My 1979

Chapter 55 Who will stand guard?

"Oh, I finally found you, classmate Li He."

As soon as Li He left the classroom door after class, he was blocked by someone.

"Classmate Zha Haisheng, do you have anything to do with me? Come and sit over there for a while." Li He was confused for a moment.

Zha Haisheng said, "Sorry, can we chat?"

Li He didn't have any dislike for him, but more of a pity. In fact, he was just an adult who lacked love.

"Okay, no problem, let's sit in the flower bed over there." Li He sat down with Zha Haisheng, not caring whether the stone bench in the flower bed was dusty.

Zha Haisheng coughed and said, "What you said that day shocked me greatly, and I sincerely thank you.

But there are some things I still need to ask you for advice.

I think you have read the discussion about the standard of truth, right?

Comrade Deng Xiaoping supports letting theories break through forbidden areas and letting thoughts break free from prisons. Don’t you think our new generation of young people need to be full of ideals, passion, conscience, and be brave enough to be the standard-bearers of the times? "

Looking at the unconvinced look in his eyes, he was clearly here to regain his position. Li He said happily, "I remember that the policy of reform and opening up is to develop the economy and improve life. The core is to focus on economic construction. .

No matter what ideology or doctrine, as long as the core of economic construction is put aside, I always have reservations.

No matter what ideology or doctrine, I have reservations if it is not combined with China's specific national conditions and Chinese characteristics. "

Zhahai said angrily, "Then you are obviously regressive, opportunistic, and conservatism. Why can't you open your eyes and see the world, the world's trends, the world's trends, but we are the only ones who are still bored in the well and can't get any air.

After reading the complete works of Marx and Engels, I traced my roots back from Marx to Hegel. While reading, I painfully began to reflect and criticize Hegelian dialectics. We need to get out of the era of oppression. "

Li He waved his hands with a smile and said, "I insist that the Chinese people must explore and walk their own path. Without taking into account China's national conditions, blindly following the West is big and empty, and there is no good fruit to eat. You can't go there just because you have made mistakes. Negate everything.”

Zha Haisheng smiled helplessly, "You are much more stubborn than I thought."

"This is not stubbornness, this is my confidence in China. Precisely because of the previous containment and blockade by the West, China is now basically a country with a complete industrial system.

We basically have all 39 industrial categories. Although we are not highly sophisticated, we have hard-working workers and young people with unlimited potential.

As long as our determination to reform and open up remains unchanged, we will be able to shock the whole world in less than thirty years." Li He suddenly changed the subject and said, "I would suggest you read economics and walk around more. look. If you had the chance after graduation, where would you go? "

Zha Haisheng didn't know where Li He got his confidence, so he could only sigh and said, "Thank you for your concern. I want to visit the plateau. It has never changed. I have always been yearning for it. I want to be alone and experience all the pure scenery on the plateau." Open your hands, embrace the blue sky, and let yourself fly in the breeze!"

Li He couldn't understand the thinking of the literary young man, so he had to say, "Then why don't you go to the south to have a look and feel the rapid changes in this country. This is considered paying attention to society and people's livelihood, right?"

"I'll go and see it. I'm sorry for wasting your time. Are you from northern Anhui? I'm from southern Anhui. We are still fellow villagers. You have classes in the afternoon, so I won't delay you." Zha Haisheng finished. It's time to leave. It's obvious that neither party can convince the other.

Li He didn't want him to go astray. He was a very pure young man with passion and dreams. After checking the time, it should not delay the afternoon class, and said to Zha Haisheng, "Come with me, and I will show you someone. Maybe you will get some unexpected gains."

Zha Haisheng did not refuse and followed Li He out of the school.

Walking to the intersection of Xidan Street, a very special shoe repair stall stood out. The stall was in a small space recessed between two walls, and there was a sign hanging above it that read "Free for Soldiers."

The stall is not big, and a man wearing a single hat is working hard. The only sound that can be heard is the clanking of shoe hammers.

Li He stopped and said, "Are you curious why I brought you to see the shoe repair stall? Look at that man's left leg."

Zha Haisheng followed Li He's fingers and said in shock, "He, he... one leg is missing."

"His name is Li Aijun. He just came off the battlefield in Vietnam. He is not yet 30 years old. His leg was broken by a shell." Li He nodded and finished speaking. Without waiting for Zha Haisheng's reaction, he walked a few steps to Li Aijun's stall. He said, "Brother, have you eaten yet? Are you still busy?"

Zha Haisheng saw the young man looking up. He had a dark face and a simple smile. How could he be a good person without his legs?

"My sister will bring me food later. Have you eaten? Little Liz, you don't have classes in the afternoon," the young man replied with a smile, and then glanced at Zha Haisheng who was following behind. "This is your friend." ?”

Li He smiled and said, "My friend, after hearing about your heroic deeds, I insisted on coming to get to know you."

"I'm still a bear. How can I be a hero?" The young man's face seemed to have thought of something, and his expression was a little unnatural.

Li He knew what he was sad about. Li Aijun went to the battlefield, and he and his comrades were ordered to go to support.

While moving downward, the enemy began a sneak attack and fired. Li Aijun lay down behind a ridge and killed two of them with his own hands. Later, a round of artillery shells from the opponent hit the left leg, missing the bone, but severing the femoral artery.

Li Aijun described the blood as "not flowing out, but spraying out"!

After waking up, Li Aijun was lying in the hospital.

He was the only one alive after the whole battle.

Zha Haisheng asked, "You should have received government subsidies, so why are you still setting up a stall?"

Li Aijun sighed and said, “I live on the third floor, and I used to carry more than 70 kilograms of rice up and down the stairs, walking as fast as flying.

Now I hear the old couple carrying heavy things up and down the stairs, and there is a "thud" sound every time they take the stairs, which makes me feel uncomfortable. It's better to come out and practice stalls. "

Zha Haisheng was speechless and simply said "Oh".

Li Aijun asked dissatisfiedly, "Are you pitying me? Let me tell you, compared to my comrades who sacrificed their lives, I have no shame in living."

You ask me if I regret it? I will tell you no regrets.

Do you know why we have to fight the Americans in the Korean War and then fight India and Vietnam? This is the spirit of a country and a nation.

If this spirit is gone, what kind of Chinese can we be?

I have a son myself, and I will have grandchildren in the future. I cannot let foreigners point their noses at me and scold the Chinese for their lack of talent. "

Zha Haisheng forced a smile and said, "You are very brave. I admire you, really."

Li He patted Li Aijun on the shoulder and said, "He didn't mean anything else. Don't worry about it. I have classes in the afternoon, so I'll leave first. I'll come to you when I have time. I checked the book last time and found out about your situation." In the future, I can wear prosthetic limbs and feel like a normal person."

Li Aijun was suddenly delighted, "But is it true? If there is anyone who can fake this thing, don't forget to tell me."

On the way back, Li He said with a sore nose, "I will also feel sorry for him. Do you think he is pedantic? Isn't there a lyrics, you don't stand guard, I don't stand guard, who will defend our motherland? Come to defend the home, who will defend the home?”

As he talked, Li He sang softly, and finally sighed softly, "This is the cutest person."

Zha Haisheng seemed to suddenly understand something.

"Thank you, Li He."

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