. Liulichang sells gadgets and collectibles. The price of Panjiayuan is a bit insulting, so I won't go. But today we go to Longfu. The temple is relatively close."

The two of them rode motorcycles to Longfu Temple.

There were a lot of people near Longfu Temple, so it was inconvenient to ride a bicycle. Li He parked the car directly on the side of the road, and the two of them entered the street.

The shops and stalls on both sides of the road are full of old books. Some of them are not necessarily old books, but may be pirated books that have been aged.

Some people just buy used books because they are cheap, and some people want to pick up old books. They can always find the hidden gems in the ocean, and they will love it when they come across an orphaned book.

Li He was there for the sake of fun, and he mainly accompanied Mu Yan. He would follow Mu Yan wherever he went.

Mu Yan walked and walked, and finally stopped at an old man's stall and asked the old man, "How many volumes is this book?".

The old man opened a catalog, pointed at it for a while, and then said, "19 volumes."

Seeing that Mu Yan was trying his best to suppress his excitement, Li He probably didn't want the old man to see it and take the opportunity to raise the price.

"Master, I have all 19 volumes, please give me a price."

The old man narrowed his eyes and said, "Take all the 45 yuan."

Sure enough, the pig is going to be killed.

Mu Yan said, "Master, give me a real price, maybe 30 yuan. This book is only valuable in the hands of people who like it. If you don't like it, it's worthless."

"About 40," the old man gave in a little.

"30!" Mu Yan continued to counter-offer, "If you don't sell, we'll leave!".

After saying that, he took Li He and was about to leave. The old man quickly stopped him and said, "Forget it, I'll sell it to you. It's a hard business to do. It would be great if I met one or two people like you a day!"

It’s wrong to hear this!

Mu Yan asked first, "Master, is it not worth the price? Otherwise, how could you say this?"

"You understand me wrong! I mean I only meet one or two people like you a day, so just pay the lowest price. The problem is that everyone who comes here to buy books goes little by little. Cut down!".

Neither Mu Yan nor Li He would bargain. As for whether they were ripped off, only the boss knew in his heart.

Mu Yan readily gave the money, and Li He saw that he didn't have much money in his pocket. It would be nice to have 10 yuan left after spending the 30 yuan.

The old man found a woven bag and put a large pile of books in it.

After walking a few steps, Mu Yan said excitedly, "These thirty yuan are worth it. This old book of Tang Dynasty is an old edition of Zhonghua Book Company. It is basically not available on the market. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a unique copy."

The two of them continued to talk for several times, and Mu Yan was reluctant to leave at a stall. It was a Kangxi manuscript "Juye County Chronicle". The stall owner asked for 150 yuan. Mu Yan touched his pocket and was speechless for a moment.

Li Hefu'er Mu Yan said, "You bargain to see how much difference there is, I have money in my pocket."

In the end, Mu Yan counter-offered to 70 yuan, took the money from Li He, and happily bought the book.

Li He said, "I finally know where you spend your salary. No wonder you cry about poverty all day long."

Mu Yan smiled and said, "It's just an itch, and there's really nothing I can do about it."

"Where should we go back?".

"You should buy one too. You can't just buy it with me. You usually like to practice calligraphy, so I'll buy a calligraphy brush with you. Trust me, you won't lose money."

After many twists and turns, he led Li He into a Wenfangsibao store. Li He said, "I've never been to this place before."

Mu Yan went straight in without looking around, as if he knew the boss well. He directly asked for a brush, handed it to Li He with a smile, and said, "The bamboo carvings of the late Ming Dynasty are perfect for facial training."

Li He took it in his hand and looked at it. It was actually a brush with orchids carved on it. Bamboo brushes are fragile and difficult to preserve, so the ones that have been handed down to this day are rare. It's a luxury just to use it, and you don't even have to think about it if you want to buy another pen for five or six hundred thousand yuan.

"How much?" Li He asked the store owner.

The shop owner, who was in his fifties, smiled and said, "Xiao Mu introduced me, so I'll give you 120 yuan."

Li He gave the money without hesitation and did not think it was expensive at all, even though ordinary brushes on the market only cost 50 cents.

The boss also praised him for knowing the goods.

Li He and Mu Yan each gained something, and of course they were happy when they went back.

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