My 1979

Chapter 737 Chaos

"Why are you standing there in a daze?" Xiaoxiaoquan saw that the younger brother beside him was still in a daze. After scolding him, he joined the battle group in droves.

When Gu Xiaohua saw that the woman was still hitting Li He with her bag, he stepped forward and pushed the woman away. The woman sat down on the ground. After seeing Gu Xiaohua's appearance clearly, she stood up and swung her bag towards Gu Xiaohua.

Gu Xiaohua was embarrassed to hit the woman, so he could only hide and block her with his arms.

Five or six parents, seeing their sons being beaten, would definitely not comply. Two men also stepped forward and pounced on Ding Shiping, Xiao Xiaoquan and others.

The women shouted to the police at the top of their lungs, and quickly ran outside to call their bodyguards. How could they have imagined that they would be beaten in the police station!

"Get out!" The speaker pointed at a fat man and kicked him.

"Fight with you!" The fat man angrily just raised a chair, but was kicked by the kid with a loudspeaker.

In just a few dozen seconds, the police station was in complete chaos.

The police officers who reacted had already blown a loud whistle, but at this time, eight or nine more people ran in from the corridor outside, but they were in a panic and at a loss as to what to do. The messy situation made them dizzy.

"Why are you just standing there?! Give me a beating!" A man whose tie had been ripped off pointed at Ding Shiping and others and yelled.

"Hurry up!" Someone saw his bodyguard coming and his confidence increased greatly.

The bodyguard followed the command of his boss without hesitation and beat Ding Shiping and others.

The three drivers and secretaries had no choice but to rush over. When they saw Gu Xiaohua dodging left and right, their eyes lit up! Even hiding from a woman, isn't this the best kind of soft persimmon?

The three of them scratched Gu Xiaohua together! But the woman stopped, pointed at her bodyguard, and shouted, "Hit him! I'm responsible for beating him to death."

Xiao Xiaoquan saw someone rushing towards Li He and hurriedly protected Li He so that he could beat the person with peace of mind.

Gu Xiaohua was a little dumbfounded to see if he was easy to bully!

He was rude to men when he met them, would kick one and run away, accompany a few men in circles, and occasionally take the opportunity to punch them again.

The police officers saw that not only did the situation not calm down, but it became more and more chaotic, they all hurried forward.

The two police officers stepped forward and pulled Li He. Without pulling, Li He continued to punch the person on the ground with his fists.

In the end, three police officers took Li He away together.

Before Li He left, he stamped heavily on the hand on the ground.

The young man screamed again.

"Okay, let me go." Li He broke free from the police officer's hand, pulled off his collar, and unbuttoned a button, feeling a little better.

Ding Shiping and others saw that Li He had stopped and there was no need for the police to pull him, so they stopped themselves.

The five young people on the ground were helped up by their parents, and there was no good spot on their faces.

After the young man in the flower gown was helped up, he looked at Li He angrily with his swollen eyes.

His mother saw that her son's body was covered in blood and his nose was still bleeding, so she hurriedly wiped it with a tissue in her bag.

After the son spit out a bloody tooth from his mouth, the woman was even more frightened. She pointed at Li He's nose and said, "You!! You!! Just wait to go to jail!! I'm going to sue you!" I want you to know that our Lin family is not someone to be trifled with!"

"Who do you think you are? Let your son wash his butt and wait to go to jail!" Xiaoxiaoquan sneered, "We'll see!"

Li He sat on the chair and didn't care.

"Do you know who I am! You..." The fat middle-aged man who had been beaten all over by the trumpet wanted to strangle him to death when he saw that the trumpet was full of anger.

"I don't care who you are?" Trumpet Quan said, "Do you know who I am?"

"Where's your Sheriff! I want to see your Sheriff Huang!" Seeing that Li He and others were not threatened, the woman began to find connections to pressure people.

"Yes! Let Chief Huang come out!" Several parents nearby finally stood in line with the woman this time, and they also had a fight-to-die attitude towards Li He and others.

They have always considered themselves to be upper-class people, how could they ever be so angry!

"Shut up!" A police officer finally couldn't bear it and yelled, "What do you think this is?"

Although he knew that these people were either rich or noble, he had to pretend to be brave and maintain order.

The woman sternly said, "You haven't arrested him yet! He beat people in the police station, and you saw it with your own eyes!"

"If you don't give me an explanation, I will definitely file a complaint against you! Don't even think about it anymore!" The middle-aged man who had been ripped off as the leader touched his eyes, filled with righteous indignation. In addition, his son was beaten, and he missed Li He and others even more. Go to hell.

"My lawyer will be here soon!!" A woman wearing glasses just hung up the phone and started to curse loudly, "You police officers are also useless."

"Everyone, please be patient and don't be impatient." A middle-aged man walked out from the room. He had goldfish eyes, a unibrow, a slightly bald forehead, and a fleshy face. He said as soon as he came out, "Everyone, you must distinguish clearly. what is the place!"

The police officers couldn't stand it any longer and found the sergeant.

"Chief Huang, you are so powerful!" The woman wearing glasses sneered, "You don't care if someone is trying to do something evil in your police station!"

"Miss Zhu, calm down and take care of it, of course!" Sheriff Huang bluffed into the loudspeaker, "Speaker all! Didn't you stay here enough? You're too arrogant!"

As for Li He, he just glanced at it and pretended to turn a blind eye.

He himself never thought that this small traffic accident could be questioned by five legislators at the same time!

Since last night, his phone calls have been nonstop, with calls coming one after another from legislators to justices of the peace and chairman of major listed companies.

He knew that the victim's family was not simple.

So he was curious about Li He at the moment.

He didn't know Li He, but Li He was sitting on the chair in the middle. He could tell with his vicious glance that this person was the leader here.

"Sir Huang! You can't say that. Look at how many there are there. How many are here with me?" Xiaoxiao kept his eyes closed and told lies. When he was a gangster, he was a regular visitor here. He understood very well what was going on. It doesn't matter whether it's true or false, what's important is that the theory can stand up. "They hit someone with their car and injured him, and he's still lying in the hospital. They still dare to say rude things now. They are the arrogant ones."

"Nonsense!" The woman from the Lin family yelled into the loudspeaker, "No one here is blind! It was obviously you who made the move first!"

"He, he, arrest him!" Chief Huang was a bit more careless, and the police officers began to move forward to arrest people.

Those parents were unhappy when they saw that their children would also be detained.

"Chief Huang! What do you mean?"

"Yes, we are the victims!"

Sheriff Huang said solemnly, "One thing is another thing! Hit and run? How could he leave so easily!"

"What about him?" Someone pointed at Li He, who was smoking leisurely aside, "Why don't you arrest him! He also beat someone!"

"This needs to be done to assess the injuries." Sheriff Huang looked at the injuries of the young people and said, "After the injuries are assessed, if it constitutes a minor injury or more, you will need to bear criminal responsibility. If it is minor, If you are injured, you only need to pay civil compensation. My suggestion is that you entrust a lawyer to protect your rights in a timely manner. Everything must be done in accordance with the law."

He didn't want to offend these parents. Normally, he would give them face, but he couldn't get used to it. If Li He was detained, he would offend Li He and he couldn't afford to offend him.

Huang Bingxin alone is enough for him to cope with.

Since he can't offend Li He now, if these parents want to complain about him, there is nothing he can do.

"Very good, very good!" The chest of the woman surnamed Lin rose and fell with anger, "I will personally call the Commissioner of Police."

Sheriff Huang said with a smile, "Everyone, please find a lawyer to handle this as soon as possible."

He said it politely, but he still took all five young people into custody. If a man from the Lin family came over, he would consider giving him face. But he still didn't feel at ease with a girl.

As for those parents, they could only sit inside and make phone calls to urge lawyers to come quickly so that Lima could apply for bail and take their sons to the hospital.

"Mr. Li, could you please take a moment to speak?" Sheriff Huang stood close to Li He, but his eyes were not facing Li He, as if he was not talking to him.

Li He smiled and followed him to the office inside.

"Mr. Li, please sit down, coffee?"

"Whatever." Li He was not in the mood to care about this at this time. When the coffee was brought to him, he didn't move. He just asked, "Chief Huang, please give me the information on these companies."

He made his request directly.

"My opinion is that everyone values ​​peace." Chief Huang was also afraid of being pressured by others, and he said, "According to our past practice in handling this type of traffic accidents, we hope that everyone will try to negotiate as much as possible."

Li He shook his head firmly, "There is no room for negotiation. I will sue these people one by one."

"Mr. Li, maybe Mr. Li doesn't know the Lin family. Lin Yinan is a famous toy king in Hong Kong. There are more than 2,000 toy factories in Hong Kong. His family is the largest. Kaida Industrial is also a listed company in Hong Kong, and its influence is extraordinary. ." Sheriff Huang still hopes that Li He will retreat when the difficulties arise.

Li He sneered, "Maybe you don't understand me either."

After speaking, he stood up and said, "Thank you, Chief Huang, for giving me face. See you later."

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