My 1979

Chapter 371 Reading Draft

After Yu Dehua figured it out, he decided to listen to Li He in everything from now on and would not object again. These hesitations and arbitrary decisions had caused him to lose many opportunities.

Since he was going to a meeting, he had to prepare a manuscript. He read the manuscript while writing, "As a Hong Konger who lives in Cao Ying and whose heart is in Han, I"

"Stop!" Li He couldn't help but laugh, "It was intentional, right? Rewrite."

Yu Dehua also smiled and continued to read, "Okay, listen to me carefully. The comprehensive development of Hong Kong is closely related to the prosperity of the country. As a Hong Konger and a Chinese, we have the responsibility and obligation to serve our country." We must make due contributions to the socialist construction and contribute to the four modernizations. We must strive to promote scientific and technological progress, develop manufacturing, especially develop labor-intensive industries according to local conditions, strive to achieve industrial agglomeration and specialization, and increase output. Efficiency enables China to become a veritable world factory with considerable competitiveness."

The words "world factory" came out of his mouth not with confidence.

"This sentence is well written. Keep writing. It's not in vain to stay in the mainland. Just keep writing." Li He expressed satisfaction.

"To develop an export-oriented economy, we must export more. Practice in recent years has shown that China's light industrial products have the strength and ability to participate in international competition. We must bravely go abroad and go to the world, telling them: The Chinese are here! In the international market, we can't compete with technology, and we can't compete with capital, so we will compete with strength and price! If we can't even do the work of strength, how can we stand in the forest of nations? , how to become a strong manufacturing country!"

These were Li He's original words. Yu Dehua recited them very powerfully. The bastard's energy was particularly strong, at least five or six meters high!

Well, the Chinese are here, bringing our sincerity, friendliness, diligence and wisdom. People of the world, dear, it’s discounted, it’s a cabbage price, okay!

Are labor-intensive industries really obsolete?

The reason why China can become the world's factory is that labor-intensive industries contribute more than 90% to China's entire economic growth. Moreover, labor-intensive industries themselves also have considerable room for upgrading.

Regardless of any business, as long as it is targeted by the small eyes of the Chinese, as long as they can do it, people from other countries will no longer want to do it.

Unfortunately, when foreigners discovered this truth, it was already too late.

To this day, they still cannot understand how these crazy money worshipers can endure hardships despite hard work, and save money even after making money.

Li He listened carefully for a while and then said with a smile, "That's almost it. Anti-dumping and countervailing legal experts must be consulted. Otherwise, if you make such a big move, you will accidentally fall into the gutter."

Yu Dehua said, "I know all this. There are some legal experts attending this meeting, and our company also has professional legal professionals."

"Wait a minute," Li He took out a thick address book from the drawer and handed it to Yu Dehua, "These are some research institutes that Shen Daoru contacted before. You can contact them again to see if there is any possibility of a joint venture. , If you can cooperate, cooperate, and if you can invest, invest in it.”

These notebooks are the communication methods of some research institutes, covering all kinds of messy industries, such as those who make enamel jars, those who research thermos bottles, those who produce rubber shoes, and so on.

"I can really use this."

"The contact has been made. Return the book to me. Don't lose it." These precious communication resources were lost and there was no place to look for them. Li He sent him out. The black Daben stopped at the corner of the street, dark and dark. Open and bright, it is indeed easy to go from frugality to luxury.

When the driver at the door saw the boss coming out, he hurriedly opened the door. Yu Dehua turned around and said, "Why don't I leave it to you? It will be convenient for you to do things."

Li He waved his hand, "I'm a teacher, what's it like to drive a car like this? You'd better keep it to yourself."

"That's right, I'll leave first." Yu Dehua finally resisted asking Li He to resign as a teacher. It was in vain. He knew that Li He would not resign at this stage. Although he didn't understand why.

Another person in the family was gone, and Li He didn't care anymore. Anyway, he went to restaurants every day and drank revolutionary wine every day.

Zhao Zunian's success in Pujiang gave Shoushan great confidence. He decided to continue to expand his business, so he arranged for Xiao Gu to go to Binhai to open a new restaurant. However, someone had to take over the restaurant in front of Li He's house.

Little consultant Li He's opinion. He knew that Li He valued Chen Dadi more, and tested Li He's tone to see if he wanted to use Chen Dadi.

"What do you mean, master? Is there anything suitable?" Li He picked up a peanut and bit it into his mouth, making a loud crunch. Both Shoushan and Xiao Gu must have their own personnel arrangements. Promotions are always on a first-come, first-served basis. Arranging Chen Dadi rashly may make it difficult for them.

"Master said to listen to you."

"You tell me who is suitable to arrange, Chen Dadi, I have other arrangements."

Xiao Gu said, "I think Chen Dadi is very good. He is down-to-earth and hard-working. The employees like him very much."

"I told you, Chen Dadi, I have other plans, please tell me quickly."

Xiao Gu said, "Currently, only Chen Dadi is the most suitable. The master will open two restaurants after the year and needs people everywhere. He has a tight manpower. I have two suitable ones here, but I want to take them to Binhai. The other people either can't handle the scene, or they are all newcomers who haven't been here for a long time, so at present, only Chen Dadi is the most suitable. He is a practical person, but he is not stupid, and he is also considerate to his guests. He also manages the accounts clearly, and I feel like he was born to be a cook.”

"You didn't lie to me?" Li He was most afraid that the people below would lie to him in order to cater to him. Especially in an environment where "truth is lacking", it seems that employees tell lies and falsehoods as a matter of course, which is the most terrifying thing.

Seeing Li He being suspicious, Xiao Gu couldn't help but smile bitterly, "I'm not lying to you, I think he is the most suitable. There is no one more suitable than him. If you don't believe me, just ask my master. My master admires him very much."

"You call him over and I'll ask him." Li He decided to ask Chen Dadi's opinion.

Xiao Gu smiled and called Chen Dadi. Chen Dadi was squatting on the ground with a vise to remove the hair from the pig's trotters. If there were tiny hairs, just use fire to remove them.

The easiest way to pluck hair is to use rosin, but rosin is poisonous and is simply a chronic poison. Shoushan strictly prohibits its use. In order to save worry, a restaurant managed by an apprentice below secretly used rosin, and Shoushan was fired immediately. Yes, according to him, the first requirement for cooking is to be clean and to eat with confidence. The most important thing is not to be careless. You can't do anything that will end your descendants.

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