My 1979

Chapter 325 Shopping

At noon, He Fang took Laosi to cook, and Li He and Li Zhaokun were sitting with their legs crossed, as expected of the two of them.

Li Zhaokun hesitated to speak, but finally couldn't help but ask, "That girl?"

Li He said, "Don't worry so blindly, we are just classmates."

Li Zhaokun was polite to He Fang without any pretense. He also learned to say "I'm sorry" and occasionally said "thank you". He learned this from the fourth child.

This can be regarded as his advantage. He can put on airs with his sons and daughters, but he is always polite to outsiders. Even his third daughter-in-law, Duan Mei, has been in the house for so many years, and he has never been disrespectful to her, or even said a word to her. if.

On the contrary, Wang Yulan and Duan Mei were constantly at odds with each other, and there was never a shortage of petty quarrels.

It is true to say that mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are natural enemies. For Wang Yulan, her son, not her husband, is her closest person and the person she can't let go of.

So, how sad it would be for the mother-in-law Wang Yulan when her son was about to separate, find a lover, and build a new family of his own. She will feel that she has lost the most important person in her life, so she will intentionally or unintentionally prevent her son from establishing the closest relationship with his wife.

The fourth child suddenly had a stomachache, his face was pale, his limbs were cold, and he was dripping with cold sweat. Li He panicked, thinking that he was acclimatized or had eaten something bad, and he had to rush to the hospital.

He Fang smiled and scolded him as an idiot, and then brought a bowl of brown sugar water to the fourth child.

Li Hecai suddenly realized that this was menstrual cramps.

Men are still inferior to women in their instinctive reactions to some things.

After a while, the fourth child was alive and kicking again.

He Fang said, "Let's go shopping. I'll take you to buy some clothes for school."

The fourth child glanced at Li He and still wanted to ask his brother for permission.

Li He nodded and gave He Fang the money, "Buy whatever you need to buy."

When a girl reaches an age, she can no longer use toilet paper when visiting relatives. Sanitary napkins can still be bought in department stores. Even in the growth period, bellybands are no longer easy to use. Even if he and the fourth child are brothers and sisters, , some things are difficult to arrange.

He Fang answered unceremoniously, "You can handle it by yourselves tonight, and we'll have a restaurant outside."

Li Zhaokun's eyes lit up when he saw the stack of money, but in the end he didn't say anything.

After He Fang left, he said, "Did you get paid again?"

Li He said, "Yes, you want money?"

Li Zhaokun said, "When I go back, can you give me fifty yuan?"

When Li He saw that Li Zhaokun had white hair on his head, was slightly stooped, and had an old-fashioned gait, he always felt a little bitter in his heart, so he nodded, "I'll give you a hundred. I'll buy you a ticket in the afternoon." , you go back the day after tomorrow, I will take care of the fourth child here, you don’t need to worry."

He has no deep respect for the word "father", and he is even less willing to say it easily. That would look pretentious.

If you say that you have no resentment towards Li Zhaokun in two lifetimes, it will be a lie.

Li He had never personally lit a cigarette, made a cup of tea, poured a glass of wine for Li Zhaokun, sat down and had a heart-to-heart chat with him, and made him happy for a moment. He should be considered that kind of unfilial son.

But from another perspective, even if Li Zhaokun is not a second-rate man and works hard all his life, what can he gain? It is not that he will be poor all his life, but he is still a farmer.

"Okay, okay, you go buy a ticket." Li Zhaokun happily took the money, lowered his head, his hands were stained with saliva, and started counting ten, five, and two.

Li He went out and called Xiao Wei and asked him to buy a train ticket. Xiao Wei had already learned to ride a motorcycle and immediately kicked off and headed towards the train station.

The fourth child followed He Fang to the department store. Her eyesight was really not enough. She thought the department store in the county town was big enough.

Even if a random dress costs 200 yuan, she would just look at the price tag. When I see some good-looking clothes and look at the price tag, they feel messy and I don’t even have the courage to try them on.

He Fang said to the counter, "Wrap everything up."

The fourth child pulled He Fang's clothes to leave, "Sister, they are so expensive, let's not buy them."

Not a true warrior dare not look directly at the bloody price tag.

He Fang said, "You are dressed beautifully, why don't you buy it? There is no need to save money for your brother. The money is in our hands and we can spend it as we please."

The fourth child felt a little sad, that's my brother's money, of course you won't feel bad about spending it.

"That's my brother's wife Ben."

He Fang smiled and said, "Listen to me, look at it, if you start school, everyone will be dressed beautifully, but it will be bad if you don't dress well."

After giving the money, I picked up the clothes and took the fourth child to choose girly things such as sanitary napkins and cream. The fourth child helped me choose all the things that I didn't go through.

This time, it was rare that the fourth child didn't refute.

When school started, Li He didn't send the fourth child off either, and gave them all to He Fang. After all, they were all in the same school.

He Fang gave all the money to the fourth child, "keep the flowers for myself."

The fourth child saw this stack of money so familiar, "Didn't we spend it last time?"

He Fang put it directly into her pocket, "The clothes are my sister's gift to you. You can live in the school dormitory, but you come to my place to eat. The cafeteria will be unpalatable."

The fourth child couldn't resist He Fang and took the money, so he said, "I'm used to eating in the cafeteria. The university cafeteria is better than our high school cafeteria."

He Fang said, "Can you help me cook? I'm lazy all day and don't want to cook. Come over and join me, and I'll ask your brother for food expenses."

The fourth child finally became a little more naive and took out the money just now, "I'll use this money to pay for your food."

"If it goes into your pocket, it's yours. I'll ask your brother for it, but you can keep it for yourself."

This is how the fourth child started his new college life. As a lucky person who took the college entrance examination, everything was so fresh and friendly. Hearing accents from all over the world among his classmates was an exciting thing in itself.

Even the jokes about riding a camel to school and riding a horse around to find a home can make people smile.

Wow, why can’t I learn Mandarin well?

She was afraid that her thick accent would make people laugh.

She had a hard time joining the hometown association in the new semester. She spoke with a Dutch accent. Should she join the Dutch hometown association or the northern Anhui hometown association?

However, her life is quite comfortable, the courses are not heavy, and the food is not bad. She goes to He Fang's place to have dinner with her at school, and goes to Li He's place for a walk during weekends. She has a new understanding of her brother's laziness. layer of understanding.

Complained to Li He, "I'm your biological sister, so things like washing and cooking are all mine."

Li He said matter-of-factly, "I can't count on other people's girls."

Speaking of other people’s sisters, Li Xiaomei came again on a tricycle with Li Aijun.

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