My 1979

Chapter 60 The setting sun illuminates the village

Li He entered the yard, and as soon as he set up his bicycle, he met Li Zhaokun and said with a smile, "Dad, when did you come back?"

Li Zhaokun fell in love with the bicycle at first sight. It was quite a sight to ride on. There were only a few families in the village who owned it. He held on to the handlebars and was eager to try it. "The 28 is better because it is lighter. Why did you buy such an iron donkey?"

"Look at the spokes of the rear wheel. They are very thick and strong. Two baskets can be hung on them. They can pull more than 200 kilograms. It is very convenient for home use. The 28 is light and the rear tiles are not covered properly. If you walk on some dirt roads, you will not be able to ride if they are stuffed with mud. It's moving." Li He pulled the spokes of the car and showed them to Li Zhaokun.

The little girl leaned in Li He's arms, "Aguo, Aguo, I miss you so much."

She will be 7 years old after the Chinese New Year. It's not that she can't pronounce words clearly, but the dialect smells too strong, she can't pronounce nasal voiced sounds, she can't bend her tongue, and she still can't tell the difference between N and l.

Li Mei glanced at Li Zhaokun, who was learning to ride a bicycle next to her, and then took over Li He's instructions, "Why did you buy so many things again? There is no shortage of things at home. Go take a shower and change into clean clothes."

Li He lifted the little girl up, weighed it, put the little girl on the ground, and found that it was getting heavier. "Where is my mother? Why don't you see anyone?"

"Go and give egg and sugar water to the third daughter-in-law. She is very pregnant." Li Mei found Li He's clean clothes and urged him to take a bath quickly.

The fourth child stared at the bicycle with bright eyes. After taking a shower, Li He wiped his hair clean and poked the fourth child with his arm, "You can't ride that bike, it's too big."

The fourth child raised his head and said, "Brother, you promised me that you would buy me a bicycle when I enter junior high school."

Li and himself had almost forgotten the coaxing words they had spoken eight hundred years ago, so it was hard for this girl to still remember them, "Then you passed the exam? How many did you pass? You can't be at the bottom, right?"

The fourth child tilted his neck and said arrogantly, "Brother, I am the third in the commune. The first place is only 5 points more than me. I made a wrong step in the calculation problem, otherwise I would be the first place."

This is really the biggest upset since her rebirth. This girl had struggled with her grades all her life, and she failed every time she took the college entrance examination.

At the same time, he lamented that time flies so fast, and the fourth child is already in the first grade of junior high school.

The fourth child is becoming more attentive now, and the teacher will remind him that your brother is a college student, so the fourth child has to follow his example. If your family is in good condition, you have a lot of pocket money, and you can keep up with school supplies, plus your studies are not bad to begin with, if you have a strong temperament and are motivated, your grades will of course be good.

Li He thought for a while, and at the worst he could find someone to get a bicycle ticket. He gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, I'll buy it for you after the new year. Where is your third brother's house? Take me there to have a look."

The fourth child was so happy that he jumped up and led the way.

"Erhe is back."

"Hey, I'm busy."

Whenever someone asks someone casually, Li He will stop and say hello.

Li Long's house was built on the river embankment. The foundation laid out by the production team consisted of three or five households on the left and right, three red-brick main rooms, two pig pens on the east, a kitchen on the west, and a wall on the south.

There was a freshly washed dining table in the middle of the yard, with the gouging marks clearly visible. There was a thermos, a chipped tea cup, and a half-pot of egg soup with the lid on it.

Since Duan Mei got married, although she has had some troubles with her mother-in-law Wang Yulan, as if she had robbed her son, fortunately Wang Yulan has never treated her badly when it comes to food. Wang Yulan kept urging her to eat more, for fear of starving her grandson.

Even if Wang Yulan cares about her grandson, it is her Duan Mei who is feasting now. Although Duan Mei's family is not poor, it can be seen that the frequency of meat is extremely limited, but it is Lao Li's family. Duan Mei has seen pork almost every day since she got married. . .

Li He looked at the kind-hearted mother-in-law and daughter-in-law who were at odds with each other. He could only shrug and express his incompetence. After saying hello, he pulled Li Long out of the room and asked, "When is the due date?"

Li Long was excited to suddenly become a father. This excitement was even more exciting because he couldn't tell others. It’s just that the people in the village are really annoying.

When those old ladies saw Duan Mei eating spicy food, they all said that Duan Mei must be pregnant with Yatou Pianzi this time. They all like to meddle in other people's business. What does it have to do with you whether they have children or not, whether they are boys or girls?

It's not a waste of time to ask questions.

Li Long smiled and said, "Mom, just think about it, it's just these two days."

Li He frowned and said, "Then send her to the hospital quickly to wait for delivery. It won't be convenient if anything happens at home."

Li Long wondered, "My grandma and my mother both said that I can give birth at home and there is no need to go to the hospital."

"The daughter-in-law is your own, and the baby is also your own. It's up to you to decide. What I mean is that it's best to send her to a commune hospital."

The main tool for rural midwifery is the scissors used in daily work. They can be sterilized by scalding them in boiling water, soaking them in wine, or burning them on a candle. The umbilical cord is left half a foot long.

They were all risking their lives. Li He was still worried about holding the leg of the King of Hell to pass the test. It was not easy to speak harshly about this matter, so he had to talk to Li Long patiently.

Li Long was so irritated by Li He that he was really worried when he thought about it, "Then I'll ask Da Zhuang to pull the donkey cart and take it to the commune tomorrow morning."

During dinner, the whole family was together. Wang Yulan nagged the third child again, "You are still bothering to go to some hospital. Look at the five of you brothers and sisters who delivered babies at home. Aren't they all fine? The one in the village Not delivered at home.”

Li Mei looked at the third child who was eating silently with his head down, and couldn't bear it anymore. She said to Wang Yulan, "You forgot to come to Zhuzhu's wife. She suffered a massive hemorrhage in the spring. She was not sent to the hospital at the end, but she saved her life."

After hearing this, Wang Yulan was so angry that she became silent. She thought that her daughter-in-law and daughter were all respectful, and when it was her turn, they all dared to blow the dirt to find cracks in the ground. Thinking about it, tears were about to fall again.

Li Zhaokun gathered around the stove to keep warm. There was a bottle of wine and a plate of peanuts on the chair next to him, drinking and getting drunk.

When she was almost done drinking, she handed the rice bowl to Li Mei and said with a blushing face, "Why are there so many troubles? Hurry up and serve the rice."

Since the conditions have improved and there are cigarettes and wine for him at home, he is unwilling to go out.

In the past, when a banquet was held at any house in or outside the village, he would help sweep the floor, move tables, wash dishes, and mix a few banquets. If someone died at the end of the street, he would help dig a grave and burn paper money. , have enough food and wine, and get wedding money.

In this way, I can often make money for cigarettes and alcohol.

Now that life is so comfortable, Li Zhaokun will never do such boring things again.

While sleeping, Wang Yulan secretly said to Li Zhaokun, "You think plums are so edible, is it a boy or a girl?"

Li Zhaokun couldn't help but roll his eyes and said angrily, "Just have a sweet dream. Our son and daughter don't even kiss each other, so why do I expect my grandson to kiss me?"

Afraid of what Li Zhaokun would say again, Wang Yulan quickly stopped the topic and said, "When the big girl gets married next spring, the next one will be Erhe. Things go by so fast. In the blink of an eye, our little five will be going to school. "

Feeling that the stove was too stuffy, Li Zhaokun got up and opened the door of the hall. A gust of cold wind blew in, accompanied by snowflakes on his face. The cold wave came and it snowed heavily. Hearing what Wang Yulan said, it was a rare moment for him. She sighed, "Yes, grandma is such a bear. I feel old. I remember when I rode the train for three days and three nights without sleep, and I was still as energetic as a monkey. Now I don't."

And those little brats are running around so fast that I will have grandchildren soon. "

It was rare that the couple didn't quarrel that night, and they talked calmly for half the night.

Li He was lying in bed in this humble rural tile-roofed house, with its primitive living environment, simple life, and family relationships that were constantly being cut and messed up. How could there be any trace of the rural poetry and dusk pastoral songs mentioned in the textbooks?

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