My 1979

Chapter 307 Repair

After entering the office, Zhang Weisheng first made a cup of tea for Li He, and then said, "Come in" when he heard a knock on the door.

"Director Zhang, you are looking for me." Wang Xiaohua couldn't restrain her joy. This was the first time the director called her into the office alone. She couldn't help but wonder, could something good be coming to her door? .

"Wang Xiaohua," Li He shouted through gritted teeth. Thinking of the excrement in the room, he wanted to skin this woman.

Wang Xiaohua looked over in search of the voice. When she saw it was Li He, she panicked. Why didn't she pay attention when she entered the house just now? "Why are you here?"

"You made my house look like a bear. Why can't I come to you?" Li Heteng stood up suddenly and swore, "If you weren't a woman, I would beat you up."

The more he looked at this woman, the more disgusted he became, and his good face was lost.

Wang Xiaohua was frightened by Li He's expression. She stepped back in horror and started crying again.

Zhang Weisheng said, "Wang Xiaohua, do you have anything to explain?".

Wang Xiaohualihua said with rain, "Director Zhang, you have to make the decision for me. As the director, you cannot allow outsiders to bully the factory employees."

He glanced at Li He inadvertently, seeming a little proud.

In order to unite, the rules in the factory were to support relatives and not to help others, and Li He could not do anything about it.

Director Zhang said, "Is it true that you damaged someone's house?"

Wang Xiaohua nodded and said aggrievedly, "I'm also angry. This landlord is rich and unkind. I just told him that wherever there is oppression, there will be resistance."

Li He was furious, "So you are right?"

Wang Xiaohua twisted her neck, ignored Li He, and looked at Zhang Weisheng with tears in her eyes.

Zhang Weisheng said to Wang Xiaohua, "Since it is a fact, you just have to figure out how to compensate for the damage. You have to compensate for the damage, and you are missing half a year's rent. All these need to be made up."

Wang Xiaohua hurriedly wanted to speak, "Director Zhang."

Zhang Weisheng waved his hand and interrupted her, "You need to rest for a while. When Teacher Li's house is cleaned and Teacher Li is satisfied, you will come back to work."

Wang Xiaohua couldn't believe that these were the words of Director Zhang. In the past, Director Zhang had always protected the employees in the factory when it was their turn. How could she just kill or cut them into pieces when it was her turn?


Although taking a break is not a suspension or dismissal, taking a break means no salary. Thinking of this, I started crying again.

How did she know about the relationship between Li He and Zhang Weisheng.

Zhang Weisheng said to Li He, "Teacher Li, do you think this will work?".

Li He couldn't see her and was not upset. "The doors and windows were repaired for me, the house was cleaned for me, and I was given half the rent for half a year."

Zhang Weisheng was still crying when he saw Wang Xiaohua. When he went out later, he thought something was wrong and scolded him, "Okay, stop crying. If you want to cry, go home and cry. Don't let me see you."

Wang Xiaohua was frightened and immediately stopped sobbing. When she went out, she took three steps and turned back, hoping that Zhang Weisheng would change his decision.

Zhang Weisheng bowed to her in disgust, meaning to leave quickly.

Li He was also impressed by her ability in this performance. She cried whenever she wanted to. Tears would burst out every once in a while, and when she didn't want to cry, she could stop them immediately.

Zhang Weisheng said to Li He, "Teacher Li, stay here tonight. You have helped me a lot, but you have not fulfilled your duty as a landlord."

Li He said, "I still have things to do when I go back, so don't be polite to me."

At this time, someone knocked on the door and came in. He hurriedly said to Zhang Weisheng, "Factory, that machine is broken again."

Zhang Weisheng frowned and said, "Didn't we invite a technician?"

The visitor said, "I'm on a business trip. I estimate I won't be back for another three to five days."

"You go out first, I'll think of a way." After Zhang Weisheng drove the visitor away, he stamped his feet irritably a few times, suddenly looked at Li He, and said with hope, "Mr. Li, are you familiar with the dyeing machine? ? This is a piece of equipment we imported. It has only been used for a year. The strike happened every three days and we lost our temper."

Li He thought for a while and said, "I'll give it a try, just don't have high hopes."

He had never built dyeing and finishing equipment, but he thought that the mechanical principles were almost the same, so he might as well give it a try.

Li He followed Zhang Weisheng into the workshop. A large group of people had gathered around the equipment, all anxiously surrounding it.

"Factory, we looked at it. It may be that the pressure roller is broken, but the pressure rollers are all imported. They still need to be replaced by the manufacturer," an older master said to Zhang Weisheng.

When Li He saw the old master's thick calluses, he suddenly felt very friendly. Seeing the triangular file in his hand made him feel even more friendly. Li He can confidently say that with all his abilities, he can make a living with a triangular file.

This looks like an old fitter. A fitter has to deal with shovels, hammers, and files every day. The most common thing he does is filing and sawing. He is tired and has no new ideas.

Masters of benchwork often come from ascetic training. The first thing they have to learn is how to file a surface flat until their hands are numb and have no feeling.

Being a fitter is a hero who can persevere. It is not just technical work, it is also physical work. The simplest toolbox of a fitter weighs more than ten kilograms. When encountering large equipment, you need to carry it on your back and climb up. Down.

"I got it." Zhang Weisheng nodded to the master and asked Li He, "Teacher Li, take a look and tell me what tools you need."

Everyone around them stared at Li He. Where did this young boy come from?

Li He said to his old master, "Master, please lend me a piece of cake for a while."

Zizi may not necessarily be helpful, but he is habitually looking for a feeling. Holding it in his hand seems to have a comforting effect on his heart.

"Here", the old master squinted and gave the rice cake to Li He. He looked specifically at Li He's hands, which looked more like a woman's hands, and he couldn't help but feel a little dissatisfied.

But the factory director is here, so it's not easy to have an attack.

Li He walked around the dyeing and finishing machine and became familiar with the structure of the dyeing and finishing machine.

He asked the old master, "Can the equipment still be turned on?"

The old master said, "It can be turned on."

"Can you open it and let me take a look?"

"Dyeing the yin and yang sides, the two sides are inconsistent, which is a serious waste of fabric. Turn it for a few minutes, and hundreds of yuan will be gone," someone said aloud. The so-called "yin and yang noodles" refer to the same piece of material, half of which is natural and high-quality, and the other half of which is of extremely poor quality.

Zhang Weisheng gritted his teeth and said, "Open."

The high temperature dyeing and finishing machine is turned on.

Li He listened to the sound of the motor running close to the motor, and the sound was normal. It is also normal to touch the motor with the back of your hand to feel the temperature.

He asked for a flashlight again and looked at the gears. They were all normal, not damaged, and not deflected in any way. He could tell this with his eyesight. This was the skill of an old fitter.

It is normal to use an oil pump to pressurize the roller.

He discharged the water vapor in the water vapor separator of the rolling car cleanly, and there was no problem.

The hot air nozzle in the drying room blew his hair out of shape, but he didn't feel it.

Ten minutes have passed, and the cloth from the dyeing and finishing machine is still coming out foot by foot. These are all substandard products. This is all money, and Zhang Weisheng’s heart aches when he sees it.

Many old masters are also laughing. They have been working on problems that they have not been able to figure out for so many years. They do not believe that a young boy can solve them.

Zhang Weisheng couldn't hold himself any longer and said to Li He who was in a daze, "If we really can't find out through the examination, let's forget it. After all, you are not a professional in this field."

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