My 1979

Chapter 437 Loop

When the weather gets cold, he can't drive to and from get off work because he doesn't know where to buy something as high-end and classy as antifreeze. In summer, just fill the water tank with some tap water and add some Erguotou to make it work, but not in winter. . There is no other way, he is too lazy to squeeze into the bus. Now he commutes to and from get off work on two legs every day, and it takes two hours to go back and forth.

In order not to be late for work, he has to get up an hour early in the morning. This winter is a very big test for him. He regretted moving out of the school dormitory, but now that he wants to move back, the school has no space for him. Teachers' housing is very tight. Teachers at National Chengchi University still live in shacks in the middle of the winter, and there is almost no class strike.

When he got up in the morning, he poured some hot water into the dog's bowl as usual, fed him some leftover food and went out. I went to the breakfast stall to drink a bowl of hot soy milk and two steamed buns, and then headed to school. The best part of the road was a short jog, which was all about exercising. By the time I ran to school, I was still sweating a little and my whole body was warm. It was soaring, which made him feel very comfortable.

Although it is very cold, there are not many pedestrians on the road. Those who should go to work still have to go to work, and those who should go to school still have to go to school. No one can avoid being lazy.

I'm used to taking shortcuts, and when I walk through a street without asphalt, I can still see a long string of chimneys emitting white smoke.

"What are you?" Li He frowned at the long list of curses.

A tall man pinched Huang Hao's neck, and the crisp slap sounded particularly loud. Because he was not tall, Huang Hao was almost lifted up, leaving only his toes kicking on the ground.

His bicycle fell to the ground, and parcels, envelopes, and newspapers from the post were strewn all over the floor.

The passers-by turned a blind eye, maybe they were all in a hurry to go to work.

Li He hurriedly went up and grabbed the wrist of the tall man who was about to continue falling towards Huang Hao, and pulled away the other hand that was holding Huang Hao's neck.

Huang Hao took a breath and felt happy when he saw that it was Li He. He breathed heavily and said, "Thank you, Brother Li."

The tall man was so hurt by Li He that he couldn't move. He cursed angrily, "Who are you, meddling in other people's business?"

There were more swear words coming later, but Li He didn't give him a chance. He jammed his neck with one hand and slapped him with a big ear scraper, each slap getting louder and louder.

The man was painfully slapped by Li He. Because he was taller than Li He, he reacted quickly and kicked Li He.

Li He let go of his hand, dodged the kick, and gave him another slap from the side. This was really hard. Although his hand strength does not dare to compare with people like Guo Dong, it is no worse than that of ordinary people.

The man lay directly on the ground and was about to call out, but he felt something was wrong and spit hard on the ground. A layer of blood and a burnt yellow tooth fell on the snow.

He was frightened and anxious, and shouted at the top of his voice, "He's been beaten, he's been beaten to death."

"I want to make enough money when I enter the game." Li He went up and grabbed the man's coat collar and started swinging it from side to side.

"I won't shout anymore, I won't shout anymore." The man was so beaten that he hugged his head and tried to give in.

"You have no balls." Li He did not let go of him, but just said to Huang Hao, "Why did you slap you back just now?"

Huang Hao glanced at the tall man on the ground and said hesitantly to Li He, "Brother Li, let's forget it."

"Would you like to take a mirror and look at your face?" The slap marks on Huang Hao's face were clearly visible. Li He naturally felt angry on his behalf. He had sent newspapers and letters to his family over the years, so naturally he had many contacts and was very fond of him. The impression is very good. There are not many people like this who are diligent, down-to-earth and sincere.

Huang Hao touched his burning face and insisted, "It was originally my fault. I should apologize to him."

"It's an advantage for you." Li He put the tall man down. Huang Hao, as the host, didn't care, so why bother with him? He didn't ask what Huang Hao's mistake was. Even if there was a mistake, the tall man shouldn't have struck such a heavy blow. With Huang Hao's soft temper, it was impossible for him to strike first.

In short, the tall man was just bullying others. If Huang Hao was as fierce as Ping Song or as tall and strong as Er Biao, the tall man would not dare to attack at will. That's why Li He is most dissatisfied with this kind of people. Those who can talk have to do it, and they have to show their ability, right?

Now that the tall man had taken action, he slapped the tall man without asking what was right or wrong.

He helped Huang Hao lift the bicycle, picked up the letters scattered on the ground, glanced at the tall man standing aside holding his cheek, turned a blind eye to the sinister look, and just said to Huang Hao, "Let's go, send it off Get out of the alley."

Huang Hao pushed his bicycle and followed Li He around several alleys before saying, "Brother Li, I don't know what I would do today if it weren't for you."

"It's okay. If he dares to pick on you again in the future, just call me and I'll kill him."

"It was originally my fault. I promised to give him the letter yesterday, but I forgot about it in the morning. It's all my fault. It's normal for people to be angry if I delay their affairs."

"Okay, I'll send it here and go to work." Li He was really helpless with his temper.

"Thank you, Brother Li." Huang Hao wiped the corners of his eyes unconsciously.

Li He said, "Why are you crying, you grown man? I asked you to beat me just now, but you didn't do it. What's the use of feeling aggrieved now."

"I'm sorry, Brother Li."

"Go to the clinic around the corner and take care of it, otherwise your wife and I will have to blow up when we come home like this."

Li He didn't say anything more, turned around and continued walking towards the school.

When I arrived at the office, it was still early, so I made a cup of tea first.

Chen Yun said, "You haven't clocked in for several days, right?"

Li He said, "I'm here every day, why bother signing in? I didn't have this requirement before."

Teacher Zhu said, "Xie Hui is in charge of the administration now. This person has his own ideas. You go and sign in. He already has a problem with you. It's not a good idea to bring it to the school."

Li He went to the administrative office with his teacup in his arms. He found his card on the table next to the office door and signed his name. In fact, these were not of much use for attendance. Generally, those who were late would find someone to sign on their behalf, as long as they did not delay class. , no one cares.

Looking around, Xie Hui was not there.

When he passed by the mailroom, there was still no letter from him, which made him feel even more disappointed. He really couldn't sit still this time. He was worried that something had really happened to Zhang Wanting.

After he finished class, he didn't even bother to eat lunch. He hurried out of the school and went to the long-distance phone booth to call Shen Daoru.

This time Shen Daoru answered the phone quickly and said excitedly, "Mr. Li, I have some good news for you. We have successfully acquired Conian Bank!"

"Not bad." Li He was not in the mood to care about this and immediately changed the subject, "I'll give you an address and help me wire 50,000 US dollars."

He wondered if there were any financial difficulties, and he actually needed to save money for an international post.

Shen Daoru did not expect that Li He's attitude was a bit surprising. You must know that Li He's attitude towards Conian Bank that he was determined to win had put a lot of pressure on him, but now that he has succeeded, he doesn't seem to care.

Now he heard the name of the payee reported by Li He. This name sounded like a woman's name. He had never seen a woman that Li He could care about. In short, he dare not be careless about a woman that Li He values ​​so much. "The listed company we just acquired has a branch in the UK. If you are in a hurry, they can send it there on your behalf."

This was the first listed company he acquired during the stock market crash, and he had no intention of claiming credit so soon.

Li He was overjoyed, "What are you waiting for? Hurry up and arrange for someone to come over. If you have any difficulties, be sure to do your best to help. It's early morning in the UK, so as soon as they get to work over there, call them and ask them to come over to me immediately."

He didn't expect that things were so simple, it was an unexpected surprise!

Seeing that Li He had no objection, Shen Daoru immediately said energetically, "Mr. Li, don't worry, you don't need to wait to go to work over there. I will call their home as soon as it gets light over there and ask them to drive there directly. They are all in London." very close."

"Then I'll wait for your call tonight."

Li He was worried this afternoon. The more he looked forward to, the more nervous he felt. In the afternoon, a student came to him with a tape to sign. He smiled and said, "I'm not a star, why are you looking for my autograph?"

The girl said, "Teacher Li, I heard them say that you composed these songs."

Li He picked up the tape and saw that it actually contained two songs he sang at last year's New Year's Day party, one was "Innocent Heart" and the other was "Chinese". His first reaction was that he had been pirated. .

He didn't know whether to laugh or cry. The cycle of nature and retribution made him unhappy. He couldn't get angry at all. He and Su Ming were engaged in piracy.

He comforted himself that since those Hong Kong and Taiwan singers had not been released in the mainland, many people who wanted to buy genuine copies had no way to do so. Therefore, he also encouraged Su Ming to obtain the mainland distribution rights of several record companies in the early stages.

On the other hand, he was not the original author of the song, and he simply couldn't find the right reason to cause trouble.

Looking at the name of the singer on the tape, it seems that he is not very famous. I have never heard of this person at all.

He returned the tape to the student without signing it, "It is everyone's responsibility to support the original version."

This tape is still pirated, which means that the person who sang his song didn't make any money.

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