My 1979

Chapter 692 Plane

Li He looked through the bankbooks one by one. The ones with the most savings were Li Long, Liu Laosi, Da Zhuang and Li Hui, each with 500,000 yuan. It was obviously discussed before coming here.

Yang Xuewen only saved 200,000, so he probably didn't agree with the other people's rashness.

The rest is the funds raised by Liu Chuanqi and others. He Laoxi tops the list with 60,000 yuan, followed by 10,000, 20,000, 8,000, and 5,000 yuan. Among them, Li Zhi has the least, with only 3,000 yuan.

Li He frowned. According to his opinion, he was not going to lend them a penny. It would be as much as they had.

He can't encourage them to make money in the stock market. With their level, if they want to make money in the stock market, they will definitely cry more than laugh. Of course, they can't let them lose money.

He will still try to help them find some ways in other aspects.

But seeing that Li Zhi had such a small amount of money, he couldn't help but make up for it. Otherwise, many people wouldn't even have enough money to buy one lot. The current rule is that one lot is 500 shares, and any stock costs dozens of yuan. With this small amount of money, they Where can I buy one?

He thought for a while and then said to Biao, "I'll transfer 40,000 yuan to each account."

Fu Biao went to CCB again with everyone's bankbooks.

"Ha, what are Erhe doing?" Liu Chuanqi was a little confused.

The group ate their lunch boxes, wiped their mouths, and stared at Li He.

Li He said, "Count the capital I borrow from you. The more capital you have, the more you will earn."

Li Zhidao, "Erhe, this is not good, what if?"

He wanted to 'lose money' but was afraid that it would be unlucky to say so.

Li He said with a smile, "My brothers will settle the accounts clearly, and I won't suffer any loss even if I get two cents of interest."

Pan Guangcai smacked his front teeth and said, "Erhe, I'll lend it to you."

Thinking about it, everyone has no objection. It was originally intended to raise funds. Whose money is borrowing?

As soon as Fu Biao came out of CCB, Li He said, "Follow Fu Biao and open an account."

Fu Biao waved his hand, and a group of people entered in unison. Compared to the crowded crowd in the hall and the huge team, they did not attract anyone's attention or surprise at all.

Besides, many people were staring at the red and green flashes on the electronic screen without blinking, and had no time to pay attention to such an inconspicuous team.

By the time everyone opened accounts and deposited money, Li He had already occupied a computer.

He gave up his position to Fu Biao and "bought all of Shenzhen Development Bank."

"It's more than 70 yuan from the credit bank, how can it get any more upside?"

Shenzhen Development Bank was first called "Credit Bank".

Li Long was the first to express his dissatisfaction. He had spent a lot of money to buy securities newspapers in the past few days. He read it carefully several times and found that a stock with a face value of one yuan had jumped to 70 yuan, so there was no upside.

"Buy it if you are told. Why is there so much nonsense?" Li He couldn't explain clearly. He himself was Shenfa's major shareholder. As long as he didn't sell, even if he didn't pull up, it would be difficult for the stock to fall.

The Shenzhen stock market's highest did not exceed 136 points, and then it fell sharply, but it did not fall below 100 points.

Only the Shanghai Stock Index was a bit worse, falling from more than 1,500 points to more than 300 points, but this was not a problem for Li He. He would rather lose some money than let Li Long and others make money and go home.

Under Fu Biao's arrangement, everyone lined up to buy Shenzhen Development Bank.

Then he tapped his fingers on the keyboard a few times, and everyone felt a bit at a loss. After a few taps, the money in their accounts was gone, and they didn't even have a voucher.

Pan Youcai asked worriedly, "Is this okay?"

Li He didn't need to explain, Li Long naturally said with certainty, "It's okay, we have been doing this in Pujiang for a long time. We have half a million. If something happens, we will be the ones crying."

Pan Youcai said with a depressed face, "That's what I borrowed. Can it compare with you?"

Yang Xuewen patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile, "It's as if my money follows the wind."

Liu Chuanqi said, "You still don't believe in Erhe? Okay, that's it. Let's go quickly."

For a while, everyone lived together and no one mentioned going home. With all the wealth here, who dares to leave with confidence?

Every day, everyone buys vegetables based on headcount, and two people take turns cooking. Since they don't want to owe Li He too many favors, Li He doesn't care and lets them do it.

The rest of the time was spent studying securities newspapers with Li Long. They said it was research, but in fact they only cared about the rise and fall of daily numbers. As for technical indicators and fundamentals, they knew nothing about it. They didn't even understand what stocks were. They only knew how to buy stocks. You can make money.

I was overjoyed when my money went up by one dollar. The jujube wine I brought from my hometown tasted delicious. I also had to add a snack in the evening. I had to cook two portions of braised pork. If my money dropped by one penny, I would be so sad that I couldn't bear to die.

Li He couldn't stand them. It didn't even take a week, so he quickly sent Fu Biao to buy more stocks. If this continued, he would be driven crazy by them.

Only Yang Xuewen was calm and pulled out the old wood from Fu Biao's warehouse and piled it in the yard. He either planed, chiseled or sawed it. There was a pile of chairs piled in the yard.

However, he met a master, Wan Liangyou. He was truly convinced by Wan Liangyou's skills and asked with a smile, "Brother Wan, your skills are really incredible."

A master carpenter cannot use the ink fountain to draw straight lines when cutting materials, but Wan Liangyou never uses it when doing wood work. It seems that everything is stored in his mind. He knows how much to cut a piece of wood and how to protrude that piece of wood.

Yang Xuewen was very convinced by this.

Wan Liangyou waved his hand politely, "When we joined the army, we emphasized that the People's Liberation Army should be a big school. This big school should study politics, military affairs, and culture, and be able to engage in agricultural and sideline production, mass work, and participate in The socialist education movement in factories and rural areas. Combat teams, work teams, and production teams, dare to shoulder heavy responsibilities. Study politics, military, and culture, and have high motivation in both civil and military fields. I learned whatever culture I studied after graduating from elementary school. Not to mention carpentry, I have some talent in this area. After I was discharged from the army, I worked as a carpenter in my hometown for several years. If it weren't for your brother-in-law, I might still be a carpenter now. "

He said he was humble, but his face was actually a bit proud.

Yang Xuewen said with a smile, "My father often said, if you are a private citizen, please build a gatehouse. If you are a government official, please build an official residence. A saw will cut out a thousand roads. A plane will make everything smooth. An ax is a money tree. An ink bucket is a cornucopia. Three days a day Eat white rice.”

Wan Liangyou said, "It's just a short sentence. Sweet wine can't last long. It's true that carpenters can learn from it."

"Yes, yes." Yang Xuewen was very happy, finally finding someone with whom he shared a common language.

Li He said to the two of them, "Are you two going to open a furniture store?"

Yang Xuewen said, "It's a pity just to see these pieces of wood lying there. It's idle anyway, and it can be used for making furniture."

Li He kicked a dining table and asked uncertainly, "Is this mahogany?"

There is a lot of furniture in his home, but that still doesn't stop him from being an idiot in this area.

"No, if you really want to sell it, you can get a good price. The key is to have someone who understands." Wan Liangyou smiled and pointed to a beam on the ground and said, "Look what this is? Red sandalwood, if you want to think about the house, you must have it." How noble.”

Yang Xuewen also nodded, pointing to the growth rings of a poplar tree and said, "This tree looks worthless, but after all, it is old, and those who know how to do it are still rushing to get it."

Li He smiled and said, "I think you two can work together to make lumber."

"Making wood?" Both of them were confused.

Li He said with a smile, "You are here specifically to collect old wood. The demolition in Shenzhen is not too much. It would be more if you go to Guangzhou. There used to be many wealthy families there. Anyway, it is not valuable now, and you can't spend much money to collect it." I'll find a place for you to store it when you come back, what if it becomes valuable in the future?"

Facts have proved that this business is definitely not wrong. After the old domestic wood was demolished, many mahogany furniture dealers rushed to Southeast Asia to dismantle it and make it into furniture. A small cabinet can easily be sold for tens of thousands of yuan. .

Wan Liangyou asked, "Is this possible?"

Yang Xuewen said, "I think it's feasible. It's a pity to waste it anyway. We don't want to make a profit, but we definitely can't lose it."

"Isn't this good?" Wan Liangyou was a little doubtful, but he was a little moved, but he was responsible for Li He's safety, so there was no way to do business in the middle.

Li He decided directly, "Lao Ding and Zhang Bing are enough. If you have the chance, just do it. Don't worry about me."

"Then let's do it?" Wan Liangyou saw both of them nodding and said magnanimously, "Since we are doing this together, I will also contribute half of the cost."

Yang Xuewen is not short of money, and he cannot be short of money. He even has a much stronger foundation than Yang Xuewen.

"That's it, let's just get 50,000 yuan each first. We can take the wood back and put it away first. Don't rush to make furniture. We can let it go when the market goes up." Yang Xuewen understood what his brother-in-law meant.

ps: I can only apologize, I’m sorry for not living up to everyone’s expectations, and I will definitely make up for the discontinued parts.

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