My 1979

Chapter 403 Plan

At this time, shorting U.S. stocks seems very unwise to Huang Bingxin!

By the 1980s, the U.S. stock market had experienced a 50-year bull market, with the stock market value rising from US$2.472 billion in 1980 to US$5.995 billion in 1986. Since 1982, the stock price trend has continued to rise, and the trading volume has also increased rapidly. In 1987, the daily trading volume reached 180.6 million shares. The stock market is extremely prosperous, its development speed far exceeds the growth rate of the actual economy, and the development speed of financial transactions greatly exceeds the development speed of world trade.

Short selling is simply nonsense! Not to mention it’s still 600 million US dollars! This is nonsense! He also admires Li He's success in Japanese yen trading, but it does not mean that he will definitely succeed in US stocks!

He hurriedly saw the financial newspaper on the bed. As if he saw a life-saving straw, he grabbed it, turned over two pages, pointed it out to Li He, and said anxiously, "Mr. Li, I absolutely cannot agree! This is too risky! Look, You see, the U.S. economy is doing well, with employment at its highest level, production increasing, and the trade balance improving. The chairman of the Federal Reserve Board recently spoke and said there is no sign that further inflation will occur. Dow Jones Index It’s very stable right now and there are no conditions for speculation!”

He was so excited when he said it that he suddenly forgot that Li He was the boss.

"Do as I say, and you don't have to say anything else." Li He said unquestionably.

Shen Daoru also said, "Mr. Li, please think about it again. It is indeed very risky. Even if we do it, can we do less, even if it is 300 million US dollars, it is okay. There is no need to make such a big bet."

"Compare this year's U.S. stock market chart with the technical analysis chart of 1929. I think they are very similar. Whenever the market's upward parabola breaks, historically there has always been a major stock market crash."

Li He was just talking nonsense. He didn't know anything about stock technical analysis. He was just giving hindsight based on his own memory. He just remembered the general situation of the U.S. stock market crash in 1987. The Dow Jones Index plummeted 508.32 points in one day, a drop of 22.6%, setting a record for the highest single-day decline since 1941. Within 6.5 hours, the New York stock index lost $500 billion, a value equivalent to 1/8 of the U.S.'s annual gross national product.

Huang Bingxin said, "Mr. Li, do you think there will be an economic crisis in the United States?"

Li Hedao, "It's not an economic crisis, it's a stock market crash. It may be a global stock market crash."

"But Mr. Li, it would be too hasty to judge based solely on technical graphics."

Li He said, "I have already thought about it. You don't need to persuade me anymore. And if it succeeds this time, the funds can be used for the auction of Conian Bank. I am also determined to win Conian Bank. Now you only need to tell me about Boston." The maximum amount of leverage the bank can provide is the maximum.”

Either don't do it, or do it big. After the Nikkei Index battle, he has been convinced that the direction of history has not changed much, and his butterfly has not caused much shock.

At this time, piles of banknotes were waving to him. If he didn't hug them hard, it would be unbearable!

Huang Bingxin knew that Li He was determined to short U.S. stocks, and he was worried. Although the money was not his, he would feel distressed if so much money had to pass through his hands. He originally expected Li He to keep some of the money to acquire Kang Nian, but he didn't expect that Li He would want to short U.S. stocks at this time. He could no longer keep up with Li He's thinking.

"If you really want high leverage, Boston is not very suitable. 50 times leverage is 30 billion. Neither Boston nor Morgan has the strength. If you are not careful, your position will be liquidated. I recommend choosing Goldman Sachs."

At this time, he was completely considering the issue from Li He's perspective. If there is a so-called stock market crash, banks will generally restrict lending to securities companies, which may cause some of these companies to default and worsen the crisis. At the same time, if the margin is unexpectedly large, the settlement bank is generally unwilling to recognize the member company's payment to the clearing house, so it is very important to find a broker with the ability to perform the contract.

Li He said, "Then Goldman Sachs. 50 times leverage, leave 10% of the position, open an account before October 17th, ensure that the funds are in place, and find a few reliable traders. That's it, you guys execute it. And Let’s see how much more money can be mortgaged on the land in Yuanda Company’s hands, continue to mortgage it, and find a way to get 50 million US dollars.”

For him, the more capital, the better. Besides, if Yu Dehua is the only one to pay, Yu Dehua will be a bit picky, so it is better to be fair.

"I'll deal with it as soon as possible."

Shen Daoru and Huang Bingxin looked at each other, and then nodded helplessly. They really had no ability to refute. Li He was the big boss, and the boss had the final say. He also became nervous in his heart. If he lost the bet this time, not only would Li He lose everything, but they would also be unlucky.

After Yu Dehua and Pingsong returned, Li He asked him to raise US$100 million in cash before October 17.

"One hundred million dollars!"

Yu Dehua was shocked.

"Yes, 100 million US dollars. Any difficulties?"

Yu Dehua said with difficulty, "There is no difficulty in investing 100 million U.S. dollars, but if the funds are transferred, the company will be completely unable to operate. I would like to ask what is it used for?"

Li He said, "Don't worry about it. I will only use this money for three days. It will be returned to your account in three days. The company is owned by two people, and I will give you 10 points of interest every day on that part of your funds." "

"Okay." Yu Dehua gritted his teeth and agreed. He made eight to nine million in three days. He had no reason not to do it. Besides, now that Li He was a veritable major shareholder and boss, he had no right to refuse, "I'm here at 10 Payment will be arranged before the 17th of the month."

"Okay, that's it. Just put it into the account arranged by Lao Shen." Li He stood up and carried his suitcase downstairs.

He and Ping Song got into Yu Dehua's car. As soon as they arrived in Shenzhen, he handed their passes to Yu Dehua and he arranged to apply for them.

When Su Ming saw Li He coming back again, he asked in confusion, "Why are you back?"

Li He said, "The pass has expired."

Su Ming arranged for Li He to wash his face and take a bath.

Er Biao and Ping Song chatted for a while and shouted on the spot, "Don't worry, we will go there in a few days. If we find someone, we will kill him."

Su Ming also said, "It's nothing to rely on others for your own affairs. Lao Yu, just rest."

Yu Dehua said with a smile, "Don't treat me like a donkey with good intentions. I have this ability in Hong Kong."

Su Ming smiled and said, "Thank you, I won't bother you."

"Okay." Yu Dehua said hello to Li He and drove away.

Li He said, "You can figure it out yourself."

He believed that Su Ming and others could handle this matter.

He asked Li Aijun where he was going, and Su Ming said, "As soon as I returned to Shenzhen yesterday, I rushed to Guangzhou in a hurry. I didn't want to stay for more than a meal."

Li He thought about how to ask for leave from the school, but he couldn't find a suitable reason for it, whether it was sick leave or personal leave.

Finally, he bit the bullet and dialed Professor Wu’s home phone number.

"Ask for leave? Why don't you ask for leave when you're not sick? Teacher Li He, please correct your work attitude."

Li He held the phone far away, and after Professor Wu finished yelling, he put the phone close to his ear and said, "Professor Wu, I really have something to do. Please see if you can arrange for a teacher to take over my class for two weeks. I will do it as soon as possible." Going back."

"Finding someone to teach? It's easy for you to say. The school has its own system. Wherever you say you can adjust the class, you can adjust it."

"Sorry to trouble you, Professor Wu." Li He knew that Professor Wu was telling the truth. Now the school controls class time very strictly and is not as casual as before.

The main reason is that some teachers who were previously sent abroad for short-term exchange training by the school never came back. As the control of going abroad became more and more strict, it seemed natural that they would not return after the deadline, causing many teaching plans to be disrupted.

All schools and many units now have strict requirements for going abroad. Most people who are sent abroad will choose to bring their families with them in China, so that they at least have a bond. And even if you want to visit relatives, you must provide proof of consent from the couple's employer before you can go through it.

Li He unconsciously thought of Yan Hong again, wondering if she would come back this year.

Professor Wu sighed and said, "You can figure it out yourself."

Li He also sighed. With his salary, he really couldn't help himself.

In the evening, the girl named Wu Wei stewed a chicken.

Li He used chopsticks to dig into the pot, then looked at the empty chicken coop in the corner and asked Su Ming, "Pheasant?"

"The pheasants they covered with nets yesterday were delicious. You can try them."

"Everyone should love animals, especially cooked ones."

In the following days, Li He lived freely. At dawn in the morning, he took Ping Song to the mountain to catch pheasants. Su Ming, Er Biao and others had their own things to be busy with, so Li He would not let them follow. Because there are construction sites everywhere, there are a lot of pheasants concentrated in the limited mountains. The humidity in the morning is heavy, and the pheasants don't move fast. As long as the slingshot is aimed accurately and hard, you can occasionally encounter a few.

If it weren't for the fact that this place was close to the border checkpoint and there were armed policemen with guns nearby, Li He would have hunted with a native gun. Making noise with a gun is simply seeking death.

In the afternoon, he would rent a small boat and go out to sea, find a fishing rock and sit there for the whole day, usually returning with a full load. He suddenly found that he liked this kind of life very much, and even had the idea of ​​​​settling in the south. Since his rebirth, he has never been so happy and comfortable.

If you want to fish, you can fish, if you want to drink, you can drink, if you want to take a bath, you can also have a few dog paddles in the sea.

He was contented like this over and over again for a few days, and became more and more satisfied with each passing day.

However, Ping Song felt bored and became less happy after two days. He went to dance in a newly opened dance hall and was happy every day.

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