My 1979

Chapter 763: Covering Fu

"Okay, I can't quit anyway. Sometimes I'm not allowed to smoke on the train. As soon as I get to the station, I always take advantage of the three or two minutes of parking to take a few sips. Can I still quit in this situation? ?" Zhao Yongqi said angrily, "My little bastard is still young and will give up smoking if he has the chance. Just watch, I will fix him up."

"Look at it, smoking is not a big deal." Li He expressed sympathy.

"Don't be so gloating about your misfortune." Zhao Yongqi glared at Li He angrily.

"What's the relationship between us? Can I take pleasure in others' misfortunes?" Li He laughed, "I'm happy!"

"You won't be able to bear it until your son grows up." Zhao Yongqi looked at Li Lan who was playing with a car next to him, then took out a bottle of old wine from the cabinet and said, "Drink this at noon, there are only two bottles in total. , it was given by Wang Hui. I have never been willing to drink it. I drank a bottle with Gao Aiguo last time, and I still have this bottle left, but it is waiting for you. "

"Not bad." Li He had never drunk this kind of wine, and had never even heard of the brand. He opened the bottle and smelled it, then poured a little more into his palm, rubbed his hands vigorously, and waited for a while before smelling again. Two palms, "It has the aroma of grain, this wine is good."

If a bad wine doesn't even smell like fart after ten minutes, even if some bad wine smells good at the end, it's just a irritation to the nose.

"You guys drink first." Seeing the two people taking out the wine, Ma Jincai brought out a plate of peanuts first, "The food will be here later."

"Stop trying. Can I leave the wine for you to drink?" Zhao Yongqi took out two wine glasses and placed one in front of each other. He took the wine from Li He's hand and filled the glasses. "Drink it in your stomach before talking."

"The aftertaste is very good, it lasts for a long time, and it doesn't scratch your throat." Li He smacked the wine with his tongue to confirm that it was a very good wine.

"Come and touch one." Zhao Yongqi said with a smile, "Are you going to leave this time?"

Li He shook his head and said, "I won't leave for now."

"It's fine if you don't leave. You're right to get that labor medal. It's good for you. Last time I saw the list, I thought it was the same name. I didn't expect it was you." Zhao Yongqi analyzed and studied Li He, "I don't see your current business. Everyone is jealous, I heard that one donation is 1.5 billion? Hey, you are such a quiet kid."

"What do you mean by being quiet?" Li He said with a smile, "I just keep a low profile. Besides, when did I look like I was short of money in front of you? I'm never short of money."

"You kid, I'll pull you away after I say a few words to you." Zhao Yongqi refilled his glass of wine and continued, "I don't know how many more times I'll have the chance to drink from now on."

"How many times you can drink counts." Li He also knew that he should avoid it and said that he was a classmate, but under the melon fields and plums, the social status of the two people was at stake here. If two people have highs and lows and can still get along, the most fearful thing is this strong alliance. It is difficult to separate private matters from official matters. If they are too deeply involved, it will not be clear in the future.

The idea of ​​"purifying one's own self-purification" is of no use.

The premise of "the innocent will self-examine" is that there will be certain conditions to prove one's innocence in the short term, and there will be certain factors to let the misunderstanding know. Otherwise, you will pay a heavy price for the superstitious belief that "the purified will purify themselves".

After being reminded by Zhao Yongqi, he also gave up the idea of ​​going to Gao Aiguo and Wang Hui.

Let's all be well.

"Oh, that's right." Zhao Yongqi continued to smile, "You don't have to pay attention to these messy people. You can do whatever you want."

"Are you telling the truth?"

"Wang Hui asked me to deliver the message, you ask her."

"Thank her for me." Li He clinked another drink with him, "Do you know about Jinlu Experimental Middle School and Yuanda Experimental Middle School?"

"Yes." Zhao Yongqi nodded.

"Help me get a complete set of school qualifications."

"You already have the qualifications to run a school, what other qualifications do you want?" Zhao Yongqi was a little confused.

Li He smiled and said, "Mainly from university."

"I really don't know about private higher education. I'll ask you when I have time." Li He has money and runs a university. Zhao Yongqi is not surprised. "But in the past ten years, there have been many private colleges and universities. The national We are also encouraging social funds to invest in higher education. If you are willing to do so, it should not be a big problem. Last year, retired teachers from Jiaotong University, Beijing University, and PBC established a private university called Sanda, which had a great influence at the time. "

"Okay, help me ask." Li He's idea is to integrate the resources of primary and secondary education and higher education, mainly to comply with the requirements of industry transformation and upgrading, and adjust the direction and level. What should be upgraded and what should be stopped Stop, change what needs to be changed, and support what needs to be expanded to become better, stronger, more refined and special.

The most important thing is that he still has to do his best for education. He doesn't feel bad no matter how much money he invests in education. Helping the poor is not his original intention.

Having a pot, stove, and waiting for the rice to be cooked is not something he can do to help. This is a matter for the market. Market matters should be decided by the market. Human intervention can only save the moment. , but it can't save the world.

"Come, come, eat it while it's hot, Lao Zhao will order some alcohol." Ma Jincai brought over several pots one after another.

"Sister-in-law, that's about it. If you eat too much, you're welcome." Li He lit the alcohol stove with a lighter, and then put some Chinese cabbage into the pot.

Mrs. He also fed Li Lan while the pot was hot. Li Lan was too playful in the morning and didn't eat much, so his lunch was especially sweet.

Zhao Yongqi saw that a bottle of liquor had been empty and wanted to get another bottle. Li He stopped him and said, "Okay, I'll go back and drive later. Don't drink too much."

Ma Jincai helped, "It's snowy and the roads are slippery, and we still have to drive, so what's the point of cat urine?"

Only then did Zhao Yongqi give up.

It was already one o'clock in the afternoon when the two of them finished drinking. Li He waited until three o'clock and drank three cups of tea. After finishing the alcohol, he took the old lady and Li Lan home.

In the evening, Xiao Wei wanted to serve him a drink, and he didn't hesitate. He really didn't want to drink anymore.

But within three days, he couldn't refuse Li Aijun's wedding wine.

Li Aijun's wedding was held at the Sihai Hotel in Shoushan. The hall of the Sihai Hotel was filled with 52 full tables. His friends, his clients, neighbors, including leaders of the municipal and district committees all attended. He is so famous. Being a large taxpayer naturally attracts the attention of many people.

The news of his marriage surprised many people. After all, many people knew his character very well. Many people rushed to send their daughters to their doorsteps and forced them to give them to him. They fought with each other and showed off their special abilities. He was the only one. Didn't agree. If you know him, let alone getting married, even getting along with a date must be difficult.

The motorcade that picked up the bride was luxurious and grand, and the luxury cars from Sijiucheng were basically parked in front of the Sihai Hotel at this moment. According to Li Aijun's original intention, his own two cars were enough to pick up the bride, but when others got the news of his marriage, they had to lend him a car to add to the spectacle.

Li Aijun could not back down the good intentions of others, so nearly a hundred luxury cars drove out of the busy city. The long queue caused a sensation in the slum area of ​​Shunyi after walking for a long time.

When the bride got off the car, she was all dressed up with pearl earrings, jade bracelets, and emerald rings. Needless to say, she was beautifully dressed.

The face is quite narrow, but the eyebrows are very wide. A pair of delicate, delicate, watery eyes.

Li He discovered that this bride was very beautiful. If she really lived at home, she would definitely be worthy of Li Aijun.

Li He was really happy for Li Aijun. He would not refuse anyone who clinked glasses with him.

When Li Aijun saw Li He, he was a little embarrassed and said privately, "Don't be angry either."

"As long as you are happy." Li He was in the bathroom with him, bolted the door, and said with a smile, "To be honest, brother, as long as you are happy."

"Thank you." Li Aijun, who seldom smoked, kept rolling smoke rings under the influence of alcohol. "She is a good person and has no evil intentions. The previous man was from the transportation team of my factory, but he was in a car accident. She fell off the mountain and turned into mud. She cried so hard that she didn't argue with me. She didn't ask for the money I gave her, saying she didn't blame me. I can't be conscienceless. I destroyed her good man, so I just I have to take this responsibility. I drank wine that day and gave her three hundred yuan. At that time, I pretended to be brave and said that I wanted to marry her, but she didn't agree. I knew that she had a crush on me, but her face was too thin and she couldn't stand people's comments. . Her parents-in-law did agree because I gave them three thousand yuan."

"Then be nice to others." Li He understood that love often starts with compassion.

"My child, I am also good to her." Li Aijun burped and said helplessly, "I just accept it. Everything is determined. There is no need to force it."

ps: Last day to vote! thank you all!

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