My 1979

Chapter 305 Lesson

"Including the people I just mentioned such as Spinoza, Freud, Einstein, Feynman, etc., have you noticed an interesting phenomenon? These people are all Jews. Who is the most famous Jew in China? "Li He started the history of science course in the new semester again. The emphasis in the class was on fun. Students would look down upon him if he followed the textbook, so occasionally he would say something that was not there.

The classmates sitting on the ground answered in unison, "Marx" without even thinking about it.

"Yes, individually speaking, the Jews are very good. But as a whole, the Jews are relatively weak politically. They have been chased all over the world for more than 2,000 years, hiding in Tibet, and did not arrive in West Asia until 1948. "Establishing a country with the Jews as the majority nation", Li He also tried to prevent the slightest possibility. The market is full of a kind of evolution theory, which promotes the Jews as the best nation in the world, and there are also some chicken soup stories about Washington chopping down cherry trees.

"We must have a historical perspective when looking at this issue. Jews have not always occupied the top spot in the five or six thousand years of human history. It was not until more than 100 years ago that there was a trend of progress, mainly due to the Western industrial revolution and business policies. The Jews were previously prohibited from engaging in other industries and could only engage in commerce and banking. Instead, they were given the opportunity. So it’s not that they have good blood, it’s just that they got a free ride on the Western economy, and the Chinese didn’t. A series of humiliations in modern history.”

The Jews followed the rhythm of the times. They came out one villager after another, and they achieved modern achievements. They are not the best nation in the world, but they are the most miserable nation in the world. Wherever they go, they are let down. When people are chased and beaten, they are like street rats. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are miserable, and even a little too incompetent.

The Chinese version of the Jewish story is basically a myth constructed by some reflective intellectuals who do not talk about data, logic, and common sense, but only about feelings.

"So I say that it is best for everyone to read monographs and papers. They have arguments, arguments and arguments. These are the books that are convincing and the books that make people gain knowledge. Not all books are books that make people learn. Being wise can also make you stupid."

Li He wrote the word "brainless" on the blackboard.

There was another burst of laughter in the classroom, and they learned another friendly new word. They always felt that Li He's words were convincing and admired them. After listening to it, they still wanted to hear it, and they still wanted to hear it.

After returning to the dormitory after class, Liu Yibo suggested having a meal in the evening. They had not had a meal together since the beginning of the school year.

The old rule is still to join in the fun.

Liu Yibo said to go to Sihai Hotel.

Li He was stunned. He didn't expect that Sihai Hotel was so famous. Shoushan's new hotel opened last year was here, and it was managed by Zhou Ping and his man.

He thought that he really wanted to eat the steamed pork there, so he agreed.

Meng Jianguo said, "I know that restaurant, but it's always full, and there may not always be a seat. And the price is so expensive, what can we poor teachers do for a living?"

Mu Yan said, "You're overthinking it. Whoever makes the suggestion will be the one to tell the truth. I went to Kejin to order. The rich man here is here. What are you afraid of?"

The person who suggested going was naturally Liu Yibo, and the rich man mentioned it was naturally Li He.

Li He said, "Let's go, it's all mine."

Zhou Ping's hotel is not at a busy street, it is just an inconspicuous three-story building on the roadside. Needless to say, the property rights belong to Li He.

Although the location is not good, the business is very good. It is only six o'clock, and it is already full, and there are still many people queuing up.

There were also many young couples queuing up, and the man kept comforting the girls, "Don't worry, didn't we get our number plates? It will be our turn in a moment. I was told that this restaurant is very delicious. It used to be a palace." Dishes can only be eaten by the emperor."

Some are bragging, "I'm telling you, we have a close relationship with this boss, otherwise ordinary people wouldn't be able to book a seat."

Li He looked at the vulgar name of the hotel, "Sihai Hotel", and felt a sense of sadness. This Shoushan was so good at bragging that he even showed out his signature court dishes to bluff people. He swore that he definitely didn't teach him this.

Mu Yan looked at the crowd and said with a smile, "Let's go and find another restaurant next door. There are too many people here. It won't be our turn for a while."

Liu Yibo said, "No, just wait in line. Don't worry about being late for a good meal."

Li He smiled and said, "Listen to me and just come up with me."

He went straight into the hotel. The waiter in the hotel was a pretty little girl. She recognized him and stopped him and said, "Comrades, please sit on the chairs next to you. There are no free seats now. I'll give you a seat." Your number, I’ll call you if there’s room.”

"I told you a long time ago that you can't take your turn if you don't have a position. Now you are stupid," Mu Yan teased Li He.

Li He said, "Where is your boss? I'm looking for your boss."

It’s not like the waiter has never seen Li He being so self-righteous. He thought that by putting on an accent, the boss would give him some face and arrange a seat. However, it didn’t work here. Everyone had to queue up, but he still said patiently. , "Comrade, please wait a moment. It's useless to ask our boss if you don't have a seat. We can't drive away the guests who are eating to make room for you."

Liu Yibo pulled Li He on, "Don't worry, we are all waiting in line."

Li He gestured to Liu Yibo to stop talking, but still said to the little girl, "You should call your boss, just shout out."

The little girl was impatient. She had to greet other guests and couldn't waste time on Li and a few others. She said with a cold face, "Sir, please don't embarrass me. You really need to queue up."

A man in front of Li He said, "Hey, which unit are you from? Do you still want to get in front of us?"

"Yes, yes, we are all lined up. I have been filming for half an hour."

Li He was about to speak, but he saw Zhou Ping appearing in the hall. He hurriedly raised his hands and waved them so that Zhou Ping could see her.

Zhou Ping was looking towards the door in the lobby. Among the large queue of people, she spotted Li He at a glance.

He hurried over, pushed the little girl aside, looked at Li He, and then looked at the few people behind Li He, then he made up his mind and said, "Follow me."

With so many guests, it was difficult for her to greet Li He.

Li and several others followed Zhou Ping.

The people waiting in line next to me were dissatisfied and shouted to Zhou Ping, "Mrs. Boss, you are going too far. We have been waiting in line for more than an hour."

Zhou Ping motioned to the little girl to take Li He and others to the second floor, then turned around to smooth things over with the people lining up below, "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. The guests just now paid their deposits in advance and reserved their seats."

When he turned around and went upstairs, he saw the little girl still standing next to Li and a few others, "What are you doing standing here?"

The little girl whispered to Zhou Ping in a low voice, "There really are no private rooms here."

Zhou Ping rolled her eyes at the little girl and directly invited Li He to the attic private room on the third floor.

"You guys sit down. The little girl didn't recognize you just now. I'll just explain to the little girl later and just come up directly from now on." Zhou Ping explained to Li He embarrassedly. The big boss was blocked at the entrance of the hotel and couldn't say anything. Like words.

Li He said, "It's okay. Bring me the menu. These people are all my colleagues. Just order according to their taste."

The little girl brought up the menu cautiously, for fear of accidentally offending someone. She knew that this VIP box was generally not open to outsiders and would only be given to special guests. No matter how good the business was, it had to be empty.

Li He pointed at Mu Yan and the others and said to the little girl, "Just give them the menu."

After ordering, after Zhou Ping and the waiter went out, Meng Jianguo glanced at Li He meaningfully, "It is said that the VIP box in this hotel is not accessible to ordinary people. Last time the department director wanted to treat guests in this box, he couldn't. As you wish."

Li He didn't expect Zhou Ping to be so famous. He was completely surprised and said with a smile, "I'm just friends with the boss. If you like me, you can give me a private room. It's normal."

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