My 1979

Chapter 339 Summary

The table is a round table. The closer the host and guest are to each other, the more respect they have. At the same distance, the left side is more respected than the right side.

Li He first sat down facing the gate, and Shoushan sat down on his left. Su Ming raised his hand to Xia Yang and motioned for her to sit on the right side. Fu Xia smiled and sat on Shoushan's left side.

Su Ming looked at Li Aijun again, but Li Aijun smiled and sat on Fu Xia's left side.

Su Ming naturally sat on Li He's right side.

Li He shook his head and smiled bitterly. This hasn't reached that far yet. They have started to form small groups and have their own thoughts.

Even a down-to-earth person like Li Aijun knows that he can't stand up and be embarrassed in such situations. He also has several comrades watching here. If he loses people, how can his comrades look good?

It doesn't mean that one is fighting alone. Since he has come out to hang out, he needs both face and face. People are in the world and can't help themselves.

The waiter put all the dishes on the table, and Su Ming stood up and opened the wine. Everyone's glasses were brought in front of them, and the wine in each glass was as high as indicated. No one poured more, and no one poured less.

First, he placed a cup in front of Li He, and then picked up a cup for Shoushan. When it was Fu Xia's turn, she asked, "Sister Xia, is it white?"

"There's nothing wrong with it." Fu Xia took it directly with a smile.

Su Ming continued to place a glass of white wine in front of everyone in turn.

Li He first took a few bites of vegetables to satisfy his stomach, and then drank some wine with him.

Everyone drank and drank, and it was very lively.

Halfway through the meal, Li He poured a glass of wine from the cup, stood up and said with a smile, "It's been several years since we have had so many people gather together at one time. This shows that our team is getting bigger and our business is getting bigger and bigger." Come on, come on. I’ll give you this cup of wine.”

"Okay", everyone also smiled and stood up to toast together. Seeing that Li He didn't sit down, they didn't sit down either.

"This second glass of wine is a tribute to all of you for your hard work over the past few years. I see it in my eyes." Li He continued to drink the second glass of wine in one gulp, and then emptied the bottom of the cup toward everyone.

Everyone continued to drink the second glass of wine.

"This third glass of wine is to wish everyone a Happy New Year in advance, but after this glass of wine is finished, we will have something to talk about, both what is right and what is wrong." Li He took another sip.

Everyone drank it quickly. Even Mao Boy held his nose and poured it into his stomach, almost choking. Feng Lei patted him on the back with a smile.

Su Ming said, "Brother, if you have anything to do, just say it. If there is any mistake, you should bear more of it."

"Everyone, sit down first." Li He waited for everyone to sit down and continued to stand. "The first person I know here should be Su Ming. How long have you known him?"

Su Ming answered, "Eight years."

Li He said, "Yes, after eight years, without realizing it, Li Aijun, Shoushan, and Fu Xia have all known me for four or five years. Do you think about what I was doing at that time if you didn't know me? Have you ever thought about it? Today?"

Shoushan said, "Haha, people would treat me like a beggar when walking on the street. I didn't expect that today, I am content."

Li Aijun also smiled and said, "I set up a shoe stall and weathered the wind and rain. I thought it would be like that for the rest of my life."

Su Ming was even more embarrassed and said, "Hey, grandma is such a bear. When Brother Li met me, I was beating a pig with its large intestine blocked, but now things have changed."

Everyone laughed.

Li He said, "I'm not asking everyone to remember the bitterness and sweetness. I'm asking everyone to recall what the original goal was? Don't you think that everyone is doing well now, eating and drinking, and having face when going out? At least it is better than those who risk death at work. The salary is strong?".

Everyone nodded, and Su Ming smiled and said, "Of course we are much better than before. We are even much better than most people."

"So you are slacking off? Are you complacent? Do you think it's good?" Li He asked several questions in succession, leaving everyone speechless. "I'll tell you clearly, you won't be able to waste your money in the future." It won't ring. Who has the most money here? Let me boldly say, I must have the most money, right?"

Everyone nodded and admitted, you are the boss, no one can make more money than you.

"I don't even dare to be proud, I don't even dare to be complacent. Why are you complacent? Why are you proud? Who gave you a sense of superiority?" The more Li He thought about their coquettish looks, the more angry he became. He couldn't let go anymore. If you say harsh words, sooner or later these people will take his words as fart. "You are not the only smart people in this society. Let me tell you clearly that there are many smart people. We are just breaking the rules. We have already broken the rules." One step ahead, and you have a pot of gold more than others. Once the smart people react, I will say this harshly. You can’t keep up with the hot shit. Open your eyes and see how much society has changed in the past two years. Are you still here? I suddenly don’t know, or I pretend not to know. Do you know what it means to be here and now? To put it simply, the textile factories here used to be so awesome. Do you think they are still awesome in the past two years? In less than two years, they will be awesome. Small workshops and small dye houses in the Yangtze River Delta must be squeezed into bankruptcy. If they do not advance, they will retreat. This is a historical law, and no one can escape it.

What he said is all the truth. It doesn't take several years to make a splash in the market with millions and tens of millions. In the late 1980s, he could still be a nouveau riche for a few years. Once he entered the 1990s, intellectuals If you go to sea, you will carry the banner of entrepreneurs. How can people like Su Ming have much living space? They will just follow behind and eat dust.

Shoushan took a sip of wine and sighed, "I agree with you. The state-owned hotels and state-owned dining halls around here are so arrogant and overbearing. They will give you face whenever they say they will. Then look at this. Two years? Even if you call the guests daddy, they won’t be happy to go. I have money and can’t eat anywhere, so I have to go to your state-owned hotel.”

Li He continued, "Correct your attitude and correct your thoughts. This is not a lie or empty talk. I talked about accounting before. Except for Fu Xia, Li Aijun, and Shoushan's accounts, who else's accounts are clear? ? Su Ming's or Ping Song's? Is it that difficult to hire an accountant? The accounting is not for me to see, but for you to see! Su Ming, you were the first to follow me. Today I called you by name and I looked at you. Accounts, such as the canteen expenses in your capital plan, how the money is spent, what are the standards for workers, where is the current staff attendance, is it the latest dynamic attendance, what is the average meal cost, and what expenses are included in it , including staff wages, etc., are the water and electricity bills for one month or several months, and how much is our rent? You tell me."

Su Ming's face turned pale as he was squeezed. He lowered his head and didn't know how to answer, so he had to bite the bullet and say, "Brother, I was wrong."

"It's scary to know if there are some unclear points above. What's scary is that we don't know what we are going to do, what channels and methods we use to get these data, and how to analyze these data. Please think about it and implement it!" Li Hedi He said such serious words once, and it was the first time he said such words in front of so many people. He felt that if he continued to tolerate it, he didn't know what he would do.

Su Ming was embarrassed, lowered his head and stopped talking.

"Times are merciless, history is fair. The waves are scouring the sand, and the scourge will eventually be clearly distinguished. Those that are gold will always shine; those that are scum will always rot and stink! I have a suggestion here. I think my money If you have earned enough and want to quit, you can bring it up now. We will still be friends in the future." Li He's eyes drifted towards everyone. Except for Shoushan, who was drinking leisurely, the rest all bowed their heads and remained silent. .

ps: I recommend a book called "The Strongest Internet Hero", produced by Lao Mo Tong, it must be a high-quality book. The flow of pleasure comes in waves.

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