My 1979

Chapter 353 Dispute

It’s impossible to say exactly why brothers and sisters fight. It’s just that they don’t like each other, and they compete with each other to the death.

But it is usually the big ones who suffer losses. Why? Because the big ones will make a point and make measured moves, but the smaller ones may not be so measured. If they get the opportunity, they will make a fatal move.

This is the current situation of the fourth and fifth brothers. One is willing to give in, and the other is desperately trying to antagonize the other.

Li He entered the yard, and Wang Yulan was washing vegetables in the yard. She seemed to be used to the two sisters fighting, and just said, "Let go."

In the end, no one was loosened, so she just ignored it.

Li He didn't say anything and squatted at the door to smoke.

Let the two of them do whatever they want. After all the fun, the two of them can still squeeze into the same bed at night. It's as good as one person.

The fourth child said, "Let go."

The fifth child held on to the sleeves of the fourth child's coat and refused to let go. He was a bit shorter than the fourth child and couldn't kick her, so he dug his nails into her hands, and then started swearing. The ancestors of the Li family All eighteen generations greeted him.

"My mother is your mother, and my milk is your milk. Who are you scolding?" said the fourth child anxiously.

"If I scold you, I will scold you."

The fourth child got angry and pushed her wrists apart, pushing her to the ground.

The fifth child lay on the ground in a daze for a while, then got up, looked to his left and then again, and saw the fire pliers leaning against the wall. He ran over, grabbed it, and was about to rush towards the fourth child.

Li He was startled, and hurriedly went over and hugged Lao Wu from the waist, "You are so promising, is it a joke to hit people with fire pliers?"

"Who asked her to hit me?" Lao Wu swung his tongs towards Li He who was behind him.

Li He grabbed her wrist, took away the poker, and immediately changed his face. He raised the back of her neck and said, "My skin is really itchy, isn't it? I haven't cared about you these days. Do you think I'm easy to talk to?"

With Lao Wu hanging in the air like this, he cried again, "You are just partial."

"Okay, you want to be like your fourth sister, right?" Li He let go of her, "That's easy. When your fourth sister was in the first grade of junior high school, it was four yuan a week. Now you are ten yuan a week. Then If you think the same thing, it will only cost four yuan in the future, okay?"

Lao Wu shouted loudly, "That's different."

"Why is it different?" Li He asked.

Lao Wu said, "It's just different anyway."

Li He said, "I think it's the same. From now on, I'll give you four yuan a week to save your fourth sister from being biased."

The fourth child looked gloating and happily helped Wang Yulan wash the vegetables.

"You're cheating. You promised to give me 10 yuan." Lao Wu is really crying this time. If he doesn't cry now, if it really becomes 4 yuan, there will be no place to cry. Ever since her family's conditions improved, she has never stopped having pocket money in her hand. Whether it's the children in the village or her classmates at school, they all like to hang around her. Who doesn't like having pocket money and snacks? Sugar-coated bullets are always available. unfavorable.

She thought that if it really turned into four pieces, her prestige would plummet!

Although four yuan is a huge sum of money, it is simply not the same as ten yuan!

Li He threatened, "It depends on your performance. If you perform well, I will give you ten yuan. If you perform poorly, I will give you four yuan."



Lao Wu stopped crying and thought about what to do.

She decided to take Wang Yulan's family route first, and let Li Laoer know that he was not the only one who had the final say in this family. If you don't give money, you still have your biological mother.

It's a pity that she doesn't know her biological mother very well. Wang Yulan originally felt that ten yuan a week was a bit too much. She only went to school five days a week, which was equivalent to spending two yuan a day. It was a waste of money. If it weren't for her second son Qian According to Wan's instructions, she couldn't possibly give him so much money.

Now the second son said to give her four yuan, which was exactly what she wanted. She could not listen to the nagging of the little girl, who just kept saying, "Be content, be content."

The fifth child was discouraged, thinking that this unreasonable disaster was all caused by the fourth child, and he even lost his good feelings toward the fourth child. He was unwilling to sleep in the same room with the fourth child at night.

But there were only a few rooms in the house where she could sleep, and Wang Yulan and her husband lived in one room, so she couldn't go there.

Li He slept in the same room, and she was a little frightened, but she wouldn't go there to feel uncomfortable.

The remaining room is just one room for the two sisters.

She went to coax Li Pei and went to his house to take him to sleep at night, thinking that there were many empty rooms in the third brother's house.

Little Li Pei is also six years old and understands everything. He is not happy to ask his little aunt to sleep with him. My aunt’s slap hurts!

Duan Mei hugged Li Ke neatly, led Li Pei, turned around and left, not daring to pick up on her sister-in-law's words. She didn't want to cause trouble for herself, she couldn't afford to cause trouble and she could afford to hide!

The fifth child had already given up on sleeping with the fourth child. Seeing that there was no place to sleep, he had no choice but to go back to sleep in the original room. However, he no longer wanted to share a quilt with the fourth child, so he chose a quilt. , rolled it up by himself, and got in by himself.

The fourth child is naturally more happy because she has less trouble.

Li Yan ran over to Li He early in the morning and said, "My father has asked me to continue studying again. I will go back to class when school starts."

"That's good. Study hard and you will be successful. If you have any homework you don't understand, I'll ask your fourth sister." Li He also hoped that she would find a way out. For a child in rural areas, the best way out is to study and leave. The countryside sounds a bit cruel, but it will be like this in the next few decades. Only in cities will there be more opportunities.

Li Yan nodded solemnly and came to Lao Si to ask about his homework.

The fourth child was not stingy, so he gave her all his previous tutoring books, textbooks, and notes, and also taught her some study methods, most of which he learned from Li He.

Li He asked, "Is your brain responsive?"

The fourth child said, "The swallow is quite choking, but I still need to work harder. Half a bucket of water is sloshing around."

Li He was helpless and could only help so far. To learn this kind of thing, he had to rely on himself the most.

Li Pei was sticking out his white butt at the intersection, but he couldn't get anything out.

Li He said, "Isn't it constipation?"

"I took anti-insect medicine yesterday, I guess it's blocked," Wang Yulan said with great experience, then she took the drive and put a few drops on Li Pei's butt.

When driving, medicines are usually used to deal with dry and lumpy stools in children. They are available in most township clinics and are common and necessary medicines.

After a while, a puddle came out.

Li Pei said happily, "bug, bug."

Wang Yulan said, "I told her a long time ago that if she can't eat well every day, there must be bugs, but her mother still doesn't believe it."

Li He held back his nausea and took a look. He had ascariasis, and the long worms that came out looked like earthworms.

As long as you come from the countryside, it is strange not to have this thing in your belly.

Roundworms are one of the most common parasites in the human body. At this time, the sanitary conditions in rural areas are not good, chickens, ducks and livestock are flying all over the sky, and feces are everywhere on the roadsides. It is normal for them to be transmitted to children.

People often get up early every day to collect cow dung and pig dung, dry them in the sun and use them to make fires.

Moreover, many families use water from the river, and the old wells in the village cannot supply water for so many people.

There are also many people who have wells. After all, they are so close to the river. They dig a few shovels into the depressions to get water, but they only reach the shallow water layer. When it rains, the well water is still turbid.

When water is pumped into the tank, alum must be added so that impurities can settle out. This is the most common method of purifying water in rural areas.

The health situation is still worrying.

Li He said, "Let's dig a new well for our family."

Wang Yulan said, "It's not like you can't eat it. Why dig another one?"

"Listen to me." Li He still had to go to Li Fucheng. He didn't know any of the people who dug the well. Only the old man was familiar with these things. Of course Li Zhaokun might also know, but Li He didn't want to talk to him.

Li Fucheng said, "It's easy to find people, but if you want to dig deep, you have to cover it with stones or red bricks, otherwise it will still be so muddy when it rains."

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