My 1979

Chapter 346 Butcher Knife

Li He asked, "Is anyone in his family sick?".

The old lady said, "Her daughter-in-law seems to have a lung problem. Anyway, outsiders don't know the specific problem. There has been no one at home for seven or eight days. Are you a relative of his family?"

"It's a relative, aunt, do you know which hospital?" Li He still wanted to go take a look, since he was already here.

The old lady pointed her hand and said, "It seems to be the second hospital. Go and have a look. Just turn left and make two intersections."

"Thank you." Li He took the furry boy downstairs.

He didn't drive, so he planned to stop here first. It would be nice to walk and warm himself up. The Second Hospital was not far from here. The hospital where he sent Li Aijun last time was the Second Hospital.

When he arrived at the entrance of the hospital, he thought he couldn't be empty-handed, so he bought two bags of cereal and two pounds of citrus from the store at the entrance. The citrus was shriveled and had no moisture at all.

Towards the end of the year, there were not many people in the hospital. People were walking around, and the snowflakes brought in under their feet melted, forming patches of water stains on the ground.

Now that he knew it was lung disease, he went directly to the inpatient department and followed the signs to the Department of Respiratory Medicine.

The entire third floor was a long corridor, with wards on both sides. Li He grabbed several nurses and asked, "Do you know where Xiang's family is?"

They always shake their heads.

Mao Boy said, "I'll come find him."

He stretched out his head to search for seeds in each ward, and after a while he said excitedly, "Master, leave it here."

A middle-aged man wearing a black jacket and black-rimmed glasses came out of the ward. He looked tired and haggard. He asked Mao Hai in surprise, "Why are you here?".

Mao Hai pointed at Li He and said, "I followed the boss."

Li He stretched out his hand and said, "Hello, Comrade Xiang Xiang, I am Li He."

His hand holding the direction felt cold, without a trace of body temperature.

"Oh, hello, Comrade Li He, it turns out that printing house belongs to you."

Li He said, "I'm sorry, you keep helping me like this and I don't even show up. It's really rude."

"You're welcome, you're welcome. It's a bit messy here. Let's sit on a chair in the corridor for a while."

Li He said, "No, let's come to see my sister-in-law. I heard that my sister-in-law is sick."

"This...", the direction was very embarrassed, "She has pneumonia."

Li He smiled and said, "You can't just push me away."

Bacterial pneumonia is the most common type of pneumonia in adults. It is not an infectious disease and does not cause infection, so Li He did not take it seriously. But it's hard to tell for children with low immunity. Even if an adult catches a cold, children should stay away.

"Then please come in." Xiang Xiang invited Li He in.

All six beds in the ward were full of people, surrounded by family members.

Xiang's wife was on a bed inside, and a white curtain was pulled up in the middle to create a partition because she was afraid of being sick because of her lung disease.

The woman's complexion was sallow, but her features were upright and delicate. When she saw Li He bringing gifts, she forced a smile and said, "Since we are friends with our old man, why should we be so polite?"

She was a little grateful because her relatives and friends disliked her illness and rarely came here. Even when they came, they stood far away. She was afraid that she would be infected immediately. How could she stand as comfortably as Li He? Bedside talk.

Li He saw that she was breathing very well, and thought it was nothing serious, "Did the doctor say when she would be discharged?"

Xiang Xiang pulled the pillow for his wife, and then said, "It's about time."

But the woman said, "It's too early. I've been living here for half a month, so I can't be sure."

Li He said, "It's okay. It's not a serious illness. It will definitely be cured."

After chatting for a while, the woman said, "If you want anything, you can go out and chat. I'll lie down for a while."

She is discerning, and people may not just come to see her.

Xiang Xiang covered her with the quilt again. As soon as he took Li He out of the ward, a nurse called him.

"The patient's family members have to pay."

Xiang Xiang looked embarrassed and whispered, "I know, I know."

Several people smoked cigarettes in the lee of the corridor downstairs. Li He said, "I see you are under a lot of pressure. If you need any help, just ask."

Xiang Fang sighed and said, "No, no, thank you, that's fine. I can't help you in that factory anymore. It's really impossible to leave here. Even the children, I sent them to my sister to help take care of them." ".

Li He asked, "Sister-in-law, doesn't she have an employer?"

"Yes, I just didn't go back after I got sick."

"Isn't there a bill? What fees are you being asked to pay?" Li He couldn't help but ask. Generally, people who have a work unit, when they are sick, they only need to go to the work unit to get a triple bill or check, and go to the hospital. What about hospitalization fees, All medical expenses are exempted from the employer's bill to the hospital. There is no need for individuals to pay. Even for family members who are unemployed, the employer will reimburse half of the medical expenses. Those who have to pay hospitalization fees are usually those who come to see a doctor from out of town.

Therefore, some people are just too lazy to work, so they find a reason to get sick. Anyway, they have a headache and a fever, but they can’t find the cause. If they want to take a rest, they go to the hospital. This is called being sick.

However, it also depends on the financial situation of the unit. It is common for the unit to be unable to repay for several years when it is poor. Besides, hospitals can basically only treat minor illnesses, and most of them are on the same level as current community hospitals.

"Antibiotics are necessary," Xiang Xiang said helplessly.

Li He asked, "How much does it cost?"

He also understood that drugs such as antibiotics are available in a certain amount and are considered scarce. Even if they are reimbursed, doctors always use cheaper drugs. If you want to use good drugs, you must have connections or money.

Xiang Xiang shook his head and said, "I'm telling you what to do, think of a way, you can always get through it."

Mao Hai suddenly said from the side, "I have saved some money, and I will give you an emergency."

Xiang Xiang touched his head funnyly and said, "You're just a big guy, so keep the flowers for yourself."

My heart is also moved.

Li He said, "Master Fang, can I discuss it with you?"

The direction said, "You said."

"That's what I think. Now that my sister-in-law is sick, you have missed work and are not well-off financially. But the less well-off you are, the more it will delay your sister-in-law's medical treatment, right? I still want to ask you to return to the printing factory and be the director of the printing factory. I'll give you 500 yuan a month as salary. I can advance half a year's salary for you." Li He didn't think it was taking advantage of others. If he borrowed the money directly, it would be a bit pity. The friendship between the two of them was not that bad. After all, It was the first time we met.

"I appreciate your kindness, but it's just a bit difficult right now." Fang Xiang thought about it for a while, but he still couldn't let go of his iron job. Why did the research unit only have more than 167 yuan a month? Now he borrowed some from relatives and friends. I will pay it back slowly in the future. It is not a wise move to throw away your job just for the 500 yuan in front of you.

Li He smiled and said, "Master Fang, you misunderstood. I have no intention of letting you resign. I want to second you from the unit. As long as you agree, I will handle all the procedures."

"You are in a private company, so this secondment is not easy to handle." When I heard about the secondment, it was a lie to say that I was not interested in the secondment.

Li He smiled and said, "To be honest with you, I also have a furniture factory under my name. This is a collective enterprise, so there is no problem in running it."

He is also worried now that he cannot effectively integrate the furniture factory, shoe factory, tape factory, electrical appliance store, clothing store, real estate, and hotel he owns, because he cannot even register the group company, using the name of Hong Kong Yuanda Company Come to integrate, he is not very happy.

"You just trust me, what if you lose money?"

Li He asked back, "Can you believe I lost money?".

"Okay, I'll do it," Xiang Xiang said and laughed. He also knew that it was impossible to lose money. Many units relied on relationships to find state-owned printing factories. As soon as the factory started operating, they would contact him for business. , there is no queue yet.

Li He took out 1,000 yuan from his pocket, handed it to the direction, and said, "You take this first, and I'll ask Maobai to deliver the rest to you in the afternoon. And I suggest you find a caregiver for your sister-in-law. The caregiver is more careful than you. You can make some time, right?"

"That's not the rule." Xiang Xiang hurriedly pushed away.

Li He said, "Take the medicine sooner and my sister-in-law will recover sooner. That's it. I'll give you the money first. Even if I tie you up, you can't run away."

Li He was quite satisfied with Fang Xiang's character, but he was just a bit of an intellectual.

"Hey, thank you. You can go through the formalities. I won't break my promise." Fang Yan finally accepted the call after thinking of his wife's condition.

"Okay, then you go up. My sister-in-law should be anxious if she can't see you." Li He pushed the direction upstairs.

Then he lit another cigarette downstairs.

"Comrade, smoking is prohibited in the hospital."

Li He was busy lighting the fire, and Wu Nong's soft words seemed familiar to him.

He looked up and saw a nurse looking at him with a stern expression.

He looked at this female nurse, with her chubby little face and thin arched eyebrows, and finally remembered her, but he didn't dare to recognize her.

The last time he sent Li Aijun to the hospital, he smoked in the corridor. Wasn't he just being scolded by this nurse?

He was shocked at that time because it was so beautiful.

But after several years of not seeing each other, this nurse has become more and more plump, her belly has grown up, and she no longer has that light and bony texture.

Li He really wanted to ask, girl, how do you look like this?

"Time is like a butcher's knife." It flattened the mountain peaks, withered the cucumbers, and withered the chrysanthemums. Li He couldn't help but sigh, and took Mao Boy away with a cigarette in his mouth.

ps: Ha. .

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