My 1979

Chapter 423 Loud Thunder


It's not that he couldn't bear to leave, he just simply had nowhere to go. He didn't have much ambition for fame and fortune, and he didn't care about anyone's opinion except his parents. It's not like he never thought about returning to his hometown.

But he was afraid of meeting the disappointed eyes of his parents.

Looking for Che Lili again?

After giving up his current job, he will become a nobody in society again. His mother-in-law Hu Lan will not look down upon him. Che Lili still despises him as always. He knows this very well. In some cases, he is not Silly, even smarter than most people.

Sometimes, he just doesn't want to face reality.

He clenched his fists, and as if he had made up his mind at this moment, he stood up and strode toward the entrance of the alley.

A little boy was playing with sand in the alley. When he saw Chen Dadi, he shouted loudly, "Dad."

Chen Dadi's heart tightened suddenly, and he burst into tears. He held the boy in his arms, kissed him a few times, and then asked, "Where's mom?"

He couldn't remember how long it had been since he saw the child, and he didn't know how determined he was to decide not to see the child.

"Mom. Dad is here." The boy turned back and shouted into the house. He continued to ask in Chen Dadi's arms, "Dad, why are you back now? Mom said you earned money to buy me toys."

Chen Dadi said, "Dad will buy it for you."

"Why are you here?" Chen Lili asked with a cold face.

Chen Dadi put the child on the ground and whispered, "You go and play first. Dad will take you to buy toys later."

"I want to buy a little duck, a little duck that can swim."

"Okay, daddy will buy it for you later." When Chen Dadi saw the child running aside to play, he took a deep breath and looked directly at Che Lili and said, "I'm here to divorce you."

Che Lili frowned and asked in disbelief, "What did you say?"

She looked directly at Chen Dadi with cold eyes, her tone still unquestionable.

Chen Dadi did not dodge this time, and still looked at Che Lili and said, "I said I want to divorce you."

Che Lili said, "Do you think you can despise me after making a few stinky money?"

Chen Dadi smiled bitterly and said, "You clearly know what's going on between us, why should you bear the status of a husband and wife in vain? It's not good for you, nor is it good for me."

"Why didn't you tell me earlier, why didn't you tell me later, and why are you starting to tell me now?" Che Lili asked in a bad tone.

"Mom has been looking for me every day these days, you know. There's no point in making a fuss." Chen Dadi gritted his teeth and said these words. Only at this moment did he realize that how deep the love is, how painful the heart will be.

"I'll beat you to death, you idiot." Che Lili's wife, Hu Lan, hit Chen Dadi with a broomstick.

"That's enough." Chen Dadi didn't dodge this time and grabbed the broom. "I call you mom. I always respect you. Don't go too far."

"Did I go too far?" Hu Lan tried to fight for the broom, but it didn't move at all. She sat down on the ground, "I'm dead. I've beaten someone to death. Chen Dadi has beaten someone."

Chen Dadi said coldly, "Stand up, you are the elder, I can't do anything to you. But if you make trouble with me once, I will beat your son once. You know my temper and I will do what I say."

He had long since tolerated his brother-in-law to the limit.

Hu Lan stood up and said to Che Lili, "This is the good man you are looking for!"

Che Lili ignored her and just said to Chen Dadi, "You are making a difference."

Chen Dadi said, "I will wait for you at the bus station tomorrow. Bring your household registration book and go back to your hometown to apply for a divorce certificate. If you are willing, the child can be mine and I will be good to him."

Hu Landao said, "Chen Dadi, what you are saying is human language! You are your own son and you have the nerve to say such words that are worse than a beast."

Che Lili said, "I don't have to worry about it anymore."

Chen Dadi turned around and left. The child came after him and called him daddy. He turned around and held back tears as if he didn't hear him.

I quickly walked to a corner, leaned my back against the wall, and finally burst into tears.

Li He came down from the wall and cursed to no avail. He thought Chen Dadi was going to have an earth-shattering turn, but in the end, there was heavy thunder and little rain, which made him extremely disappointed. But after thinking about it, he could only say that it was the most pitiful thing. It's that kid.

Xiao Wei made a cup of tea for Li He, "Brother, drink tea."

Li He said, "Have you talked to Feng Lei?"

Xiao Wei said, "Brother, I'm afraid that Feng Lei is not familiar with electrical appliances. How about I let him follow me first and let him get familiar with it?"

"When will it be your turn to make the decision for me?"

"No, brother, I'm thinking about Feng Lei."

Li He said angrily, "Let me ask you one last time, do you still make electrical appliances?"

"I still don't understand what's going on here. Why don't you tell me, is it really profitable to make this electrical appliance?"

Li He said, "You are in charge of the electrical appliance store, don't you even read the account books?"

Xiao Wei blushed and said, "Huang Guoyu and his two brothers are in charge of it. Every time he makes money, he clamors to open a new store. There is no profit at all, so I don't bother to look at it."

Li He said, "Get out of here. This is your last chance. Feng Lei is already married. Are you older than Feng Lei?"

"Brother, a man puts his career first. If his career is not successful, how can he have a family?"

Li He was worried about his IQ, "Can't you understand me? Let me put it bluntly. I am younger than you and already have a family and a career. What do you have? No home and no job! What are you thinking about all day long! I I asked you to manage an electrical appliance store, but you didn’t even look at the accounts. What do you think I can say about you?”

If you pick anyone at random, they are better than Serena. Serena is still impetuous and can't do anything.

Xiaowei said, "Isn't there an accountant?"

Li He waved his hands feebly, "I think I have said what I should say and done what I should do. You can figure out the rest by yourself."

He lay on the chair, closed his eyes and meditated, and stopped paying attention to what Xiaowei said.

Xiao Wei left Li He's house dejectedly.

Da Kui, who was smoking at the gate when he saw Xiao Wei coming out, smiled and said, "I saw Brother Lu Bo. He was driving a car. He is so rich. The car is the same as Brother Ping Song's. Darling, this is really amazing."

"You're so damn talkative." Xiaowei kicked Dakui angrily.

The more he thought about it, the more frustrated he became. Of all the people, he seemed to be the least disappointed.

All the money he earned before was lost in the billiards room. Now he feels that he was impulsive and why did he stand up for others when he had nothing to do? As a result, I got caught in it.

What is left of him now?

There is only one electrical appliance store business left!

But what does the electronics store have?

He keeps investing every month, and he has never seen any cash at all!

Huang Guoyu's little bastard even encouraged him to get a bank loan!

He now understands what Li He means. If he doesn't do it right again, Li He will give up on him!

He finally felt a sense of crisis!

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