My 1979

Chapter 709 Luck

When her daughter came back, Wang Yulan killed an old hen at night. After coming to Hong Kong, she was no longer satisfied with her yard at home. She opened up the small woods in this area, planted vegetables, and developed a breeding industry. There were chickens, ducks and geese running around everywhere.

From time to time, a long string of big white geese can be seen on the sea.

She is very satisfied with the weather in Hong Kong. It has good sunshine, abundant rain, and the four seasons are not so distinct. She can sow a handful of seeds anywhere and everything will survive. This gives her a great sense of accomplishment. And in winter, she doesn't feel the feeling of winter, and she can do everything quickly.

However, if you ask her what is good, she will still say that her hometown is good.

There was family property that she had accumulated all her life. As for what property there was in her hometown, she couldn't tell. It was just a few houses, a lot of livestock, and a little private land at home.

In order to preserve her simple happiness, Li He has instructed Master Wu to help pay a fine of hundreds of thousands to the Environmental Department.

Even if Wang Yulan leveled the mountain, Li He would not care. Let it be leveled. He would not be short of the fine. Of course, he would definitely not let Wang Yulan know.

The old hen was stewed very fragrantly, but the fourth child didn't even take a few bites. After saying hello listlessly, he went upstairs.

Li He also followed closely. Just as he was about to enter the house, the door slammed shut and he was almost hit on the bridge of his nose.

"Hey, what do you mean?"

"Brother, I'm very upset, please just leave me alone!" The fourth child had no intention of opening the door.

Li He said, "Are you sure you're fine?"

He was worried about the fourth child. This girl was usually very steady and basically had no temper. How could she be so impetuous now.

"It's okay!" Lao Si replied firmly.

When going to bed at night, He Fang said to Li He, "The more you pay attention to her, the more pressure she will get, so don't ask her."

Li He said, "It's not bad to go to England. She might be making a fuss out of a molehill."

He Fang smiled and said, "Do you think she is you, with no ambitions? She has always been strong-tempered and successful in everything she does. Besides, Ballio's major is pharmacology, and her interest is pathology at Harvard, which is not the case at all. A concept. Besides, I used to boast in front of so many people that I was going to the United States. Now, of course I feel embarrassed and unhappy."

"Hey, let her do whatever she wants." Li He decided not to care. She couldn't figure out how a girl could endure the pungent smell of formalin and then have the courage to shuttle between various human bones and tissue specimens. And where did he come from with such great interest? He was willing to read hard in a library full of students, holding a pound of professional books as heavy as bricks.

Medicine is a hard-working profession, and most people will definitely not be able to accept the living conditions of medical students.

High elimination rate, long academic cycle, five to eight years of long-distance marathon, whether you can get a medical license depends on luck, this is how medical students all over the world survive.

As the new year approached, Shoushan still did not go back. Instead, he came to discuss with Li He excitedly with new plans.

After finishing speaking, he said excitedly, "I want to take root in Huadu! I want to invest 300 million!"

"Staying in a hotel? What can three hundred million be enough for?" Li He gave him a cigarette and said with a smile, "There are more than 200 foreign-related hotels in Guangzhou, and there are countless large and small hotels. Most of them were in the early 1980s. It’s well-established, has a rich customer base, and is very strong from management to funding. It’s not easy to gain a foothold there.”

Guangzhou's high-end hotel industry is basically monopolized by the four kings. Oriental Hotel, White Swan Hotel, China Hotel, and Five-Star Garden Hotel are all projects with an investment of over RMB 500 million. RMB 300 million is really not enough.

He wouldn't mind if it was just a catering-themed hotel with accommodation in Shenzhen, so he didn't stop the original Sihai Hotel plan in Shenzhen and Pujiang. But in Guangzhou, running a hotel that focuses on accommodation is really not something that ordinary people can do, and it is even more difficult to take root.

Although the competition in Beijing is also fierce, it is Shoushan's headquarters after all. He started business early and has deep connections. Moreover, he mainly focuses on catering, and catering and accommodation are completely different things.

But after all, Guangzhou is the most mature place in China’s hotel industry. Since the Oriental Hotel introduced foreign investment in 1979, Guangzhou’s hotels have been following this path. The Cultural Holiday Hotel is funded by Singapore, and the Huaxia Hotel is funded by Macau. The funds, Huamei Grand Triumph are American funds, and they are undoubtedly foreign investors with strong backgrounds.

Hotels such as White Swan Hotel and Holiday Inn Chain are among the international hotel organizations. They have established computer reservation centers and participated in computer reservation networks. They have control over the flow of customers.

Li He is not afraid of simply fighting for money, but the service industry is not as simple as fighting for funds.

Shoushan said anxiously, "I understand what you are saying, but I didn't come here in vain. I have looked at it all. Do you know what the room occupancy rate is in Guangzhou? 72%! It is even lower than Hangzhou's. A little bit lower! Do you know how many people enter Hong Kong every year? It’s almost 3 million! And there are also millions of people who come to Guangzhou to make money every year! You always say that we take a long-term view, so let’s take a long-term view. Do you think there will be more and more people in the future? What are the hundreds of hotels in Guangzhou enough? Did you say that Guangzhou will definitely surpass Hong Kong in the future? Look at Hong Kong, is there a hotel every 100 meters away? ? Then where are there enough hotels in Guangzhou now to see enough?"

He said these words out of emotion. He has been doing catering for ten years. He never thought that the social situation would change so fast in these ten years, and he never thought that his Sihai Hotel would become a national chain.

So now he is more courageous than Li He and has learned to catch up with others.

"It's a good idea, but if you want to build a high-end hotel, three hundred million is not enough." Li He did not expect that Shoushan would use what he had said to fight back.

Shoushan said doubtfully, "When did I say that it must be a high-end hotel? Since some people are willing to spend thousands of yuan for a meal at Shangri-La, then there must be people who are willing to spend a few yuan to eat at roadside stalls. This way The same goes for accommodation. I plan to use these 300 million to open more than 30 cheap hotels with more than 60 rooms in the best areas of Guangzhou, a business that will not lose money."

"Is that an economical hotel chain?" Li He thought about it and realized that it was indeed feasible. He couldn't help but look at Shoushan twice, not expecting someone with such a mind.

"Budget hotel?" Shoushan clapped his hands, "Hey, that's a good word. Yes, it's called a budget hotel."

Li He smiled and said, "Now that you are ready to do it, then don't bother me again and just do it."

As for the chain's management model, he didn't need to explain it at all. Shoushan had already summed up his own routine. If he said it, it would be embarrassing.

"Well, I'll go back to celebrate the New Year first. My daughter calls every day to remind me. I'll come back after the New Year." Shoushan left happily.

On New Year's Eve, Li Zhaokun reluctantly closed the yacht business stall, generously gave Old Man Zhang a thousand yuan, and then bought Wang Yulan a gold chain for the first time.

Wang Yulan was so excited that she didn't know what to do. This was the first time that he received such a formal gift from her man. In the past, he had either given her a hairband or cream, but he had never given her such a valuable thing.

It was also Li Zhaokun's luck. Ever since his savings were taken away by Wang Yulan and the liquor sales failed, he had nothing to do, and he was reluctant to use the 10,000 yuan given by his son. When I had nothing to do, I had to drag Old Man Zhang and Dahuang to form a team of gay friends. They either caught fish and shrimps or barbecued at the beach every day. These days were a bit boring. I once thought about going back to my hometown. Anyway, my youngest son and eldest daughter were still there, so I wanted to go back. In the future, I am not afraid that no one will care about me and no one will ask me. I will continue to live my life as usual, sipping my wine, but it will definitely not be as bad as here.

He accidentally watched his son and daughter driving a yacht and it was fun, so he asked his daughter to learn how to sail a yacht. It didn't matter after a while, he had many more places to go.

One day, I drove to a beach with Old Man Zhang and others. There were people coming to play. They saw two people and a dog, and there was a speedboat next to them. I was curious and asked if I wanted to rent it.

Is not this nonsensical!

Li Zhaokun has no reason to be unhappy about such money!

100 yuan an hour!

If you work ten hours a day, it will be a thousand yuan!

Definitely big business!

As for whether they can return the speedboat! Is there enough gas money? He didn't take it into consideration at all.

But in the end, they sent the yacht back, but the fuel tank was empty.

Just fill up with spare diesel and go home.

When he got home, he decided to continue this business, but he didn't have much diesel at home, so he took his driver, Master Wu, to buy diesel.

But after buying it, Li Zhaokun realized that his business had made a loss!

It costs at least 500 yuan to fill up the fuel tank of a speedboat! Heavy diesel is twice as expensive as ordinary diesel!

And this 500 yuan is not enough to burn the speedboat for an hour!

But business still had to be done, so he stayed in a place with many tourists, waiting for opportunities every day. However, the price is indeed different, it becomes 500 Hong Kong dollars for half an hour.

But there are still people willing to rent.

He was responsible for collecting the money, and Old Man Zhang was responsible for negotiating the price in Cantonese. The two of them matched up perfectly.

After the business stabilized, he earned thousands of Hong Kong dollars every day.

In the past few months, he has made a lot of money, but he is still far from expanding his business. So at this moment, he suggested to his son that he add a few more speedboats and make half the money.

"Business has been busy recently and money turnover is difficult. Let's talk about it later." Li He refused without hesitation. He did not tell Li Zhaokun that He had already spent more than four million to obtain a speedboat operating license for him.

On the other hand, his biological father has too many criminal records and has not yet gained one percent of his trust. His request is very simple, as long as he can protect his mother. He wouldn't let Li Zhaokun mess around.

Li Zhaokun was not too disappointed when his son rejected him. Anyway, he was very satisfied with earning thousands of yuan every day.

At the New Year's Eve dinner, he still gave Li Lan and his two daughters a big red envelope of 500 yuan each!

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