My 1979

Chapter 66 Love

Counselor Zhang Shusheng is an English teacher.

Unlike most teachers, most teachers are so dedicated that students cannot have any sexual fantasies.

Zhang Shusheng was tall and tall, probably because he had been abroad and was more open-minded. He also dressed fashionably and talked very interestingly. Li He thought that men longed for this kind of plump embrace and the understanding and gentleness of his sister.

Experience, wisdom, warmth, and the charming secret fragrance exudes make men infinitely yearn for it. Some people call it "the deep fragrance of ripe apples" rather than the superficial fragrance of flowers.

Li He remembers hearing her lecture for the first time and being very nervous.

He sat in the first row and looked at the mature teacher's beautiful and slightly red face. It seemed as if something suddenly penetrated his body. He felt itchy in his heart and itchy all over his body.

Afraid that she wouldn't see him, but also afraid that she would see him.

An accidental encounter is like a good year in a deserted scene, like a gift from God.

Falling in love with the teacher is doomed to be fruitless, and you can only bury all your thoughts painfully and timidly in your heart.

He sat blankly in the last row, looking at the English teacher who talked endlessly and freely on the podium, and thought about the past again.

I originally thought that I would have forgotten everything about my previous life, so that I would not be as hopeless as in my previous life, but I never thought that there would still be ripples in my heart in this life.

The evil villain appeared in her subconscious mind and used her as a fantasy object in her sleep.

Although she was wearing very high heels, she was still far behind Li He.

The weather was hot, Li He passed by the podium, lowered his head, and inadvertently saw the white flowers exposed on the collar of her wide blouse.

My scalp instantly became numb and my body felt stiff.

Li He would not pretend to say that he was not lewd, but he just did not want to waste time and energy on another fruitless relationship.

When I returned to the dormitory, I took a quick shower in the simple pool. The weather was too hot.

The only disadvantage in the city is that unlike in the countryside where you can bathe in the river at will, the summer is not very enjoyable.

Think about it in the countryside. After eating here, you put the bowl into the stove and ran into the river. Covered in sweat, you plunged into the water and took a dive, covering your body and head. wash.

It feels really pleasant to soak in the water for a while.

Zhao Yongqi was climbing on the table to write a letter. He first roughly finished it, then scribbled and corrected it, and finally copied it stroke by stroke.

Li He smiled and said, "I said, Lao Zhao, you said you were going to write a letter, is it necessary to go to such trouble?"

Zhao Yongqi scratched his head in embarrassment and said with a smile, "My wife can't read a few words. She's afraid of embarrassing her if they're too unfamiliar. So when writing a letter, I have to redo it over and over again, thinking about which words she knows and which ones she doesn't know. Then write again. It's so sloppy that she doesn't recognize any of it."

Li He asked curiously, "Your eldest child is not young this year, right? He is studying. At least he can read letters, right?"

Zhao Yongqi hesitated and said, "It's all a couple's talk, how can I let the baby chew his tongue."

Li He made the bed and made another cup of tea. "My sister-in-law is doing well at home, right? How is the child studying?"

"It's very good. We measured the land last year and contracted it to each household. Although it is a bit hard, there is hope for the future. The children study very hard and are obedient." When mentioning his family, Zhao Yongqi looked happy and looked at him. Li He said gratefully, "But what I am most grateful to is you, Xiao Lizi. Thank you very much for helping me.

You lent me money without saying a word when my father was sick. Even if you gave me the current maintenance business, I owe you a huge favor. "

"Can you please stop saying such things to your mother-in-law? I regard you as my brother. There will be no future life in this life." Li He couldn't bear to hear such disgusting words, and casually gossiped, "Zhao Qing had an affair with the young man from Wudaokou College." ?"

Zhao Yongqi smiled and said, "You are so good at burying people. Huaqing University is only located in Wudaokou, but it is not called Wudaokou College. Damn it, I am in my hometown in southern Hunan, and I have a wife and children. It's so unethical."

"You didn't bother me in the middle?" Li He asked curiously, "Didn't you say you want free love? Is that man so willing?"

Zhao Yongqi said angrily, "I've been here twice. Zhao Qing hesitated, but He Fang scolded him away and warned him that if he comes again, he will write a letter to her hometown to report. The man has not been seen since. But you said This kind of person is so bad. He has a baby and a wife at home, how can he be like this?"

"Slender lady, a gentleman likes to be jealous, isn't it normal for her to be a proud college student and look down on the yellow-faced woman from the countryside?" Li He said in a accustomed tone.

Zhao Yongqi said angrily, "That's called losing conscience. It's not easy for a daughter-in-law to serve the elderly and take care of the younger ones in the countryside."

Li He teased Zhao Yongqi and said, "Then you don't have that idea? I see that many girls are very fond of you."

Zhao Yongqi sighed angrily, "You, hey, you usually just do nothing, how can you talk nonsense about this?"

When my wife and I got married, we had nothing. We borrowed a quilt from a neighbor’s house at the entrance of the village.

Life was so difficult, and I didn't hear a word of complaint from her. She said it would be a pity not to take the college entrance exam after I finished high school, so she encouraged me to pick up books again and take the exam.

I came here to go to school, and she worked hard at home to earn work points, take care of the elderly, and raised two children. For this family, I almost did nothing to help at the critical moment, and it was all her fault...

Do you think I can do such a conscience-killing thing? "

He was very emotional when talking about certain places, and sometimes hesitated to speak.

In fact, Li He knew that what he still wanted to say was his feelings for her.

Li He regretted his bad words and making this joke.

I also feel that I am a bit disrespectful to Zhao Yongqi's wife. She is such a kind eldest sister. She has never read any books and is frugal and hardworking. Even after following Zhao Yongqi into the city, she did not change her country ways.

Even Zhao Yongqi's ability to retire safely is due to this eldest sister.

Don't be greedy, don't love vanity.

Li He didn't know about their ups and downs, but it was a fact that they got to the end together. Maybe love is just living an ordinary life, walking hand in hand, and still cuddling with each other until they grow old.

In the eyes of Li He's generation, love is not everything about marriage. Marriage is simple and profound, and it slowly melts into the bones.

Two people depend on each other.

Li He leaned on the balcony and took a puff of cigarette. He didn't know what part of his character had changed after rebirth, and why he suddenly had so many frivolous thoughts.

He suddenly felt a little scared. He was afraid that he would make the same mistake that most men would make and eventually become the kind of person he once hated the most.

In other words, it’s not about becoming someone you hate, but rather discovering that you are such a person.

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