My 1979

Chapter 318 Taking the lead

Mu Yan called and called Li He over, saying that the tutorial materials were almost finalized.

Li He finally felt relieved, as long as he didn't delay his stay. A major feature of teaching aid books is their timeliness. Your book must be on the market within a certain period of time.

Therefore, Mu Yan has been urging us to start the school in the autumn semester.

This group of teachers also worked hard. For the 500 yuan royalties, they didn’t even go back during the summer. They had to live and eat in school for the time being.

However, these teachers had no editing experience in the past and were in a state of exhaustion every day. The manuscript was not completed until the end of July.

Chinese, mathematics, English, physics, chemistry, politics, biology, history, geography, these are a total of 9 tutorial books. They seem very simple, but it is difficult to do well. Li He went through them roughly, including the theoretical system and the example system. , exercise system, method system and other structures are all very well done. After all, they are all teachers who know the actual teaching and are supported by teaching theory.

Whether the explanation is comprehensive and concise, or the materials are outdated, Li He ignored them all because he did not have the energy to take care of them and the resources were limited. Even so, this book is still top-notch on the market.

What he has to do now is proofreading, and there must not be a single mistake, otherwise it will mislead others and lose his conscience. Sticking to quality must not become a slogan.

"Teachers of our various subjects take turns proofreading each other. If there are no errors, they print them out. Then during the seminar, each teacher participating in the meeting was given two copies and asked them to participate in the final review. They are front-line practitioners, and they said no If there is a problem, our teaching aid will have no problem."

Mu Yan took some newspapers and journals to Li He and asked, "What do you think of this propaganda?"

Li He opened it and saw that several newspapers were on the back page. The national secondary education seminar was held at Beijing Normal University.

"Why are you at the Normal University?"

Mu Yan smiled and said, "I forgot to tell you, a professor from the Normal University has wanted to hold a seminar for a long time, but their research team has no money, so we just happened to join in, and it was a mistake, so they took the lead. , they will send out all the invitations, and the venue is also theirs.”

Li He smiled and said, "It's your luck."

With Normal University taking the lead, the influence is completely different. Their purpose is just to promote books. As long as the books can be promoted, they will make money and Normal University will be in trouble. It is like killing two birds with one stone.

He flipped through the school's journal again and said with a smile, "How come all the journals are in it?"

Liu Yibo pointed his thumb at himself, "I am not talented, but I am now the editor of the journal. So don't forget this polishing fee."

Li He laughed and scolded, "Don't be so stinky, you haven't stopped eating and drinking from me."

Liu Yibo said, "If I had known you were so heartless, I wouldn't have cared. This task is completed, and I will go back to my hometown tomorrow. Why don't we treat you to a meal at noon?"

Li He said to Mu Yan, "Call all the teachers and go to the Sihai Hotel to open two tables at noon. This can be considered as a pre-wishes for our success."

Mu Yan naturally agreed.

Naturally, I had a lot of fun eating this meal. I no longer had to think about the manuscript day and night. I also received another 500 yuan. All the teachers were very happy.

Li He came out of the toilet and was pulled by Zhou Ping.

Li He said, "Is something wrong?".

"Let's talk in the office."

The so-called office is just a chair and a table with several thick account books placed on it.

Li He sat down unceremoniously, took the hot towel from Zhou Ping, and rubbed his face vigorously. He drank a little too much.

Zhou Ping handed over the teapot again and said, "Drink some more tea."

Li He said, "If you have anything to say, hurry up. My colleagues are all inside. It's hard for me to be away for too long."

Zhou Ping said, "See if you can persuade my dad."

"What's wrong?".

"He didn't tell you?"

Li He shook his head and said, "Just finish your sentence. I haven't seen him for a long time."

Zhou Ping sighed and said, "He said he was going south to Pujiang to open a restaurant. You said he is so old, how can he withstand such bumps on the train, and he is unfamiliar with the place."

Li He shook his head and smiled bitterly. He didn't expect Shoushan to really take this seriously. In fact, it wouldn't be bad to open a restaurant in Shanghai, but he didn't expect Shoushan to go there in person.

"I'll tell him."

Zhou Ping said, "Look, how about we go to Pujiang as a couple?"

Li He said, "Your children are here, what's going on if you and your wife leave."

He knew that Zhou Ping would definitely not be happy to leave. The business here was so good and the scene was so big, it was strange that she would give up.

After having a good meal and coming out of the restaurant, many teachers were going back to school, and Li He was going home.

Mu Yan took the opportunity to chat with Li He again, "Will you come to the seminar?"

Li He said, "Aren't you too busy? It wouldn't be interesting for me to go."

Even if this meeting was planned by him and Mu Yan, they wouldn't be able to get on the podium because their qualifications were there. Who can listen to your little boy nagging above, so this time the Normal University is willing to take the lead, of course they are happy. With tiger skin as the banner, it couldn't be better.

Mu Yan said, "Are you so sure you can do it well?"

Li He smiled and said, "We are a formal club, and we are endorsed by the National Normal University, so what problems can we have?"

He thought of the legendary National Dental Prevention Group, which had only two desks, two phones, two computers and two office workers, an organization like the SHIELD Secret Service, famous for its toothpaste certification.

Compared with the so-called National Dental Prevention Group, his middle school education research center is simply luxurious and equipped. It is led by a nationally renowned professor and has a first-class university conference venue in the country. Moreover, the researchers of this research center are all from universities. Excellent teachers in various subjects.

Of course, the biggest difference is that he is formal and genuine, although there is a bit of improvisation in it.

On the way home, I suddenly thought of the house full of shit. I wonder if Wang Xiaohua has cleaned it up.

So he turned around and headed towards Wangye's tomb.

When he arrived at the place, he had just parked his motorcycle and before he entered the yard, he heard the cry of the child.

When he entered the yard, he saw a little girl sitting at the door crying. Wang Xiaohua's scolding could also be heard in the house, "I have been unlucky for eight lifetimes for giving birth to you, a little bitch."

He pushed the little girl's hand away, and the fingerprints on her face were clearly visible.

"You are a woman who deserves a beating. Do you beat a child like this?" Li He scolded her as soon as he entered the door.

"What the hell are you doing?" Wang Xiaohua just retorted, but when she turned around and saw it was Li He, she immediately swallowed her words, "Why are you here?"

Li He looked around the house. The doors and windows were repaired, and the walls were clean. But why were the beds in this house so neat?

"Why did you move back again?"

Wang Xiaohua looked at Li He with a sad face and said nothing.

"I'm asking you a question, you're mute." Li He cursed irritably.

When the little girl saw the movement in the house, she looked into the house curiously and stopped crying.

Li He pulled the little girl into his arms and didn't mind the dark dirt on her face. He wiped her face with his sleeve, "How can you slap a child on the face? Are you a crazy mother? It's you who kissed her Daughter?".

Wang Xiaohua said aggrievedly, "She was disobedient, so I was so angry that I beat her. It also made me feel bad when she was beaten."

"I asked you why you moved back again? You haven't replied yet."

"When Mazi entered the police force, wouldn't I have no place to live? His mother said that I was a bumbling star and kicked my mother out again."

Li He saw Wang Xiaohua's expression and sneered, "Are you blaming me?".

Wang Xiaohua hurriedly said, "I don't blame you, of course I don't blame you. I have no place to go, so I have to move back. I can't bring a child to live on the street. Don't worry, I will move out as soon as I find a suitable house." ".

Li He glanced at the pitiful little girl next to him and said angrily, "I think your daughter's face is important, so I won't kick you out. But please pay me the rent quickly."

Wang Xiaohua hurriedly counted the money and handed it to Li He, "You count it."

Li He pretended to have money and said to Wang Xiaohua fiercely when he left, "Don't hit your children again, you heard me? Next time I come, I will ask your neighbors. If you hear someone say you hit your children again, do you believe I can do it?" Are you going to be sent to the bureau? You can stay there for the rest of your life!"

"I believe it, I believe it." When Wang Xiaohua heard about the situation, she was immediately frightened. She believed that Li He was telling the truth, and her pockmarked face was a living example in front of her. She hurriedly said, "My dear daughter Well, I’m definitely reluctant to fight.”

Li He knelt down and said to the little girl, "Next time I hit you, please tell me."

The little girl just looked at Li He curiously without saying a word.

Li He smiled, touched her head, turned around and left.

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