My 1979

Chapter 74 Farewell

Zhang Shusheng frowned, obviously not liking this kind of trick. In her eyes, Li He, a boy, although not outstanding in the class, was well behaved in exams and classes, nothing out of the ordinary. She glanced at Li He and said, "Classmate Li He, tell me what you think."

Li He cleared his throat and said, "I don't agree with classmate Pan Weimin's opinion. This is a matter of my personal living habits. How can it be elevated to an ideological issue. My classmates and teachers can all testify that I study hard in my daily life and I also work hard for the future of socialism." contribution to the four modernizations.

Li He didn't speak politely, and Pan Weimin's face turned red with anger, "I am the chairman of the student union, and you violated the school regulations. Time and time again, it shows that you don't take the school regulations at all. You are simply contemptuous of the school regulations."

"Classmate Pan, there is obviously something wrong with your thinking. You have a strong official-oriented mentality. I remember that the responsibility of the student union is only to coordinate and cooperate. Even if you accuse me of violating the rules, it will be handled by our department. How to deal with it is obviously outside your scope of authority." Pan Weimin was getting more and more embarrassed, and Li He was not ready to lose face anymore, "I remember the student union's charter, and management functions are limited to the student union."

Pan Weimin's lips trembled with anger, but in order to maintain his grace, he suppressed his displeasure, looked at Zhang Shu and said, "Teacher Zhang, I will leave first. I will report the situation of your class to the school. This is my duty. "

Zhang Shusheng heard these harsh words and nodded, indicating that he could get out. He then turned to look at Li He and said, "Classmate Li He, I will punish you to work in the South District for three days, helping the school carry stones and fill the road. I hope you don't Break school rules again."

The school's punishment emphasizes "focusing on learning, and learning other things as well, that is, not only learning literature, but also learning the spirit of engineering, agriculture, and the military."

Li He didn't take it seriously. He said it was a punishment, but in fact it was just three days of hard work as a foreigner.

It's another cold winter, and school is on holiday.

The Spring Festival is getting closer and closer, and many people are busy shopping for New Year's goods everywhere.

Li He knew that the time to part with Zhang Wanting was getting closer.

"Is everything packed?"

"It's ready. Have you really thought about it and want me to go out?"

Li He smiled and said, "You are still two years older than me. Why are you so pretentious?"

Zhang Wanting punched her fist angrily, "Then you promise me that when I come back, you won't be with other girls."

Li He touched Zhang Wanting's head and said, "I promise you, I will wait for you. If I do bad things behind your back, I will die badly when I go out!"

"Then write me a letter. Each letter should not be less than 30,000 words."

Li He shouted, "That's enough to write a novel. Can you win 3,000?"

"5,000, no more!"

The two men slapped each other with their palms and said, "Deal!"

At this time, the Capital Airport was at the level of a prefecture-level city airport. Because of the limited number of passengers, not only was there no traffic jam, the airport bus also felt very quiet when passing through the dense poplar trees. With the dancing snowflakes, it became even more... Deserted.

"When you transfer to Moscow, don't forget your luggage, don't be reluctant to spend money, eat well and stay healthy."

Zhang Wanting kept her head down and let her hair cover her eyes. Finally, she couldn't help but wipe the corners of her eyes. "I know, we have a leader, and I'm not the only one. Don't worry. I'll write you a letter when I get there." ,Do not worry."

Li He smiled and said, "Hurry in and get your boarding pass."

The farewell people began to separate, and Li He urged Zhang Wanting to quickly go through the security check. He couldn't get in.

Watching Zhang Wanting enter, Li He closed his eyes and pretended to be calm.

On the way back, I didn't feel anything. I endured it all the way. When I got home, I opened the door. I couldn't express the feeling in my heart. I looked around the room and suddenly couldn't help crying. Li He suddenly lost his mind. look forward to.

I opened a bottle of white wine and poured it directly into my mouth.

A burning tingling sensation spread from his throat to his heart.

After drinking, I wanted to go to bed and sleep without thinking about anything else.

There's always a moment when you're completely still, even when you're telling the funniest joke in the world.

For people who are leaving, the most difficult thing is memories, and forgetting is such a luxury.

I couldn't get enough energy to do anything, so I slept in a daze for several days. When I was hungry, I would get up and make some noodles.

The hardest part is nothing more than the moment you wake up and feel empty.

Someone knocked on the door and got ready. It was so cold. The snow outside was getting heavier and heavier. Li He admired the people who got up as soon as possible in the winter. They were so cruel to themselves and couldn't accomplish anything. .

Li He finished approving the coats and opened the door to see Su Ming coming with He Fang.

"It's really you. I can't find you during the holiday, and I don't see you coming home. You are really capable!" As soon as He Fang entered the house and saw Li He's slovenly appearance, he was not angry at all. There were several piles of them that had not been cleaned, and the room was in a mess. It seemed that Zhang Wanting's departure had a great impact on him. "Hurry up and wash your face and put on clothes. It's so cold, don't freeze."

Li He rubbed his head and said nothing. He went back to the bedroom and got dressed. He shaved with a razor blade in front of the mirror, washed his face, and felt refreshed.

He Fang directly cleaned up the house, then went into the kitchen to light the stove, boil some water, and washed the pots and pans, "Did you finish cooking the noodles without washing the pot, and then cooked the next meal? The bottom of the pot is black, I really admire you."

Li He chuckled and said, "It's so cold and I'm too lazy to wash it. I can just add some water and boil it. It's so easy."

Su Ming said, "Brother, I brought you some soy milk and fried dough sticks."

Li He got a little tired of eating noodles every day, so he suddenly ate something fresh and his appetite was whetted. He turned around and asked He Fang, "Why don't you go back?"

Not mentioning this, He Fang said angrily, "I went there for two days in a row and waited in line all night without buying a ticket. I'm so angry."

Li He smiled and said, "Don't you buy it for school every year? Why did you buy it yourself this year?"

"It's not like you don't know the properties of urine every year in school. Why are you pretending to be confused? Either the time arrangement is wrong, or the train number is wrong, or you can't buy it without notifying you. It's only then that you panic. You will definitely not be able to go back this year. Next year Let's go back during the summer vacation. Anyway, my brothers are all at home, and my mother is not alone." He Fang finally turned on the stove in the main room, "Oh, it's much warmer this way."

"Have Zhao Yongqi and the others gone back?"

"We're going back. Get ready and hurry up if you want to buy tickets."

Li He looked at the heavy snow in the sky and was too lazy to go to the train station and didn't want to go back to his hometown.

Li Mei is already married and pregnant. Li Long and his wife are living well at home, the fourth child is doing well in school, and Li Zhaokun rarely goes out. The family is very stable, and it doesn't matter whether he goes back to his hometown or not.

The most important thing is that he is not in the mood to do anything now. After hearing He Fang's words, he still shook his head, "I won't go back. It's snowing so heavily. It's okay to go back home. I won't go back."

He took paper and pen again, wrote it quickly, and handed it to Su Ming, "Send me a telegram. Don't reduce the number of words. Just send it as I wrote."

Su Ming said hello and went out in the snow.

"Originally I asked you for the key. If you go back, I will keep you here. It would be better if you don't go back. We spend the whole year together celebrating the New Year." He Fang found some of Li He's dirty clothes and threw them away. Entering the basin, "You bring me water from the well. It should be a little warm."

The iron bucket was frozen, and the ropes were tied together with popsicles. Li He knocked it hard on the ground, rubbed his hands to warm them, and then reluctantly put it into the well. "The temperature is low enough."

He Fang sighed, "The temperature is so low. In our corner, it's less than minus 20 degrees, so I'm embarrassed to call it cold."

Li He smiled and said, "You are the one who complains about the cold every day. Why are you Northeasterners still afraid of the cold?"

He Fang said with a smile, "Whoever asks me again, 'How come Northeastern people are still afraid of the cold?' I will chop them up!"

It’s almost overwhelming. Our northeast window is double-layered, the balcony can be closed, and the temperature in the house is heated to 26 degrees. We are not bears, so how can we not be afraid of the cold? "

He Fang's grandparents were engaged in small business.

As a result, she developed a tough temper, and even now she gnashes her teeth whenever she mentions the immoral teacher who gave her a 0 on the test paper.

Li He, who sometimes chokes when talking, has no temper.

Li He brought the bucket up and tested the water temperature with his hands. "This water is okay. It's very warm. I'll add boiling water for you from the kitchen."

The big vat was filled with water again, and Li He hurried to the market to buy vegetables. There were only noodles and some pickles at home, but nothing else.

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