My 1979

Chapter 336 Singing

He is a bit depressed.

On New Year's Day, there was snow everywhere, and it melted as soon as it fell to the ground, but it was still very cold.

The New Year's Day party was in a large classroom, and the teachers were all sitting in the front row. Li He brought two bottles of Beidahuang himself, and Yang Hao and several teachers next to him drank from enamel bottles while watching the performances on the stage.

Some students couldn't resist the smell of wine. They saw that their teachers were doing the same thing, and they followed suit. After a while, the classroom was filled with the smell of wine.

Chen Yun said, "When the Academic Affairs Office sees it, you will be criticized."

Yang Hao said, "There is no heating in the classroom. Why don't you drink some wine to keep warm?"

Some students started making noises and asked the teachers to come up and sing a few songs. Chen Yun was the first to be pulled up.

Chen Yun couldn't resist, so she smiled and said, "Then let me sing "Jasmine"."

"what a beautiful Jasmine Flower

what a beautiful Jasmine Flower

Fragrant and beautiful branches

It’s fragrant and white people praise it

Let me take it off

Give it to someone else’s home.”

As soon as he opened his mouth, the students clapped and cheered.

Li He discovered that her voice has a characteristic. It is warm and generous, with more real voice components in the mid-range, and more falsetto in the high notes. She sings gracefully but not roundly enough.

When the song was finished, the students cheered loudly.

Each teacher in turn went up to sing a song, and they all sang some popular songs. When Yang Hao came on stage, Li He was shocked. Such an old man actually sang "Sweet Honey" by Teresa Teng. He actually sang with such tenderness and sweetness.

Everyone couldn't help but applaud loudly for him. Such a boring old man really exceeded everyone's expectations and brought the party to a climax.

There were two female teachers behind me, and they also learned to sing two songs by Teresa Teng, but they were not as good as Yang Hao.

When it was Li He's turn, he thought about singing an old song and patted the microphone. It was much better than when he was a student. He smiled and said, "Let's sing an old song that everyone is familiar with."

"Okay", everyone responded with a smile in the audience.

""My Motherland" is dedicated to everyone.

A big river has wide waves

The wind blows the fragrance of rice flowers on both sides of the bank

My family lives on the shore

I'm used to hearing the boatman's slogans

I'm used to seeing white sails on boats

This is a beautiful motherland

It's where I grew up

in this vast land

There are beautiful scenery everywhere

The girl is like a flower

What a big heart this guy has

To break new ground

Awakening the sleeping mountains

Let the river change its appearance

This is the motherland of heroes


His voice is not very good, but he likes to sing Henan opera all year round, so his vocal range is wide, his enunciation is clear, and his accent is full of charm.

There was no applause in the audience this time, and many people were secretly wiping away tears. This song comes from Shangganling, and is a true reverence for those soldiers who resisted U.S. aggression and aided Korea. This is a song that has made a generation cry. It will not be A lie, absolutely not.

"Thank you", he finished singing and bowed to the audience.

"One more song, one more song," everyone reacted and burst out with amazing enthusiasm.

"Let me sing another one when I remember." Li He really couldn't remember what to sing. He could sing in Yu Opera, but the contrast with what he had just said was a bit big.

"One more song, one more song," the crowd shouted regardless. Many people started banging on the table with enamel jars, and soon everyone found a consistent rhythm.

Bang bang bang bang.

dong dong

"Where is the world full of flowers?

If it really existed then I would definitely go

I want the highest mountain to stand there

Don't care if it's a cliffhanger

Live hard, love hard, even if your liver and brain are ruined

Don’t ask for anyone’s satisfaction, just be worthy of yourself

Regarding ideals, I never choose to give up

Even in the gloomy days

Maybe I don’t have talent.”

Li He closed his eyes and sang the song affectionately.

Just cheat if you want!

When this song was sung, more people in the audience couldn't help but cry.

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