My 1979

Chapter 751 Industry

"So colleagues, how to undertake international industrial transfer next is a responsibility we all need to face together. Some people say, what is the future of being a labor-intensive enterprise? With the increase in domestic exports in the past two years, many textile Footwear products are very popular all over the world, but due to quality problems, they have a bad reputation. People with insight say that we need to build a brand and do marketing. Last year, the country also put forward the slogan of 'winning with quality'. But many people understand that it is easy to focus on quality, but the cost has gone up, and even if the quality is better than in developed countries, consumers will not recognize it.”

I don’t know who applauded first!

Thunder shakes!

They have heard too much empty talk! But no one has ever been able to explain a big picture in such a simple way!

Many people feel that they have learned something inexplicably!

Li He looked at the audience again and saw that everyone was listening attentively, and continued, "One of the views I have always adhered to is that in the past ten years, what we have always focused on should be product prices and win with cost."

The more he talked, the more excited he became, and the more he talked, the more he felt a little tight in his chest. He wants to slap those fruit fans in the face!

There was another fierce applause from the audience, and this time the applause was even louder!


Li He explained the issues that many people have not understood for a long time!

"The Chinese are the most obsessed gamblers in the world, seeking opportunities in taking risks, no matter how fantastic those opportunities are. Therefore, with strength and ambition, we can definitely compete on the international stage."

The people in the audience were once again amused by Li He's words, and many people from the mainland present felt a different kind of pride and self-confidence!

Yes, I dare to bet!

Take risks!

Dare to fight!

Many people turned their attention to King He Gambling who had been silent on the sidelines.

King He Du smiled and nodded, "That's natural."

"Thank you for listening to all the nonsense I said." Li He said with a smile, "Today is my daughter's full moon wine. It may be inappropriate to say so much, but most of you sitting here are from the business world. The so-called business world Speaking of business, I still want to discuss more with you and have more opportunities to cooperate. Thank you again for coming! Thank you very much!"

Then bursts of applause.

Li He bowed lightly to the audience and walked off the stage.

The music started again.

The so-called banquet really begins now.

Li He took the glass filled with beer from the waiter and touched the rim of the glass to the people around him to show his gratitude.

"Everyone, feel free to drink. If you get drunk, I will be responsible for carrying you home."

Everyone laughed again.

As soon as he took a few steps, he was picked up by a group of girls again.

According to completely reliable gossip, the young man in front of you may be the richest man in the world!

These gorgeous girls will not miss any opportunity to show off their charm!

Li Hedu just shook hands politely, and then let him pass after saying a few words. It wasn't that he didn't like it, he really liked it!

I like it very much!

He has money and he has capital. It’s a perfect match!

Even a little proud!

He does not have a pretty face, a pair of ordinary piercing eyes, a tall nose, a cold and domineering president, and his skin is not smooth.

However, Li Laoer also has a day when he is swarmed by bees and butterflies!

He really wanted to look up to the sky and laugh!

Like a prisoner who has been in prison for a long time, longing for eternal freedom!

No more!

No more!

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