My 1979

Chapter 686 Rolls-Royce

Seeing the two girls looking at him, Wu Bo hesitated and said, "We mainly do printing in China. This time we came to the United States mainly to promote one of our inkjet printers. The following few are from us in the United States. Our brother unit has helped a lot.”

He didn't dare to say more for fear of being too trembling and making the two girls worry.

Zhao Qing asked, "This is not your major. What you are good at is magnetospheric research, right?"

Wu Bo sneered, "I lost it and can't pick it up."

He doesn't want to mention his bad past in front of the girl he likes.

Wang Yu interjected, "Don't tell me, your brother's company is really particular about providing you with three cars when you go out. No, I saw it wrong. Why is there a Cadillac Brougham? But there are two Rolls-Royces to escort you. , your treatment is really good."

"Is it expensive?" Wu Bo didn't know much about cars.

Wang Yu gave him a strange look and said, "It's 2 million U.S. dollars. You don't feel comfortable with U.S. dollars. Let's change it to RMB. The current exchange rate is probably one to ten, so it's more than 20 million."

"So expensive?" Wu Bo was stunned, he himself didn't believe it. He was a casual acquaintance with Yu Dehua or Shen Daoru, so he came here to help and receive them just for Li He's sake.

How could they provide such good treatment? All the expenses for this trip were borne by themselves.

But how could he have imagined that this was Li He's prank inside.

"What does your brother's unit do? How can he be so arrogant?" Wang Yu looked at him with a different look.

"Mainly doing some high-tech industry investment and real estate development in San Jose, Seattle, San Francisco, and Wichita." These are all things Wu Bo can know, so he doesn't hold anything back.

Zhao Qing said nothing. As the car turned a corner, she suddenly said, "Let's get off here."

Wu Bo saw her getting out of the car and followed her.

"Have fun, handsome guy." Wang Yu waved to him.

"Thank you." Wu Bo nodded in response. After the car drove away, he curiously asked Zhao Qing, "Aren't you in the same unit?"

Zhao Qing smiled and shook his head as he walked, "She studied financial engineering at Princeton and is now working as a municipal bond trader at Luxi Bank. She will be able to move to Chinatown in the near future. The conditions are much better than here."

Wu Bo comforted, "You will get better slowly."

"So I will save some more money to study for a PhD in Massachusetts." Zhao Qing said confidently, "It only takes another two years."

She also wants to go to Wall Street, but she can only do mathematical modeling. Wanting to make money on Wall Street is basically a childhood dream. She felt that it would be more reliable for her to continue studying in her major. Maybe she could become a professor. It was already very difficult to become a professor. Without Einstein, Feynman, Newton and other big names in physics, she would never be able to get away from it in her life. Got a calling to teach.

Wu Bo said, "I support you."

"Then I'm going in. You can hang out outside. I'll treat you to dinner tonight." Zhao Qing stopped at the door of a Chinese restaurant. She saw something was wrong with Wu Bo's eyes, so she comforted him, "Okay, don't think I feel aggrieved that professors from China are still working there.”

"Well, you are busy with your business." In fact, Wu Bo really wanted her to ask for leave, so that the two of them could have a good chat alone. But in the end he didn't say that.

Manager Yang came over and said with a smile, "It's going well. I wish you a beautiful girl in your arms in advance."

"Thank you." Wu Bo did not deny his admiration for Zhao Qing. He refused the Marlboro offered by Manager Yang, lit his own Chinese, and then asked, "Sorry, I never asked you what your full name is?"

"Then let's get acquainted again. My name is Yang Siqi. My ancestral home is Hu Jian. I grew up in Chinatown, New York." Yang Siqi shook hands with him and then said, "Why don't I show you around? There are still a lot of fun things here."

"Thank you." Wu Bo's thanks came from the bottom of his heart, "I'll wait here while you go and play."

"Then I'll wait for you in the car. We'll have Chinese food here at noon. But you don't have to mind. The Eastern Guangdong cuisine here is a bit tasteless and must be different from yours. I'll wait for you next to it first." Wu Bo didn't It's hard for Yang Siqi to leave. He had already received instructions from the big boss's big boss to take good care of Wu Bo.

At this time, he re-evaluated Wu Bo's status. If something really happened to Wu Bo, he wouldn't have to hang out in New York.

He looked at the two tall and muscular black men next to him, weighing as much as 100 kilograms, and the two Rolls-Royces, and became even more curious about the big boss's big boss.

I don’t know why the big boss has dealings with New York real estate tycoon Ivanov. As soon as this rich man from Belarus arrived in New York, the first thing he did was to acquire land in New York on a large scale, daring to compete with Trump and other established real estate developers such as William Harmon and William Chaikendorf.

It only took half a year to become a top figure in the New York real estate industry. What made him famous was that he purchased Rockefeller Center from the Nippon-Benzene Mitsubishi consortium, which was in deep financial crisis, for an irresistible price of 1.555 billion US dollars.

Rockefeller Center is a landmark building in New York and a giant building complex located in the core of midtown Manhattan. There are 19 buildings with a total floor area of ​​more than 12 million square meters. The building complex is also the largest private construction project on earth.

Very famous all over the world.

At the same time, he also became the Belarusian overseas leader in the United States, which can be described as high-spirited.

Ivanov was also uneasy when he first came to the United States. He began to regret that he should not have been seduced by the woman Bavla and came to the United States so easily without telling Li He.

He consoled himself by just coming to the United States to have a look, and then leaving after watching it. Who knew that this woman Bavla would not leave!

Get lost in a dream paradise!

Perhaps out of guilt, he reported his whereabouts in the United States to Li He.

Unexpectedly, Li He was not only not angry, but also encouraged him to develop in the United States, and even transferred a sum of funds to him, strongly urging him to acquire Rockefeller Center.

Because Li Hetai needs to find a white-skinned agent in the United States!

As a white man, Ivanov can integrate well into the United States!

Ivanov really lived up to Li He's expectations. With a lot of money in his hands, he had a good network of connections in American politics, business and the underground world, even though he had only been here for half a year!

This time Li He asked to protect an important person, and he even gave up his car.

Wu Bo sat on the steps, looking at Zhao Qing who was working hard to carry water to wipe the table in the Chinese restaurant, and felt an indescribable sadness.

At noon, people began to enter the restaurant one after another, and Zhao Qing was busy taking menus for the guests to order.

Yang Siqi came over and said, "Let's go in and eat some."

"OK." Wu Bo just hesitated.

Two big black men followed behind, and a few people randomly found a table to sit down.

Zhao Qing came over with the menu and was stunned for a moment before whispering to Wu Bo, "I'll treat you to whatever you want."

"Despite the tab, we have company reimbursement." Yang Siqi interjected.

"Yes, you don't need to invite me." Wu Bo glanced at Yang Siqi gratefully.

"Then what do you eat?" Zhao Qing saw that they were reimbursed by the company, so naturally he stopped talking about treating them.

Wu Bo said, "All of your specialty dishes here are fine."

"Then you wait a moment." Zhao Qing casually scrolled through the menu a few times, then went to other tables to greet the guests.

The food was served relatively quickly, and within a short time, five or six plates were placed.

Yang Siqi and others ate with gusto, but Wu Bo scooped up the mushroom soup with a spoon and spit it into the trash can on the ground after just one bite.

This was his first time eating Chinese food in the United States. "Why did you use MSG as salt?"

Yang Siqi spread her hands helplessly, "This is very American. As long as you can put soy sauce, MSG and stir the pot, you can open a Chinese restaurant. In fact, who has the time to spend 5 hours making soup, so adding MSG is the best way. "

Wu Bo had no choice but to chop some rice, pick up two chicken nuggets, and eat a few bites at will.

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