My 1979

Chapter 439 Pigeon

Li He ate his own rice, and the plate of fried pork with cabbage disappeared after a while. He took the white flour steamed bun and dipped it into the soup. He dipped it, took a bite, dipped it again, and took another bite. There was not much soup, and it was gone after a few times. Unwilling to give in, he wiped the steamed buns on the plate several times until all the oil, water, and soup were wiped off, and the plate was as shiny as if it had been washed. Then he put down the plate and stuffed the last steamed bun into the plate. In the mouth.

"What a pity." I felt very reluctant to part with it.

Only being stingy can help him overcome his panic. Rich or not, no matter how capable he is, he is like this. The black-bone chicken is all about the bones.

After eating, he sat next to the door without closing it. He was afraid that he wouldn't be able to hear Old Man Zhang when he called. The cold wind rushed into his neck, and he stood up, put on his coat, and went straight to Old Man Zhang's house without sitting down.

Old Man Zhang and his family were still having dinner. Seeing Li He come in, Old Man Zhang moved a stool for him and said politely, "Come over for a drink?"


Old man Zhang chuckled and said, "Wine is made from grain. It's a sin not to drink it. Wine is made from grain and rice essence. The more you drink, the younger you become. Come and hold it. When the phone comes, just answer it."

"You're welcome." Li He took the wine and sat down around the stove. Seeing a bed in the pigeon coop, he asked, "Why are you putting it there?"

Old man Zhang said, "I'm afraid it's too late to change my household registration, so I'll put up a bed."

"I didn't hear that it was going to be demolished." Li He was very sure that this area would probably not be demolished. He remembered that it would later be developed into a tourist attraction. "Even if it is really demolished, you are also building illegally."

"If we have a good relationship, it also counts the construction area. Let me tell you, the road in front has been demolished. We are only a few hundred meters away from there. It's only a matter of time." Old man Zhang pushed a porcelain basin to Li and before, "Try this pigeon."

Li He waved his hand, "No need. We have good food at home."

"It's a great supplement. You'll feel better after eating it. Take a few back with you later." Old man Zhang opened another cigarette and handed one to Li He.

"Hey, I have smoked such good cigarettes." Li He saw that it was Zhonghua cigarettes and couldn't help but teased Old Man Zhang, "This is making me rich."

Old man Zhang usually spends only three to five cents. Although he still has a canteen open, he also spent money to buy the cigarettes in the canteen. He has never smoked such good cigarettes.

"Go to the housing bureau to ask about things. You can't lose face, right? If it's really demolished, you can pull a truck of Zhonghua, and you can still pump it hard." Old man Zhang's eyes were single, and when he spoke, his single eyelid kept moving. of beating.

"Don't prepare so early, there's nothing happening yet." Li He reminded kindly.

Old man Zhang smiled and said, "Of course you are not in a hurry. There are only two people in your house, you and your sister, and you can't even add a household registration. Besides, your house is so big, demolition will be a huge advantage. I still have two more people." As for my daughter, she needs to apply for a registered permanent residence, so that she can share more money. If the registered permanent residence is transferred late, the news of the demolition will be late."

Demolition is not only for the needs of urban development, but also a good opportunity for many demolished people to improve their living conditions. Only ghosts in dilapidated old houses are willing to live there. Not many people care about the feelings of historical architecture and culture.

Li He was about to talk when the phone in the outer room rang. Just as he was about to stand up, Old Man Zhang's son had already answered the phone and came back to Li He and said, "Teacher Li, it is indeed your call."

Li He hurriedly went outside to answer the phone, and it turned out to be Shen Daoru's.

"Mr. Li, I didn't find anyone named Zhang Wanting."

Li He's heart tightened, "How could it not be possible? Have your people looked for it seriously?"

"I asked two groups of people to go there. I found the address you mentioned. There are only two Asians in the student dormitory, and they are both from Thailand." Shen Daoru asked tentatively, "Is there any English name? People who go abroad usually have English names. Could it be that we checked the wrong name."

"Wantingzhang?" This is the name of the recipient of every reply from Li He.

"I asked about the names of several Hanzi pinyin combinations, and the students said they had never heard of this name."

Li He said excitedly, "That's impossible. There must be!"

He sends so many letters every year, but Zhang Wanting receives them all and replies to them. How could he be away? Is the name really wrong? Zhang Wanting has never told her her English name. But even if you want to use an English name, it must at least be consistent with the passport. According to regulations, the name of a person with Chinese household registration must be in Chinese when converted into English spelling.

Seeing how excited Li He was, Shen Daoru hurriedly comforted him, "Mr. Li, don't worry, I'm asking them to go to the school's academic affairs office to find him now. They just made inquiries in the student dormitory area."

"Hurry up, it's already ninety o'clock London time. I'm waiting here." Li He said before hanging up the phone.

He returned to the table in the back room, took out the cigarettes from his pocket and spread them around Old Man Zhang and his son.

Old Man Zhang said, "Keep drinking."

"I'll finish it." Li He picked up the cup and took a sip, then let out a loud belch.

Zhang Zhen, the son of Old Man Zhang, said with a smile, "Teacher Li, you are so awesome. You speak English very crisply, but we, the old man, just can't understand it."

"It's nothing. After studying for so many years, I can learn a little bit."

The gentlemen had been drinking for about half an hour when the phone rang again.

Old man Zhang said to Li He, "It must still be yours. Go pick it up yourself."

Li He took a deep breath, threw the cup on the table, and stood up to answer the phone.

"How about it?"

Shen Daoru hesitated and said, "There is such a person, but..."

"But what? When did you become a stammer? Hurry up and say it." Li He hesitated very impatiently.

"I heard that he has left school."

"When did this happen?"

"She is in the graduate department. Graduate students graduate around the beginning of December, so it has been more than a month."

"Do you know where the person went?"

"The school doesn't know. He may still be in the UK, or he may have returned to his country."

Li He said, "Then continue to help me inquire."

He hung up the phone and gave Old Man Zhang the money for the phone.

Old man Zhang gave him the two pigeons and said, "Take them, I don't have room to put them at home. They are delicious when stewed."

Li He took it, holding a pigeon in one hand. When he got home, the two dogs sniffed at the pigeon in Li He's hand. The two pigeons were so frightened that they wanted to pounce on their arms, but Li He held their arms tightly.

He had no interest in eating pigeons, so he threw them into the yard. Whether they lived or died, escaped or stayed, it all depended on their own fate.

The three dogs were so happy that they chased the pigeon in the snow. The pigeon couldn't flutter high because its wings had been clipped. They were chased so fast that their feathers flew all over the ground. The three dogs were indeed a family, and they all had the same mind. They all used tactics to chase and intercept the two pigeons. The two pigeons were stunned and blocked at the corner of the chicken coop. However, one of the male pigeons was a man. He was squatting and flapping his wings, cooing at the rhubarb's teeth. It looked like he was going to fight to the death.

Li angrily threw the broomstick at the big yellow dog and said, "Get out of your own nest."

Dahuang's fat body actually dodged the broom nimbly. He whimpered a few times at Li He and took his son and daughter back to his nest. If he wanted to eat pigeons, it was up to his master. Before, it also wanted to harm the chickens and ducks at home. They were treated like fried meat with bamboo shoots. It had learned how to use conventional weapons such as slaps, flying feet, rolling pins, and broom sticks one by one.

It was very dissatisfied with Li He's belief that "good dogs come from yellow thorns and strips of thorns", but it could only whine.

The two pigeons were overjoyed to have survived the disaster and ran towards the rockery excitedly.

The fourth child was cleaning up the food in the main room with red eyes. He didn't pay attention to Li He, but he was very interested in the two pigeons. He grabbed a handful of millet and wanted to feed them.

Li He said, "Don't feed rice. There are mung beans. Feed mung beans. We will buy some corn tomorrow and feed corn later."

"It's up to you to take care of it." Lao Si said this, but put down the millet and went to the kitchen to grab mung beans.

Two pigeons were playing hide and seek in a small hole in the rockery, but when they saw the mung beans that the fourth man had scattered on the ground, they jumped down from the stone and started pecking at the mung beans. They were not frightened even when the fourth child was squatting in front of him. Domestic pigeons were originally domestic pigeons and were not very afraid of people. Moreover, in order not to lose money, Old Man Zhang had not fed much in the past few days. They are not so stupid as to give up food in order to hide from people.

Li He felt weak all over. As soon as he returned to the house and lay down, the door was banged.


"You didn't wash your feet!" came the fourth child's voice outside the door.

"No more washing, go to bed."

Bang bang, the fourth child continued to knock on the door, but she didn't agree.

Li He got up irritably and opened the door, "What do you want to do if you don't sleep?"

The fourth child held a bucket in one hand and a kettle in the other and said, "I'll wash your feet."

Li He reluctantly took it, took out the footbath from under the table, filled it with water, and put his feet in. Then seeing the fourth child still standing stunned, he said, "Go back to the house and sleep."

"Brother, are you angry with me?"

"Why am I angry with you?"

"Then you're unhappy."

"It has nothing to do with you. Don't mind my business and go to sleep."

The fourth child pointed at the crook of Li He's long johns and said, "Your pants are all torn. I'll buy you new ones tomorrow."

"I'll buy it myself."

The fourth child took another look at the deformed leather shoes on the ground, and said after a while, "You always say you go shopping, but I haven't seen you shopping once."

"Isn't there something wrong with me as a grown man going shopping?"

"Then I'll go shopping with you tomorrow?"

Li He waved his hand and said, "No, we have something to do tomorrow. When we go home in a few days, we will go to the department store to buy it all at once."

"Okay." The fourth child came out of the house angrily, but suddenly couldn't help but turn around and said, "You're really not angry with me?"

Li He said dumbfounded, "No, no."

He couldn't help but feel sad. Who else would be willing to coax and spoil him like this besides his own sister.

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