My 1979

Chapter 63 Restless Period

On the afternoon of the third day of the lunar new year, the village loudspeaker started shouting that the village needed electricity. The account opening fee was 6 yuan. If you want electricity, please pay immediately.

Li He hurriedly asked the fourth child to pay the money. This was the first step towards light and modernization.

Within two days, two electricians entered the village, tied cables randomly to wooden telegraph poles, and then went from house to house to connect the wiring and install the light bulbs.

Li He watched and shook his head. It was his turn, and he said to the master who was pulling the thread, "Master, can you cut the thread for me? I will go back to pick it up myself, and it will save you some trouble."

The master held his head high and said, "Young man, don't show off. Electricity is no joke. Who will be responsible if something goes wrong?"

Liu Chuanqi, who was accompanying him, smiled and said, "Master, this is a college student from our village. He goes to school in the capital. He can't do bad things."

The master hesitated a little after hearing this, and finally took a coil to Li He, "Then I believe you, you can't use these, and you have to send them back to me. This is a public property."

Li He smiled and said, "You can't take advantage of the public. I will definitely send it back to you if you can't use it."

Li He bit another piece of anti-electrical tape with his teeth, connected his home first, and then went to Li Long's place to connect it. As soon as the pull switch was closed, Li Long was excited to try it, and there was a snapping sound when he pulled it. The light didn't come on, so I tried again, but I used too much force and pulled the rope off.

Li He was extremely angry, "You idiot, the electricity hasn't been sent yet, how could you possibly turn it on? We'll wait until the village has connected it."

Then he laboriously opened the switch box and re-threaded the lower hook with the nylon rope.

When electricity was connected to the village, Liu Chuanqi started to shout on the loudspeaker, "Every household can use it as they wish, and electricity will be charged uniformly. That is, each household will be charged the same fee based on capita. The light bulbs installed in each household cannot exceed 25 degrees Celsius, and unified electricity consumption standards will be implemented."

At night, electricity was supplied to the whole village. Looking at the bright houses and the sparkling village, Li He felt that he was one step closer to modernization.

Many older people think that electric lights are a bit unreasonable. Inexplicably, blue sparks will emit when two wires are connected together. If you reach out and touch one, your whole body will tremble.

Most villagers do not understand the difference between open wires and live wires, nor do they understand which ones are insulated and which ones are conductive.

After experiencing several electric shock incidents, many people figured it out and began to make crooked ideas.

There were no graduated electricity meters at this time, so electricity was not used casually. Many people secretly installed light bulbs with temperatures above 40 degrees Celsius.

If you don't take advantage of it, you are a bastard. Many people want to take advantage of the public.

So the village cadres would go to each house to check if they had nothing to do at night. The check was very simple, and the brightness was obviously different. When encountering this, village officials will warn them and ask them to replace the light bulbs.

The electricity bill in the village increased significantly, so the village cadres divided the cost evenly based on the total amount. Those people who followed the rules conscientiously suffered a loss.

Most Chinese people are unwilling to suffer losses, so no one can honestly implement the regulations anymore.

The chairman also said that the wisdom of the working people is endless. Even if a graduated meter is used later, and finally a meter is used to control the electricity, the person who needs to steal electricity will still be unable to be stopped.

Li He bought the tickets for the seventh day of the Lunar New Year in advance. When packing his bags in the evening, he was curious about how Li Zhaokun could stay until now. According to his temperament, he would not be able to stay for a few days in previous years.

Li He took the initiative to refill Li Zhaokun's cup of tea and said, "Dad, you're not going out this year, are you? I'll be leaving tomorrow morning. Please take care of yourself at home."

Li Zhaokun saw that it was rare for his second son to be so considerate, so he was very pleased. He said carelessly, "How can we leave? Isn't your sister getting married this year? I am not responsible for the wedding. Let's see who can take advantage of it."

Li Zhaokun also got to see the world during this trip, but he also became obsessed with money and learned to spend money lavishly. In the past, he could be happy for a long time with just one or two dollars in his pocket.

But now I don’t even look down on ten or eight yuan. The prices outside are so high. No matter how much you spend, you can’t survive. If you don’t have money, you won’t dare to go out.

Li Zhaokun searched through his house but could not find where the money was hidden.

Wang Yulan has learned a lesson after suffering a big loss last time. She kept the money given by her daughter and son in a tight manner. Thinking about the more than 1,600 yuan before, her heart still hurts.

Li Zhaokun made trouble several times before and after. Every time Wang Yulan cried and took out a few dollars. If he asked for more, it would definitely be gone.

Li Zhaokun was very unhappy about this and felt that Wang Yulan, an old woman, was no longer considerate.

Li He was afraid that Li Mei would get married and Li Zhaokun would do something wrong again, so he had to ask Li Mei to secretly take out 200 yuan and give it to Wang Yulan in front of Li Zhaokun, saying it was Yang Xuewen's gift money.

Although Wang Yulan was caught in the middle, they were a model couple after all. Li He had never seen them move or throw anything in his life.

Li He set out on the morning of the seventh day of the lunar month, this time riding a bicycle, taking Li Long to the county seat.

When they arrived at the bus station, Li He put down his bag, hugged Li Long, compared his height, and said, "You are 18, and you are indeed almost taller than me. You look like a man."

I won’t scold you anymore. When you have a wife and a baby, you have to take responsibility.

The fourth child is in middle school in the commune. You should visit him often and give him whatever he needs. Also, be more careful and don't let others bully him. If you have anything, please send me a telegram. "

Li Long was caught off guard. He had never seen his brother treat him so calmly and speak so seriously. Why did he suddenly feel so uncomfortable and be so gentle to him? How could he want to cry? He couldn't explain why, so he could only nod and said, "I understand. Just feel free to study."

Li He sat in the car and looked at Li Long who was riding farther and farther away. He didn't want him to get ahead, he just wanted stability.

The train station was crowded, and Li He finally squeezed in. He gasped from exhaustion, drank some water, and lay down on the chair without wanting to move.

Li He didn't know why there was a woman lying next to him, and she was still in his arms. The woman in her thirties was tall and plump, with fair and rosy skin.

This is actually his counselor Zhang Shusheng.

Li He's mind had already turned over and over again, so he continued to hug her deeply, greedily inhaling her unique body fragrance, and his nerves were once again severely challenged.

Li He couldn't care less.

The sound of the train clanging could be heard next to my ears.

Li He opened his eyes and found that he was still on the train, lying on the chair and fell asleep for some reason.

Li He took off the kneaded bag on his leg and glanced at his pants. He knew what had happened.

Li He felt the malice of adolescence.

Looking at the empty toilet paper roll, I once again fell into deep worry about the development of adolescence...

As soon as he got off the train in Beijing, Li He immediately got on the bus and hurried home.

When I got home, I opened the door eagerly. Regardless of whether it was cold or not, I took off my clothes and poured a basin of cold water over my head. The discomfort on my body slowly subsided.

Then he shivered with coldness.

Suddenly the door banged again. Li and Ma Liu shivered and wrapped themselves in a blanket and hurried to open the door.

"You rushed to reincarnate. Damn it, I'm freezing to death." Li He became even more angry when he saw Su Ming.

Su Ming saw Li He wrapped in a blanket, with wet hair and trembling all over. He smiled and said, "Brother, I didn't know you were taking a shower, otherwise I would wait a moment."

Li He was too lazy to respond and quickly went back to the house to put on his clothes and wipe his hair with a towel. Seeing Su Ming standing there in a daze, he shouted angrily, "What are you doing standing there stupidly? Hurry up and light the stove for me."

Su Ming quickly unloaded the ashes, added some paper scraps and branches, and put in the charcoal when the fire started. After a while, the stove turned red.

Li He ignored the smell of smoke and immediately gathered around.

"Brother, you haven't had dinner yet. My mother made a lot of dumplings today. Can I bring you a bowl?" Su Ming helped get a pot of water and put it firmly on the donkey. "Wait until the water is ready. I’ll help you make tea again.”

"You didn't go out to play? Why do you stay at home so honestly?" Li He asked with a smile.

Su Ming said mysteriously, "You went home. I don't know, a lot of things happened at this stage. Several girls were harmed in the alley. Others were robbed and stabbed."

What's even more exaggerated is that two groups of people on Chang'an Street were slashing at each other with large sabers.

The police are chasing me all over the street. I can't show my head and make myself look sexy. Is that what our night school teacher said about not being present? "


Su Ming suddenly realized, "Yes, yes, that's the alibi. No matter what happens, it's none of my business."

Li He sighed. It seemed that he had not seen much in the past. He had only read about this kind of thing in books before, and hearing it with his own ears were two different things. "Do you know who did it?"

When Su Ming saw that Li He was interested in listening, he couldn't help but show off, "Hey, brother, you can't underestimate me, after all, I am also a smart guy now.

Even if I don't go out, I still know the same thing about the streets and alleys. They are all the same people who came back from the previous stage.

This group of people had many quarrels with others in the past, and they were retaliated upon when they came back. Their enemies tried their best to prevent them from having an easy time, and even if they had jobs, they would be left in ruins. If they had no jobs and no income, wouldn't they have to cause trouble in the streets? ? "

With the warm stove, Li He finally came back to life. He patted his legs, swayed a little, twisted his neck and said, "Then you just stay here, and the people below you are in charge?"

"The arrangements are very good. I listened to you and arranged work for them. They can't have a grudge against money. By the way, brother, that Zhang Xianwen probably has some evil intentions and supplies more than just our family.

I have several second-rate dealers who come to him to get the goods directly. Isn't this obviously a bad rule? This old dog, as soon as he got a little fishy, ​​wanted to start a fight in his den, without even thinking about who helped him in the first place. "

Li He said, "We are friends when we make money together. It's a normal thing. There is no business for a lifetime. You and I are willing to do business. Let's see the situation first. At worst, we can get together and get away easily. There won't be so much intrigue." . Make an appointment to have dinner together. I’ll explore him. "

After eating the hot dumplings brought over by Su Ming, Li He was squirming under the quilt. He thought of the unbearable scene during the day again. He was increasingly unsure of how far hormones would suppress his rationality.

It is indeed a very urinary puberty.

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