My 1979

Chapter 349

Early the next morning, Li He was the first to wake up. As soon as he got dressed, he banged the door of the fourth child's room and said, "Get up quickly. Check out what time it is."

"Get up." The fourth child probably knew that he was going to take a plane. He was so excited that he didn't fall asleep all night, and he was confused for a while in the latter half of the night.

The two people quickly packed up their large and small bags and bought two pancakes while passing by the alley. The brother and sister took one each.

From time to time, people greet me at the entrance of the alley, "I'm back to celebrate the New Year!".

Li He did not forget to respond, "I'm going back."

As luck would have it, I hailed a taxi when we reached the main road and headed straight to the airport.

After getting off the taxi, the fourth child followed Li He closely, not daring to take a step away, "Brother, are you really not going to fall?".

"I said you are so cowardly."

After changing my boarding pass and entering the satellite hall, there was no so-called security check. I was only asked what I had brought, and my bag was not checked. I was mainly concerned about whether the luggage was overweight, and I turned a blind eye to the military kettle hanging around my neck.

The old-fashioned Soviet-made passenger plane could not carry more than 30 people no matter how hard it tried. Once we got on the plane, it was a mess inside. People were scrambling to grab the luggage racks, and there were all big and small bags. If you were late, there would be no place to put your luggage. .

Li He was not a gentleman, so he held the fourth child in his arms and squeezed in. This would not be easier than taking the train.

After finding a seat and putting away their luggage, the brother and sister breathed a sigh of relief.

There is no air conditioning and the cabin is a bit dull.

People who fly for the first time are often eager to take photos as soon as they board the plane. The fourth child looked on with envy and complained, "Brother, why didn't we bring your camera?"

"Is there anything worth showing off? I want to make you sit on it every day until you vomit." Li He disagreed with this. He was not a man short of money. The fourth child also had a letter of introduction and he could do it whenever he wanted. , and it’s also the stamp of He Fang’s school as a vice-ministerial institution, which couldn’t be more appropriate.

Li He also wanted to fly at that time, but He Fang was not at his current position at that time. This is also called having connections to get things done easily.

It is difficult to fly. Money is one aspect. The main difficulty is the letter of introduction. Generally, the letter of introduction must be issued by a unit at or above the county league level to be valid. In ordinary small counties, only the county committee, people's congress, government, and CPPCC can issue certificates. Who can an ordinary person go to the county magistrate or deputy magistrate to sign?

So once you take a plane, you can really brag about it for several months.

There were not many routes, and the plane was not delayed. It flew out of the runway on time. The fourth child held Li He tightly, extremely nervous, and did not let go until the plane stabilized.

In the middle of the flight, Li He took the time to smoke a cigarette at the back of the cabin of the plane. Since it was not a sealed cabin, smoking was not allowed. In fact, he quite liked this kind of bustling environment. The cleaner, the neater the cabin. , but he felt uncomfortable.

At about 11 o'clock at noon, the plane arrived at the airport in the provincial capital. The small airport does not have a covered bridge, so you just walk down the hanging ladder.

Many people deliberately stayed at the end in order to take a photo on the hanging ladder, without the rush before boarding.

There were several Y-7s on the tarmac. This was a twin-engine turboprop transport aircraft developed and produced by XAC based on the Soviet An-24 aircraft. Li He felt deeply that the beginning of domestically produced passenger aircraft had finally begun. Later, almost all airlines used Y-7 aircraft for flight operations. The Y-7 aircraft once became the main model of China's civil aviation, accounting for 1/5 of the total number of flights in the country every day.

The airport in the provincial capital is very dilapidated, without any trace of the prosperity it later had.

There was nothing to eat next to the airport. Li He decided to eat something next to the passenger terminal and hailed a taxi at the door. A girl carrying a red leather bag opened the door first and was about to get in. Li He quickly used He put his feet against the car door and asked unceremoniously, "Is there a first-come, first-served basis?"

The experience of running around told him that he should never be humble in places like passenger terminals, train stations, and airports. If you are humble, it is morally correct, but you are the one who suffers and feels uncomfortable, and it is obviously you who is making things difficult for yourself.

Don’t let go of what you should defend so easily!

Just like squatting in a public toilet, don't talk about humility, just go where you should.

The girl couldn't squeeze into the car door, so she came out from the gap, smoothed the wrinkles of her clothes, and said unhappily, "Whoever grabs it belongs to him, this is also the rule."

"Hey, you guys are so funny. If you want to leave, leave quickly." The taxi driver stuck his head out of the window impatiently.

Li He opened the back door of the car and said to the fourth child, "You get in the car first."

"It's not that cheap." The girl blocked the car door and asked with a worried expression, "Which company are you from?"

The fourth child quietly tugged on Li and his clothes and whispered, "Brother, why not forget it, there is a car next to it."

"Go aside." Li He pulled the fourth child aside and said to the girl impatiently, "Get out of the way."

"Are we going to leave or not?" the taxi driver asked again.

If it weren't for the girl, Li He would have beaten her long ago.

When Li He wasn't paying attention, the girl got into the back seat in an instant and smiled contemptuously at Li He.

Li He was very angry and took out 20 yuan and gave it to the driver, "Master, my partner is getting angry with me. Please take me to the passenger terminal. If you want to change the destination midway, don't ignore it. Look. Okay, this is 20 yuan. I have remembered your license plate number. If no one can deliver it, I will go to your work to find you."

"You guys are still good at it. I got it and I'll deliver it to you."

The girl wanted to argue, but the driver stepped on the accelerator and ran away. The girl frantically patted the car window to no avail.

Li He laughed proudly.

The fourth child didn't smile, he felt sorry for the twenty yuan, "I have to tell my mother-in-law when I get home, you've lost money again."

"Then why don't you tell her that these shoes on your feet cost more than 300 yuan?" Li He was not afraid of her complaining. He just laughed at the same time.

"I don't want that, you had to buy it for me."

"You have your feet on anyway."

Li He saw a taxi approaching and quickly stopped one. The two of them got in the car and went to the passenger terminal.

When they got out of the taxi, the fourth child pointed it out to Li He, "Look?"

"The one in blue, that woman just now."

The girl who had just followed the car snatcher was waving her hands to stop taxis on the road, but unfortunately no taxi was willing to stop.

Li He was very happy. This taxi driver was really responsible!

The girl probably saw Li He and came over angrily, angrily scolding Li He and said, "Are you wicked or not?"

Li He turned a blind eye and said to the fourth child, "Let's go eat."

"Buy the ticket first. After buying the ticket, wait for the bus," the fourth child suggested.

"Then come in with me. It's very chaotic here." Li He was worried. The so-called public security at the moment was a joke. They were bag snatchers, leading a few children to cheat money, being unreasonable and pulling on their trouser legs. Those who let go, those who whispered that accommodation was 2 yuan, and all sorts of mess!

"It's okay, I'm already old, and I'm not a child anymore." The fourth child always felt that Li He was a little too lenient, so he still treated her as a child.

"Then you wait here. You are not allowed to go anywhere. There are a lot of scammers here." Li He put down his luggage and went to the ticket office to buy tickets.

The fourth child moved his luggage to the corner and sat on it, boredly waiting for Li He to come back.

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