My 1979

Chapter 450 Withdrawal of retained funds

The more Li He thought about it, the more he realized that this was the case. After chatting with his mother for a few words, he decided that the fifth child should go out to study. This was the best way at the moment.

Li Yan knew that Lao Wu had been beaten by Li He because of her affairs, and she was very embarrassed. She lowered her head and said, "Brother, it's all my fault. It has nothing to do with Qinzi."

"You should change your temper. You're in high school after all, so you can't be so soft anymore." From Li He's point of view, he still hoped that this cousin would have a good future. He also had to feel that the little girl back then was not the same. She has grown into a big girl. She is not a big girl even though she is sixteen years old.

Although Li Yan was not admitted to the County No. 1 Middle School, it was good to be admitted to the County No. 2 Middle School. After all, she was delayed in the first half of the year when she went to repeat her studies, and she only started to go in the second half of the year. To her, she had already done her best. best efforts.

There are many children studying in high schools from all over the country, but there are very few girls studying in high schools. His third uncle, Li Zhaohui, was considered enlightened by allowing his daughter to go to high school. Not only did the family lose a laborer, but it also cost a lot of money. It was not easy for rural areas to support a high school student.

"I see."

Li He said, "This matter has nothing to do with you. Without you, she would have other problems. Just study hard. Your third brother is in the county. If anything happens in the future, I will contact your third brother."

Although the buying station run by Li Long and Da Zhuang in the county is doing well, it is much worse than Liu Laosi. The two of them make less money together in a year than Liu Laosi alone. Li He even had the idea of ​​asking them to stop the business, but the two of them were in the midst of making money, so how could they listen to his opinion.

Moreover, the two of them were covered by military personnel in the county, their business was going smoothly, and they were respected by people wherever they went. They were rich, status, and respectable people, so it was obviously inappropriate for them to go to another place and start over. impossible.

Li Zhaohui called Li He to dinner in the evening, and asked at the banquet table, "Do you think Yan Zi is still good at studying? It's a pity if you don't study. I'm afraid it will be useless if you study." Even if a girl as big as Yan Zi is not very busy in the fields, she can do laundry. Cooking can save a lot of time.

Before Li He could answer, Li Zhaokun interjected, "You have such shallow eyelids. You must study to study. I have to let the fifth child go out to study. If it is useless or useless, ask Xi Laoji, he is now With the help of my two daughters, I can’t help but drag him down.”

Xi Laochao is Xi Tongcai. He is called Laochao not because he is stingy, but because he is the accountant of the brigade and always asks for three-point and five-five points from others, so he is nicknamed Laochao.

It was unexpected for everyone that Li Zhaokun could say these words. Li Fucheng also specially expressed his eldest son's words, "Finally, he uttered human words."

Li Zhaohui was not annoyed at being crowded out by his own brother. He just sighed, "It would be really good if I could really read like these two daughters."

The two girls are so good at each other that no one will say that Xitong is going to die. Without a son, the family is going to die.

"Let her read it. You've been fine in the past two years. You don't need this little money to collect eels." Li Zhaohui has made a lot of money collecting eels in Qiaotou these years, so Li He doesn't understand what Li Zhaohui does with the money. , is it possible that I have to spend all the money on my son?

Li Zhaoming also answered, "It's also good to read more books. You see, although Dongzi is doing well in the army, if he had a higher degree of education, he would have been promoted long ago. If he didn't study, he would suffer a loss."

His words were meant to show off. Dongzi has performed well in the army, and he is likely to be promoted as soon as he reaches the age of service.

Seeing that Li Zhaokun was about to speak, Li He quickly interrupted, "As long as he works hard, he will definitely have a future."

He was really afraid that Li Zhaokun would say something inappropriate out of his mouth.

Wu Tuozi guides his child to learn to walk at the door of his home. When the child is ten months old, he can already take two steps with a toddle. This makes Wu Tuozi happy. Now the child basically does not need support, but he wears more clothes in winter. It is thick, so it is not that flexible when walking, and occasionally it will fall down twice, which can also make the hunchback feel bad. It is really afraid of falling when you hold it in your hand, and it will melt when you hold it in your mouth.

Under the sun, everything was warm. Mrs. Sang was knitting beside her, looking at the two men with a smile. Although she is called Mrs. Sang, she is actually not very old, only less than 50 years old. It's just that the man left early and treats herself like a man, which makes her look older. It is not easy to remarry with two sons. She is not happy to leave her son behind, but she is not happy to marry with two spoilers. A half-grown man will kill me, not to mention two and a half young men. Whoever takes over will be a drag.

When both sons married wives, she thought that the hard life was over and she could take a break. However, she did not expect that the two daughters-in-law were not good at each other and treated her like a donkey. In a fit of anger, she separated by herself instead of her son. Stir food in the pot.

What she didn't expect the most was that after the separation, she was at peace, but none of her sons were willing to provide food rations. The family scandal should not be made public, and she didn't make trouble with her sons. She just held back her anger and went to open up wasteland by herself, trying to fool him. own mouth.

Li He looked at Wu Tuozi, then at Old Mrs. Sang, and couldn't help thinking that these two people could live together, one is an old bachelor, the other is a dead man, one knows coldness, and the other knows heat, it's absolutely perfect It matches.

Moreover, Mrs. Sang was still a flower when she was young. Even though she is older now, she has a solid body and a good waist. Her face is just a little darker, but she is still quite good-looking. He didn't believe that Wu Tuozi had no idea.

He also regretted why he didn't think about this before.

He bumped the hunchback with his elbow, glanced at Old Mrs. Sang and said, "Don't have any ideas?"

Wu Tuozi's face suddenly turned red and he said nervously, "What nonsense are you talking about, you damn kid? How old am I?"

"You are only in your early 60s. One of you is unmarried and the other is unmarried. What's wrong with that? A wealthy landlord still marries his concubine at the age of 70. What do you mean?"

The hunchback said, "Don't talk nonsense."

"Hehe, it's not a problem for you two to spend so much time. According to me, it's time to make a clear decision. She hasn't been pregnant either, so there's no way you can have a son. Isn't it nice to think about it?"

The hunchback's face turned even redder, "You are becoming more and more informal when speaking, and I am too lazy to talk to you."

"Then I'll go back and ask my grandma to give you a taste of Mrs. Sang's voice."

The hunchback didn't say anything anymore, so Li He took it as his acquiescence and turned around to find his grandma.

The old lady was mixing food for the chickens in the yard. After listening to Li He's words, she smiled and said, "You still have lice on your body, and you scratch them for others."

"Why are you talking about me again? I said I would definitely bring my granddaughter-in-law back to see you after the New Year." Li He was anxious, and anything could be involved in him. "I'm going to tell you about the hunchback now."

The old lady said, "I know, I'll ask later."

"When will you ask?"

The old woman said, "You are more anxious than a hunchback."

"I also wish him well."

The old lady was helplessly pestered by Li He, so she went to find Widow Sang in the name of visiting her.

Widow Sang said, "You are already old, how can you still think about such a thing."

The old woman said, "When I met Tuozi, you hadn't even entered Lizhuang's door yet. He was able to endure hardships and was very capable. If it weren't for his back problems, he wouldn't be able to be alone until now. You've been here too, so don't act like a young lady. Whether it works or not, please speak your mind."

Old Mrs. Sang asked, "What does he mean?"

"What other objection can he have? Lin Laobai picked up a daughter-in-law, and he is still pretty."

Lang has a crush on his concubine, so the matter is basically settled.

What I didn't expect in the end was that Mrs. Sang's two sons disagreed. They thought it was embarrassing and their mother had remarried. How could they have any dignity as sons?

The old woman scolded her, "You two bastards didn't think it was embarrassing for you to let me live in a pig pen and eat water. Now you think it's embarrassing."

The two sons lowered their heads and said nothing and stopped interfering. They just said fiercely that they would cut off contact with their mother.

The hunchback found someone to plan the day, and two tables were set up that day. Old Mrs. Sang came over with only a few pieces of clothing, so they could live together.

Li He wants to lend Tuozi money to build two more houses. One thatched house is obviously not enough for living. Since he has to live, he can't deal with it like this.

The hunchback said, "No, no, Zhao Di has been lent to me."

"Zhao Di?"

"Well, I'm working for her. I'll just deduct it from my wages from now on."

"I haven't seen her yet when I came back." Li He went to the river slope several times, expecting to see He Zhaodi, but he never met him once.

"She built a kiln factory on the dry land. She should be at the brick factory with He Laoxi now. Darling, she makes more money than building a boat. She has a brick factory nearby. Look at the bricks pulled by tractors passing by. It's all her fever, she got it."

Li He passed by the brick factory he saw on the other side of the river and thought it belonged to someone else. He didn't expect it to belong to He Zhaodi. This girl is really strong.

When he was changing clothes at night, he found that his bag had been rummaged through. He used his buttocks to think of who had done it, and it was no one else but his own father. However, he only had a total of 20,000 yuan in his bag, and he had already given it to Wang Yulan when he came back. As for Wang Yulan's ability to hide money, he knew that Li Zhaokun might not be able to find it even if he died of exhaustion.

He originally wanted to give my mother more money, but then he thought about it, no matter how much money he gave, he would save it, and maybe hiding the money would make it difficult for her. She only has the concept of making money and saving money. As for spending money, it is synonymous with prodigality.

But Wang Yulan has not changed since she became rich. For example, in order to coax her grandson to eat, she is willing to cut an extra two taels of lean meat. Every meal at home is full of oil and water. Moreover, she has savings in her hands. She walks with her back straight and speaks with a loud voice. Gone is the history of her, Wang Yulan, being groveling and looking for people to borrow money.

Occasionally she would send a few kilograms of meat to the parents in Hewan Village if she thought about it, and give her twenty or thirty yuan every now and then. She would also go out and send them to the hospital when she was sick. She even thought about it, look at it. What's the use of raising a son? When you get old, you should rely on me, your daughter, to take care of you. She didn't want her parents to care about her, maybe it was just for the mood in her heart.

She spoke with confidence in and outside the village, and was respected by others. She had food and drink at home, which was something she could not even imagine in the past. Therefore, she refused several times without hesitation when her son said he would go to the city in the future. My suggestion is to let go of such a comfortable life and go out to find someone to blame. How stupid would that be?

Li He also thought about improving the living conditions at home, but the six large tile-roofed houses in front and back of his house were already top-notch in the neighborhood. If they were to be renovated, they would be resented. It would be like having the whole family grilled over the fire, so it was enough. . .

The houses are spacious inside, with high roofs and white walls, and they are quite comfortable to live in.

That's all he could do.

The fourth child's eyes were red and swollen. Li He asked, "What's wrong?"

The fourth child pointed to his bag, "The money you gave me is gone."

That was hundreds of dollars, and she couldn't help but feel distressed.

Li He said, "Who do you blame for not having a long memory? Don't cry. I'll give it to you when you get back."

In addition to supporting this biological father, he cannot beat or scold him.

The only thing that comforted him was that Li Zhaokun would not follow other people's things, otherwise he would be really embarrassed and thrown into his grandma's house.

There was a quarrel in the yard, and he hurriedly left the house. Just listen to Wang Yulan shouting, "Our family is in a dry land. What kind of water fee does it charge!"

"This does not distinguish between paddy fields and dry land. Calculated by acres, this is how much money your family has."

Wang Yulan continued to mutter, "The water used is also water from the river. I have never used water from the reservoir."

"Everyone uses this method. If you ask me, who should I ask?"

The speaker was Xitongcai. Li He handed over a cigarette and asked with a smile, "How much does it cost."

Xitongcai said helplessly, "It's only five yuan, Erhe, this is not your family. The final accounts have been out a long time ago, but even if no one pays, it's hard for me to do this. Your water bill last year was only Not handed in."

Li He took five dollars from his pocket and gave it to Xitongcai, "Just right."

Xitong did not answer, but smiled and said, "There is still a deposit left."

"You finish it all at once and calculate the total."

"The third child in your family is also included?"

"Count it in."

"Okay, the withdrawal amount is 16 yuan and 70 cents. The water bill is a total of 5 yuan for two years. And when the river is repaired, whether your family will pay for it or pay, you will get 2 yuan for the money. That's fine. If someone comes out, I have to say hello to your third child."

"He doesn't have time every day, so just pay."

"That's 23 yuan and 7 cents."

"I'll give you 10 yuan first, and I'll give you the rest later."

"No, Erhe, you have money in your hand, just give it to me." Xitong saw that he had hundreds of dollars in his hand, but he only gave him ten yuan. What's going on?

"Do you want it or don't you want it? If you don't want it, I can put it away. I still have to leave some money to take the car back." Most of the people in this village owe money on withdrawals. They live a shabby life and put it off as long as they can. The debt has been owed for several years, and Xitong is counting on him to set an example. He won't do it. If he gives it carelessly, he will offend the people of Yi Zhuangzi.

"Hey." Xitongcai accepted the ten yuan helplessly. He couldn't say that Li He was stingy. He had donated 50,000 yuan to the village.

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