My 1979

Chapter 425 Accident

Even though Xiao Wei is just idle and doesn't ask anything, Huang Guoyu and Huang Guoyu are still admired and grateful. Without local gangsters to take care of them, it can be said that the two brothers are struggling. At least there are no rogue gangsters who dare to run rampant in their store.

Xiao Wei said dejectedly, "If you can't pay dividends, what kind of business are you doing?"

He saw with his own eyes that people like Pingsong and Lu Bo carried big bags of cash to distribute dividends to Li He every year. Why didn't he get any money when it was his turn?

However, Li He generally does not advocate dividends for start-ups. In the historical stage of rapid growth, on the one hand, the company itself needs a large amount of funds in the growth stage. On the other hand, investing funds in the company's current high-speed growth business can make the company more profitable. Maximize shareholder return on investment.

This is especially evident in some technology companies. Development-oriented companies generally use all profits for further research and development expenses. Google, Dell, and Amazon have never paid dividends; Cisco and Apple have only paid dividends once in total, so these technology giants have a lot of cash in their hands.

But Li He had to pay dividends. As a second-tier businessman, he didn't need large funds to operate, let alone large-scale so-called mergers and acquisitions and investments. He had money and nowhere to spend it, so why keep it without paying dividends!

Huang Guojun said, "Brother Wei, we can pay dividends next year. This is just the beginning after all."

He is older than Serena, but he is still as polite to Serena.

Serena said, "Okay."

It's not that he doesn't know these principles, it's just that he is more driven to seek success.

He needs to prove himself too much now.

He doesn't want anyone to look down on him, and he believes that one day he will soar to great heights.

When Lao Ding saw that Xiao Wei was silent, he put away the account books and went upstairs.

Huang Guoyu said, "Let's stay here for lunch."

Serena said, "Since this business is so profitable, then we will open three more stores."

"Open again?" Huang Guoyu couldn't imagine how Serena suddenly had such great courage. Her previous requests to open a branch were met with resistance, "But we don't have so much money! We just can't afford the payment every month."

Serena said, "I will take care of the money matter, you don't have to worry about it."

He took Da Kui on his motorcycle and left.

When Li He saw Xiao Wei coming back, he asked, "What are you doing wandering around?"

Xiao Wei hesitated for a while, and finally confided her thoughts to Li He, "Brother, don't worry, I will definitely do a good job this time. As long as Yuanda Company is willing to let me pay for the goods on credit for two months, I will be able to recover." .”

He thought about it several times in his mind before he came up with such a plan. He didn't have the nerve to ask Li He to borrow money, so it would be more practical to borrow money from him.

"I agree. I only give you two months." Li He, the electrical appliance store, is the major shareholder, and it is best for him after all.

Xiao Wei said happily, "Thank you, brother."

"I'll make a call in the afternoon. Just pick up the goods. Okay, hurry up and don't be an eyesore in front of me." Li He began to chase people away impatiently.

Xiaowei left happily.

After lunch, Li He was about to go out to the post office to make a phone call when Old Man Zhang started calling his name.

He went to the phone booth and picked up the phone, "Old Shen?"

"Mr. Li, it's me." Sure enough, it was Shen Daoru.

"Is there a problem?"

"Mr. Li, today Goldman Sachs transferred 2.1 billion U.S. dollars in share!" Shen Daoru deliberately lowered his voice on the phone and said, "All our previous contracts have been cleared, and there are nearly 500 million U.S. dollars!"

Li He murmured, "That's 4.4 billion."

Unknowingly, he has accumulated a net worth of US$5.5 billion.

But there was no excitement, there was no cash in sight, just a bunch of numbers.

"Mr. Li, to be precise, it is 5.531 billion U.S. dollars. This does not include the properties and real estate under our name." Shen Daoru was even more excited than Li He. He was also planning to establish the Yuanda Group. From then on, he was in Hong Kong Even if he is considered a high-profile figure, then the Hong Kong government really wants to give him three points. "The Hong Kong government has announced a bailout a few days ago. What should we do?"

Li He said, "Let's stick to the original plan. How much will the Hong Kong government invest?"

"The publicity says that HK$4 billion will be invested."

Li He said, "Then it's up to you to make it as big and powerful as possible."

Shen Daoru said excitedly, "I understand, Mr. Li, I will invite all the media in Hong Kong to hold a press conference and respond to the Hong Kong government's call to participate in the rescue!"

He couldn't help but tremble when he thought about his glorious days.

If the rescue is really successful, the Hong Kong government will give him three points of courtesy from now on!

"What's going on with Conian Bank?" Li He was still obsessed with acquiring the bank. If it really succeeded, it would be more meaningful to him than how much money he could earn.

"Mr. Li, only the Lin family is currently competing with us, and they are on par with us. As long as we respond to the Hong Kong government's call for rescue, the Hong Kong government will naturally favor us, and winning Kang Nian will not be a problem." Shen Daoru's thinking is very clear. .

"Then do it quickly."

Li Heshang mentioned the matter of Serena before hanging up the phone.

"Teacher Li, you have so many international friends. Every time you answer the phone, you start to babble, and no one understands you."

Li He looked around and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Old Qin was not there. He smiled and said, "I am learning from advanced foreign experience and integrating with international standards."

After walking a short distance, Old Man Zhang called him again.

"Teacher Li, we are not international friends this time."

Li He picked up the phone, "Hello. Who is this?"

"I am Lao Mu."

"What's the matter?" Li He felt strange. Mu Yan rarely called him, not to mention that he had class tomorrow, so there was nothing else he couldn't talk about when we met tomorrow.

"I asked you to borrow my car, Yang Ling lost it!"

"Lost? How can a living person be lost?"

"Hey, I can't tell you for a while. If you have nothing to do now, come pick me up and drive me around. I'll find him first."

Li He said, "Where are you? I'll go find you."

"Where's Mentougou? I've been driving around by taxi for two days, but the taxi driver doesn't want to accompany me to search carefully. I can only sue you."

"Wait, I'll be there right away."

After returning home, Li He first took out the large oil drum from behind the door. After the car was filled with gas, the oil drum was placed directly in the car. There are relatively few gas stations. If you run far away and there is no place to refuel, there is nothing you can do but cry.

After driving to Mentougou and arriving at the agreed upon location, I was shocked to see Mu Yan.

Mu Yan was unshaven and his eyes were red. He was squatting on the ground smoking, with a pile of cigarette butts in front of him.

Li He asked in surprise, "What's going on? It's like fleeing!"

"I can't tell you in detail, this girl is too stubborn." Mu Yan felt relieved when he saw Li He.

"Let's talk about it." Li He was very curious.

"Hey, it's all Lao Meng's fault."

"What does it have to do with Lao Meng?" Meng Jianguo also moved out of the dormitory building after getting married. He is not from the same department. Normally, like Li He, there should be less interaction.

"Isn't his wife from the Affiliated Middle School? On the day they held the banquet, there were many of her wife's colleagues. Do you still remember the two female teachers from the Affiliated Middle School who were sitting next to us that day?"

Li He said angrily, "Why don't you remember? I asked you for your home phone number."

This was something Li He couldn't help but be jealous of. Among the male teachers in the dormitory, Mu Yan was the prettiest in appearance, and he could attract the attention of girls wherever he went. As for passers-by like him and Meng Jianguo, compared with Mu Yan, they are simply worthless.

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