My 1979

Chapter 467 She

He fell asleep in a daze, and woke up in a daze. He sighed halfway in one breath, and felt startled as if he remembered something. He quickly stood up and looked at the alarm clock, and found that the pointer was already above nine, and he immediately panicked.

He forgot to tell his wife his address yesterday, so he decided to pick her up.

I put on my clothes in a hurry and forgot about my foot injury when I went to the ground. I exerted too much force and felt another heartbreaking pain.

He almost burst into tears.

But I had to get up as soon as possible and stand on tiptoe to brush my teeth and wash my face. He shaved his beard carefully, and then carefully washed away the stubble and soapy water. He also specially put on his latest blue shirt, polished his leather shoes, and polished them in front of the mirror.

After finishing everything, he remembered to rearrange the quilts and clothes in the room.

He decided to make this place a complete home starting from today. He was already planning in his mind where to put the refrigerator and where to put the washing machine. He even thought that the bedroom was too small and it would be better to connect the two rooms next door. You can hang up a large color TV that is the most popular nowadays. His wife likes to watch TV the most.

Awang was running around in the yard. He found a chain and tied Awang up. "Behave better today, or else I'll go back to stew the dog meat. Braised in braise, white-cut, and five-spice."

"Woof woof. woof woof" Awang was extremely dissatisfied with being tied up.

"I think this bag is pretty good." It was an A-grade leather bag I bought in Hong Kong. When I bought it, I thought it was genuine. However, Yu Dehua found out that it was fake, but the style was good, so he wasn't bothered either way. Rarely used, "Look, my wallet is fake, but the money in my wallet is real."

He had a lot of money in his wallet. When his wife came back, he decided to take her shopping. He had money.

He, Li Laoer, is a man who aspires to be the richest man in the world! Where can I miss my wife’s money?

In the second half of the night, he wanted to understand a lot. His wife entered a large work unit, so she was naturally different from before. Once she became a public servant, her time no longer belonged to her. Since she is determined to do a big business, and everyone who is doing a big business is busy, he, as a man, should support her! His wife supported him in his previous life, why can't he support her in this life! How he was crying!

He also despised himself for acting like a little girl!

Watch until the clouds open and the moon shines!

As soon as I left the main room, the door was banged.

He held his purse, crooked his feet, and limped to open the door.

"Hey, it's called Soul."

Although this was a bit of a reprimand, his attitude toward Serena was much better than before. At least he had a smile on his face, probably because he was in a good mood.

"Brother, brother." Xiao Wei was out of breath while leaning on the wall, "She's here again!"

"Who's here again? Talk nicely." It was also the rare first time for Li He to talk nicely to Xiao Wei.

Xiao Wei was stunned for a while, feeling that something was wrong with Li He, and unconsciously put her hand on Li He's forehead, "Brother"

"Hey, what are you doing?" Li He opened his hand angrily. Although his hair was relatively short, he also wore hair wax. The boss who sold the hair wax also gave him a guarantee that it would be shiny and keep flies away. Fly up and do the splits! Mosquitoes fly up and skid! He didn't want this naughty kid to ruin his hairstyle, "Don't dare to open a dyeing studio just after I gave you three points of color."

"It's the girl I told you last time, the girl who wandered back and forth in front of our house several times." Xiao Wei got stuck midway through her words, because the girl she was talking about was already standing at the door.

"Why are you here? I was about to pick you up." When Li He saw Zhang Wanting coming, he hurriedly stepped forward and pushed Xiao Wei away who was blocking the door, almost staggering him.

Zhang Wanting was carrying a small bag on her back and said with a smile, "What's wrong with my memory? Didn't you always write to me at this address before?"

"Forgot, I have a bad memory. You all know it. Come in quickly and see how our family is doing." Li He suddenly felt a little at a loss. Seeing Xiao Wei still blocking the road, he disliked him for not knowing what he was doing and got angry at him. Pulled aside.

Only Xiao Wei, a silly kid, was left looking at the backs of the two people in a daze. This woman actually knew Li He! He had seen her lingering at the door more than once, but why didn't he go in every time?

Zhang Wanting looked around and said, "It's pretty good."

"It's not bad." Li He turned around and saw that Xiao Wei was still in a daze, and yelled, "What are you doing so stupidly? Hurry up and pour tea for your sister-in-law!"


sister in law?

Xiao Wei suddenly found it difficult to digest this amount of information, but looking at Li He's eyes that wanted to eat people, he quickly ran forward to boil water and make tea.

"Is this rhubarb?" Zhang Wanting knelt down and looked at Awang carefully, and then reached up to touch its head.

"This Dahuang's son is called Awang." Li He quickly closed Awang's mouth with both hands. Although Awang had a good temper, it didn't mean he was easy to mess with.

"Oh." She rubbed Awang's head twice and said with emotion, "I think time flies very fast. It's been six years, and I'm not young anymore."

Li He couldn't help but be very satisfied when he saw that Awang was doing well. After hearing what she said, he smiled and said, "You are so old. You are still young."

Zhang Wanting stood up and sighed at him, "Li Erhe, I am thirty and middle-aged. How many thirty years can there be in life?"

Li He said, "The age you calculated is false, but it's actually only 29."

Zhang Wanting asked, "Is there any difference?"

"There's a big difference!" He couldn't help but want to refute, but when he saw her expression, he immediately closed his mouth knowingly, and could only keep saying, "Come in, come in."

"I'll bring those crappy jars and bottles in for you." Zhang Wanting walked around the room, touching here and looking there.

"I can't bear to throw it away. They say a broken home is worth a thousand dollars." He couldn't help but look at her neck. There was only a string of shining silver necklaces around her neck. He wanted to open his mouth to ask, but in the end he didn't ask. Maybe She should put it away. It really doesn't look good for a young girl to carry such a dead thing.

"Sister-in-law, you drink tea." Xiaowei walked into the main room holding a saucer.

"Thank you." She was going to pick up the cup, but Li He took it first.

"It's being permed. You sit down first." After sitting for a while, he saw that Zhang Wanting was not moving towards the tea bowl. She finally took a sip but still frowned. He hurriedly said, "If you are not used to drinking, I will give it to you." Buy coffee.”

Zhang Wanting protected the tea bowl, smiled and waved her hand, "No, I really don't."

Seeing Li He's frightened and submissive look, Xiao Wei wanted to laugh but didn't dare. Her face turned red and she finally couldn't help but ran out. She didn't know where she went to laugh.

This means you want it today too!

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