My 1979

Chapter 331 Easier said than done

Li He rode a motorcycle to Xiao Wei's billiards room. The billiards room was filled with smoke and shouts of curses. He turned around and came out as soon as he stepped in. Even a long-time smoker like him couldn't stand the smell of smoke inside.

Xiao Wei hurriedly took Li He to the backyard, "It's those people who are looking for you."

Li He looked up and saw that it was indeed the furry kid, and there were three people behind him, sitting on the threshold holding their legs.

"Boss, boss", Mao Boy jumped up excitedly when he saw Li He, and walked up to Li He in two or three steps.

"Those people you found to be partners?" Li He pointed to the chair and motioned for him to sit down. Why did those people look familiar to him? It took him a while to realize, "Are these all workers in your factory, your colleagues?"

Mao Hai nodded affirmatively, "They are all my colleagues. They will have sex with you, boss, instead of boss Fang."

"Boss Fang's side has only a few workers, including you, there are four."



"It's gone. There are no workers in his factory. It turns out there are only four of us."

"What? You brought everyone from your factory?" Li He said in shock. This has dug up everyone's wealth.

"Ah", Mao Hai felt that what he said was very clear, but he didn't know why Li He still didn't understand.

"Why did they believe your words and follow you?" Li He was still a little confused.

Mao Hai took out a handful of neatly folded coins from his pocket and handed them to Li He, "Boss, there are only 5 yuan left. At first they refused, but then they came after each person gave 15 yuan."

"Is it that simple?" Li He blocked the money again.

"That's it," Mao Boy said confusedly.

Li He thought it was too easy to poach people. Can they be bribed for 15 yuan?

Li He asked Mao Hai to call the other three people over.

The three of them were all half-grown children. Li He grabbed the oldest child and asked, "How old are you?".


"How many years have you been doing printing?".

"It's been four years," the eldest child couldn't help but ask, "Boss, do you really want us?".

Li He looked along the lower left side. These children all came empty-handed. They didn't even bring any luggage or baggage. No matter how poor they were, they still had to have two changes of clothes.

"If I don't want you, are you still planning to go back?"

The eldest child said, "Of course, you have to eat."

Li and several children asked one by one, they were all from out of town.

"Are you willing to go back to your hometown? If you are willing, I will take you to the train station and give you 100 yuan each."

He touched his forehead helplessly and had no choice but to return to being the Holy Mother.

A child lying there with a runny nose asked, "If you use us to work, do you really pay 19 yuan?"


"Then we will work for you," several children said in unison. As long as you can break it with your fingers, you will be able to calculate the long-term and immediate consequences.

Seeing their insistence, Li He asked Xiao Wei to bring a paper and pen and handed it to the stupid boy, "Write down what you need, how much it costs, and how to plan the printing plant on paper, and I will calculate the general ledger."

Several children lay face to face with their heads on the chairs and began to write what they needed to run a printing house.

Li He lit a cigarette and sat on the threshold out of boredom, so he asked Xiao Wei, "Where is Xiao Huang?".

"I asked him to visit the electrical appliance store."

"How's it going?".

"He didn't do well, he's a complete fool." Serena seemed dissatisfied with Huang Guoyu's performance.

Li He asked, "Why are you so stupid?".

"He had to sell something for 150 yuan that could be sold for 200 yuan. I was so angry that I scolded him several times."

Li He said with a smile, "Small profits but quick turnover is also a strategy. From now on, we will follow his strategy. There have been more and more home appliance manufacturers in the past few years, which is different from previous years. It's time to build a reputation."

Xiao Wei looked stunned, "Brother, how much less will you make? You know these things are still in short supply now. Even if the price is doubled, you won't have to worry about selling."

"Then when do you think the supply will be tight, next year or the year after?" Li He knew that with the rise of countless small home appliance workshops in the Pearl River Delta and the Yangtze River Delta, the market would sooner or later enter a buyer's market. "But the goods that are particularly in demand are still at their original prices. There is a limit to selling and price reduction."

There is no brand, so marketing is just for the blind. Now the price is lowered just to gather some popularity.

He himself didn't know if he could subjugate Huang Guoyu. Anyway, it was going to rain and my mother was getting married, so let him go. Even if she died, she would never stop him. He doesn't understand leadership, nor does he understand big institutional norms. The current team only relies on so-called loyalty and interests to maintain it. As for how long it can last, time is the best touchstone.

There is a saying in "Zengguang Xianwen" that "a long road can tell the power of horses, and time can tell people's hearts." This means that time has great power: it can make people clearly understand the reality, or clearly understand the people around them.

Maohai showed Li He the list that several people had discussed. The handwriting on it was crooked, and one word could fit into two squares. It spanned three pages.

Li He could barely recognize it. He roughly read the first page and could only understand the original production. However, the production process was all small workshop style and did not meet his innermost requirements. He still wanted to use a computer.

"Can't you estimate the price?"

Several people looked at each other, and only the eldest child said, "We heard from Lao Fang. He said that it took five or six years to install all the equipment, costing 500,000 to 600,000 yuan. We just don't know the specific price."

"Do you know where to buy the machines?".

At this time Mao Hai said, "We are all familiar with the nameplate, People's Machinery Factory, Beiren J2205 Folio Two-color Printing Press."

There is nothing dull about what he said. It seems that he has been thinking about it silently in his heart for a long time.

When Li He turned to the third page and saw the printing raw materials such as ink, electric oil, and plate cleaning fluid, his heart skipped a beat. These are all polluting things, especially the most commonly used printing ink, which is made from petroleum products. There are a lot of organic solvents, which is also a kind of pollution.

If the use of printing ink cannot meet the pollution discharge standards at all, of course this standard is based on the standards of future generations, who cares about you? Even if he wants to meet the standards now, he can't buy environmentally friendly equipment!

Are we going to open an environmental protection equipment factory again?

Of course, another way is to use water-based ink, but water-based ink does not exist in China yet. Is it possible to develop water-based ink again?

Could it be that he was reborn just to pollute the environment?

Now he was suddenly in a dilemma.

Do we have to give up halfway like this?

Mu Yan and Meng Jianguo had already been lifted into the air by him. Looking at these excited children, it was impossible even to think about it.

Easier said than done, probably this is the truth.

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