My 1979

Chapter 358 Abandoned Baby

Li Mei disliked Li He's eye-catching hair style and said helplessly, "Why can't you be more particular? It doesn't look comfortable at all."

Li He said, "Comfort is reserved for yourself, as long as you feel comfortable."

Lao Wu pestered Li Mei and told Li Lao Er's domineering attitude vividly, "I'm not a child anymore. He annoys me every day. You are the boss in the family and you have to take care of him."

Li Mei said, "How old are you? Why can't I control you?"

"I'm thirteen, I've grown up."

Li Mei said, "Then your grades are as good as your fourth sister's, isn't that enough? Your second brother will definitely leave you alone."

"They are all nerds, I am not like them." Seeing that Li Mei was not helping her, Lao Wu lost interest in talking.

Li Mei was interested in the purple streaks on Li Zhaokun's head and asked, "What's wrong? There are several streaks on his head."

Lao Wu got excited after hearing this, "I was blocked and beaten by my mother."

Li Mei felt that this was a fantasy. How could Wang Yulan take action against Li Zhaokun? It was "nonsense".

"Really, really, dad lost money, lost 500 yuan." Lao Wu was very excited despite Li Zhaokun saying it to his face.

Li Zhaokun said angrily, "Shut up, believe it or not, I will beat you up."

"What I said is true." Lao Wu is not afraid of Li Zhaokun.

Seeing Li Zhaokun's face, Li Mei knew that it was probably true, so she told Lao Wu to shut up. She knew that her mother had a good temper, but letting her lose money would cost her her life. In the past, she didn't care about Li Zhaokun, and she probably had the attitude of breaking things. Now that she is rich, she plans to be rich for a long time, and she will go out for a while. Money will make you feel distressed for a long time, how can you allow Li Zhaokun to do this?

Yang Xuewen pulled Li He and wanted to return the 3,000 yuan he had borrowed for fish farming. "You see it has taken so long. Your sister has been anxious for a long time."

Li He said, "Just use it, I'm not bad at it."

"I don't need it anymore. My house has been built and I don't have any big expenses." Yang Xuewen insisted that Li He click the money. Only when a person has no debt can he feel relaxed. Even if it is his brother-in-law's money, he They all felt uncomfortable all over.

"Okay, you need to tell me later." Li He took the money and pretended to smooth it over.

"Are you fooled like this? Count carefully, are you counting correctly?" Yang Xuewen was a little anxious when he saw that Li He was absent-minded.

Li He had no choice but to count them carefully, "Yes, yes."

"That's good, that's good. I owe you all these years, otherwise I wouldn't be able to grow my few acres of fish ponds." Yang Xuewen respected this brother-in-law from the bottom of his heart, remembering that his family was poor and had two shabby thatched houses. I had never seen his family in the surrounding area. At that time, I could only think about having a meal, but I couldn't think about getting a wife.

As a result, it was his brother-in-law who insisted on letting Li Mei marry him against all odds. He was also able to live up to his expectations. Now he is like a human being, with a wife and son, and he lives in three large tile-roofed houses. Things that I never dared to think about before.

"Whether you are telling the truth or not, it doesn't mean anything." Although Li He couldn't call out "brother-in-law" due to his mental age, he still respected him.

No matter in this life or in this life, he always felt that he owed his eldest sister Li Mei. He gave this money without intending to ask for it. Since Yang Xuewen had a sense of responsibility and wanted to pay back the money, he did not stop him. Go and put on a face of wealth and wealth.

Life in this world, whether rich or poor, is all about destiny. People from poor and humble families must work hard, and after hard work, they will be rich and noble. In short, there is a certain number of cycles.

If a person is poor and lowly and does not cultivate virtue, he will always blame others and blame others, be indignant and indignant, or look at undue blessings, or forcefully seek unexpected wealth, he will inevitably end up in poverty and lowliness.

Li He can be regarded as a Phoenix man in the city, but he is a Phoenix man with self-awareness. The common problem of many Phoenix men is that they like to take over the affairs of the seven aunts and eight aunts without overestimating their abilities, and insist on saving the poor. , can poverty be saved?

Therefore, whether he was Li Long, his brother-in-law, or Liu Laosi, he only tried his best to teach them how to fish instead of teaching them how to fish.

Helping the urgent but not the poor, helping the poor but not the lazy should be a concept that should be promoted in the process of interacting with people, especially with close friends and even relatives.

The people he helps should be people who are in urgent need but have a sense of responsibility and responsibility, not people who are destitute because they are lazy and lazy.

Of course, the actual situation in rural areas remains here. Even if many people work hard, they really can't afford it when things happen. Li He should lend them money, for example, if a relative is sick or a child goes to school.

Just like back then, many relatives in his family were unwilling to borrow money anymore. Li He felt that they were right. Li Zhaokun was too lazy to work, and his brothers and sisters were young and irresponsible. They were impoverished and basically had no ability to repay. The money of his relatives was not big. It's coming from scratch, and life is incredibly difficult, so how can he subsidize his family?

Wu Tuozi, a ferryman, picked up a girl. Many people looked at her in surprise.

Wang Yulan came back and said, "What a sin. You threw away such a small child like that. When the hunchback picked it up, the child's face was purple from the cold and there were ants all over his body."

Pan Guangcai's mother said, "It's a sign of merit if you don't suffer from grass ashes. I guess it belongs to Dalong's wife's family in Shangba. She became pregnant in the spring, and the days are almost over. There is no movement now. It's not from her family." Whose".

Li He said, "Wu Tuozi is already so big. How can he be raised easily?"

Wu Tuozi wanted to sell the boat to He Zhaodi because he was old and couldn't stand the cold at the river. There was one thing in his memory. Hunchback picked up a girl, but he had no idea what happened to the girl. He was away from home all year round, and he only occasionally listened to Wang Yulan's nagging about things in his hometown.

Wang Yulan said, "How can that old bachelor know how to raise a child? I'll go find some small clothes for him and then pack them for him."

She went to rummage through the cabinets and dug out all the clothes that Li Pei and Li Ke didn't wear, and found some pieces of cloth to make diapers.

Li He followed Wang Yulan and several women there.

Tuozi's home is located in the easternmost part of the village, and has only a low thatched house. He used to sail boats by the river, so he naturally made boats his home, and the houses at home were rarely decorated.

An old woman was teaching a hunchback how to make a warm basin. "When you chop wood in the stove and burn it to the core of the tree, you can pick out the charcoal. Otherwise, it will not be burned thoroughly and the smoke will be too big, which will choke the child."

The hunchback said, "It doesn't matter if we don't use the charcoal basin. I have a stove in the house and it will keep her warm. It won't freeze her."

The deep wrinkles on his face may have become more rosy because of happiness.

The strong old woman scolded him and said, "It's impossible to dry the baby's diapers in this weather for a while, so you have to use a charcoal pot to dry them. Otherwise, how can you get so many diapers to change?"

The hunchback suddenly understood and nodded in agreement. He was very happy to see Li He coming and said, "Erhe, you're a student, give her a name. You know, I can't read."

"Okay", Li He lowered his head and entered the narrow thatched house, looking at the child's red face. His heart was very cold, as cold as a stone, like a cold wind sweeping through the streets.

The hunchback boasted very much, "Since I sold the boat, I rarely get up early. It happened to be around four o'clock this morning. I thought about getting up to put the boat. When I got up, I remembered that I didn't have a boat. I got up early. Nothing happened again, so I took advantage of the fog to go for a walk on the river slope. I disliked the lush grass on the old slope, so I seldom went there, but I went there today. The girl cried loudly and let Xun touch her. Now, do you think this is a blessing?"

Pan Guangcai's mother said, "Of course it's a blessing, hunchback. Someone will take care of you in your old age in the future."

The hunchback said, "No, no, I will take care of myself in old age. I raised her and sent her to school to make her literate. Look at her smiling. When she smiles, I can smile."

Wang Yulan said, "It was more painful than the fifth child in my family."

The hunchback urged Li He and said, "Erhe, please help me think of a name. I'm going to find Liu Chuanqi to register for residence."

"How about calling me Wu Qiong?"

"Poor? No, no, you must not be poor." The hunchback immediately denied it.

Li He smiled bitterly. According to this logic, "Jia" can't do it. It's called Wu Jia. How can he do it without a family?

"How is Wu You?"

"Wuyou, Wuyou, this lottery is good." The hunchback said happily this time.

The old ladies in the house also said that this name was good, and the child's name was finally decided, and it was named Wu You.

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