My 1979

Chapter 334 bb machine

This gave Li Heke an opportunity to take advantage of it. He also followed the trend. After one paging station expired for free for one year, he changed to another paging station to continue receiving free services. This is called "running station".

At that time, his abacus was also cracking. The service fee for a year was 200 yuan. If it could be used for free for a lifetime, how much money could be saved?

No matter how highly educated or qualified he is, if he has no money, he will still be short-minded and let poverty cause trouble.

Unexpectedly, within two years, he actually went to the sea to make money, and directly used Big Brother, and BP became useless.

After paying the money, Li He chose a leopard number, with the last number being four 5s, and then handed over the money in a confident manner.

The machine is a Motorola. There are no other machines to choose from. It has a black body and is a little smaller than a cigarette case. It uses AA batteries. The price of the machine is 3858 yuan, plus 500 yuan for the network access fee and 700 yuan for the service fee. It cost him 4,000 oceans.

"Motorola pager, send messages anytime and anywhere."

He also knew the slogan by heart, but who would have thought that such a giant would go bankrupt after just saying it would go bankrupt?

After leaving the post office, he turned on the phone and played with it for a while. It was a low-end digital phone. To put it bluntly, it was a simple "calling someone" service.

If you want to find someone, you have to call the paging station number by phone. You need to tell the operator the pager BP number and your name and phone number.

The BP machine at the other end of the page will be reminded of "didi". After turning on the display, a number requesting a call back will appear on the screen. Next, you need to find a phone to find someone, talk about love, and talk about life. .

When the Chinese display shows up, you don’t have to call back if it’s not an important matter, because Chinese characters will be displayed on the screen of the bp machine, and it will be clear at a glance who is looking for you and what the matter is.

He set the BB machine to vibrate and put it in his coat pocket. He didn't want to be looked at when someone made a beeping sound on his body.

Back in the dormitory, Mu Yan asked him with a smile, "How is your printing shop doing?"

"It should be almost the end of the year." Li He's printing factory also had a lot of troubles. He couldn't figure out the machine procurement himself, so he simply handed it all over to Liu Lenovo's new computer lab. This is what he calls an integrated solution.

If it can be solved with money, try not to worry about it. Liu Lenovo also tried his best and helped dispose of several imported second-hand equipment. According to him, the level of this equipment is second to none in the industry.

Li He sighed, how can it be better? He has already spent more than 900,000 yuan.

With so much money, although it may not be enough to build a large printing plant, it is at least enough!

As for the venue, Li Aijun actually helped choose Xianghe, and Li He didn't have any objections. Xianghe is right in Xianghe. At least the place has a lot of space and is easier to recruit. The original four children are simply not enough. Afterwards, he entrusted Liu Lenovo to help recruit people and found eight people, who are currently being trained.

Mu Yan said, "The latest books are all printed at the school's printing house. After the reprinting, they are completely different from before. When this batch comes out, you still have to queue up again. You are right, you must have your own printing company factory".

Li He said, "Aren't you going to ask Boss Fang to print it?"

Mu Yan said angrily, "It's not you. You kidnapped and trafficked all the workers. The couple had eight hands and they couldn't do it. The factory is almost paralyzed. I guess they are still recruiting people. They have enough people." Only then can we reopen. I was worried that month. Thanks to Director Jiang’s help, the school printing factory printed a batch. Otherwise, I don’t know how to explain it to the schools that have already remitted money.”

"Director Jiang?"

"Yeah. I went to look for it myself, what should I do? Fortunately, I was given some face." Mu Yan sighed, "You've done a thorough job of letting go of me, the shopkeeper. If you just talk, we'll break our legs."

"Hard work, hard work," Li He smiled sheepishly. Apart from talking nonsense, he seemed to have done nothing to help.

Li He was quite satisfied when he took the newly printed teaching aid into his hands. There were not too many decorations on the entire cover, and it was as delicate green as the leaf buds, fresh and full of vitality. It only displays the most basic necessary factors such as the book title, editor-in-chief and publisher, and the background color also uses a simple solid color.

The small red logo is very eye-catching on the light green background. Although it is not high-profile, it is enough to show its "roots and integrity". It is "Normal University Education Press", "China Middle School Education Research Center" and "National Hundred It was jointly written by more than 100 famous first-line teachers and provincial and municipal teaching and research personnel."

The preface of each subject's home page is written by two special teachers and a professor from the Normal University. The last two pages of the book are the learning experiences and some learning methods of the top scorers in the college entrance examination in a single subject.

Li He didn't recognize the names of several top scorers in the college entrance examination, so he asked Mu Yan, "Which departments do these people come from? Why don't I recognize them?"

Mu Yan smiled and said, "Of course you don't recognize the person we are looking for from Huaqing University."

"How did you find them all?"

Mu Yan said, "If we don't look for it, our school won't be able to collect so many top students in the college entrance examination. I asked Meng Jianguo to look for them. He knows most of them in that class. One meal, two bottles of wine, no Not happy.

Besides, we are all paid, so we don’t do things in vain. "

"Okay, as soon as this book is released on the market, it will be like a solitary defeat, and it will dominate the world. It's just around the corner." Li He is full of confidence. The quality of the book is not bad, the marketing is good, and the channel construction is strong enough.

So there is no reason why it cannot be done well.

Mu Yan said, "Many remittance orders have arrived one after another. How do you think the money will be divided?"

"How many are there?" Li He knew it was time to share the results. There were too many people involved in the favors used in this process.

"More than 470,000." When Mu Yan counted this number, he couldn't believe it. It had only been more than half a year.

Li He didn't have much idea. He invested less than 50,000 yuan in total. Of course, this does not count the cost of opening a printing factory. The printing factory is considered a fixed investment, and the long-term profits belong entirely to him alone. Even if Mu Yan and the others want to print in the future, they will still have to pay.

"First give the money to each teacher involved. As long as you give it to those who have helped, and then buy a meal, don't be stingy. Anyway, the days will come later. We will calculate how much is left in the end." Teaching Assistant The only partners are him, Mu Yan, and Meng Jianguo.

On his days off, Li He had nothing to do, so he was quite leisurely moving the red golden dragon out of the house, changing the water, and disinfecting it, so he was so busy that his feet didn't even touch the floor.

In the evening, I took the dog and went out for a walk until the evening.

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