My 1979

Chapter 765 Private Money

Most of the low-rise bungalows in the old city have been demolished and replaced by neat residential buildings and commercial plazas.

Even the roadside in front of the Ermiao Gate in front of Li He's house has demolition slogans and notices posted on it. The conference center at the west end of Shangxie Street has been completed, and Li He can see it when he looks up.

The eastern section of Zijinsi Street is the newly built Sanmiao Street Community, less than 1,000 meters away from Li He's home.

Old man Zhang, who runs a grocery store, has completely given up hope on the demolition. He is sad to see his old neighbors less than 500 meters away from him happily moving into their new houses.

"Xiao Li, why are you still laughing?"

Li He's cheerful expression puzzled Old Man Zhang. Normally, a house as big as the Li family could be divided into at least five or six houses!

The demolition compensation will not be less!

They should be looking forward to the demolition just like him!

"Master Zhang, believe me, it is a good thing not to demolish!" Li He really likes the current layout. Most of the buildings near their house are there, but the roads not far away are basically open. The western end of the alley is Changchun. Street, there is a parking lot under construction next to it, which solves his parking problem, and the environment is much better than before. Of course, Old Man Zhang didn't care about these. He changed his rhetoric and said, "How much have house prices increased over the years? Ten years ago, a house only cost a few thousand yuan. What about now? A few thousand yuan is enough to buy one." One square meter. How much have prices increased? Are the demolition funds also rising? What is the use of the demolition money you have in your hand now?"

Although the country has not yet ended welfare housing allocation, house prices are still rising. Houses within the second ring road are generally not less than 2,000 per square meter, and the high prices are between 4,000 and 5,000. This is the result of government price restrictions to prevent real estate from overheating.

But for real estate developers, real estate development is still hugely profitable.

"If my grandson wants to get married, he must have a house, right?" Old Man Zhang said angrily, "Look at my house, where can I find a new wife?"

Li He was right when he thought about it. Although the Zhang family's house is 100 square meters plus the 20-square-meter yard, it is indeed a bit small for three generations to live under one roof. "Let's take a long-term view, Master Zhang. I'll give you a guarantee that your yard will be bigger." If the price of the house is less than 5 million in the future, I will take full responsibility!"

Old man Zhang said with suspicious eyes, "I'm already half buried! Why should I look at the long term! Don't say 5 million! Just 500,000! I'll sell it!"

"Master Zhang, are you sure you want to sell?"

"you buy it?"

"If you sell it, I'll let my brother-in-law buy it." Li He already has enough houses, and he doesn't care about one or two of them. What's more, he is now a big developer, so he can't afford a house.

"Didn't He Long buy a new house? Why does he need so many houses?" Master Zhang was a little puzzled. He Long was also familiar to him. A foreigner could make a fortune by opening a mutton restaurant here, which made him jealous.

Li He smiled and said, "He himself has a son. If his son gets married, where will they live in the future?"

"Can you be his master?"

Li He affirmed, "Yes."

"I want cash in cash, I can't afford it." Old man Zhang said something ugly beforehand.

"That's not possible. If you sell sincerely, you can sign the contract this afternoon and I'll ask him to give you cash." Li He said with a smile, "Master Zhang, we have been together for so many years, can you still not believe me?"

"Sure, I'll go back and discuss it with my family." Old man Zhang is also scheming. 500,000 yuan is much more cost-effective than demolition. He can still have money left after buying a second house in a worse location elsewhere!

Old Mrs. He had been standing by with Li Lan without saying anything. When she saw Old Man Zhang leaving, she couldn't help but said, "He has enough to live in. Why does he need so many? The child is still young, so there is no need to worry. "

It is a lie that the old lady is not moved. If she buys the house next door, her son and daughter will be here. However, hearing the price of 500,000 yuan still made her heart tremble. Her son might not be able to pay it, and it would definitely trouble her son-in-law.

"It's okay, I'll take care of it." After Li He said that, he went back to the house and called He Long's hotel.

He Long heard on the phone that Li He asked him to buy a house, and he was a little hesitant.

"That's 500,000."

Li He said, "Come here and talk about it. I didn't tell you to buy it."

After hanging up the phone, he was worried about the small psoriasis advertisement at the door of his home. Not only the two walls, but also the door were covered with posters.

The content is all-encompassing, including renting a house, seal engraving, medical treatment, beauty care, special services, leak repair, lock opening, water and electricity unblocking, traditional Chinese medicine passed down from ancestors...

A mess, red, green, blue, black...

He had no idea. He spent a long time working with a small shovel, but he couldn't get a few pictures out. The quality of the paste was so good!

Dakui said from the side, "Brother, how about I come?"

"Then do it, don't splash water." Li He gave the small shovel to Da Kui. Water cannot be splashed on the ground. After splashing water, it will freeze and the ground will be slippery, making it inconvenient to get in and out of the house.

Dakui was holding a shovel there and secretly felt cruel. Even if he didn't sleep at night, he would arrange for two people to block here. He would catch those gangsters posted randomly!

Both He Long and his wife were here. When it came to the important matter of buying a house, it was impossible for Wu Chunyan not to come.

"Brother-in-law, his house is too old." Wu Chunyan's mouth was much sweeter than that of He Long. She was also very familiar with the Zhang family's house.

Li He said with a smile, "It's not too old. The roof of their house was renovated just the year before last. It doesn't leak from wind or rain. It's very beautiful."

"The house is not bad, but it doesn't have that much money." He Long told the truth.

Li He said with a smile, "You can take whatever money you have, and I will make up for it if you don't have enough. Let me tell you, you won't lose money if you buy this house. The house prices have increased so much in the past two years, even if you don't want to live there in the future. If it changes hands, it will be doubled several times.”

"How many times can it really be doubled?" He Long hesitated.

Dakui interjected from the side, "Isn't the price of the new house you bought yourself increased now? When you bought it, the total price was only 120,000, how much is it now! Don't even think about it if it's less than 300,000."

He could only envy He Long. How could he be so fussy about such a powerful and capable relative if he didn't know how to use it?

He only hates that Li He is not his biological brother!

He Long chuckled and said, "That's really a rise."

This pleased him greatly.

Wu Chunyan pulled He Long aside, and the couple murmured for a while.

After a while, He Longcai said grandly, "Then buy it."

Li He asked, "How much do you have in your own hands?"

He Long said, "I'll make it up myself, I won't ask you to borrow it first."

"That's okay." Li He didn't force it.

Before Li He and his wife went to find Old Man Zhang, Old Man Zhang, his wife and his son arrived.

Wu Chunyan wanted to bargain with Old Man Zhang, but Li He didn't stop him and went back to the house to drink tea with the teapot.

By the time Li He finished a pot of tea, the two families had reached a consensus on a total price of 470,000.

Wu Chunyan just cut down 30,000 yuan and paid a deposit of 20,000 yuan. The two parties agreed to go to the housing management bureau to go through the procedures tomorrow morning.

As soon as He Long and his wife left, Mrs. He hugged Li Lan and followed behind with bulging arms.

Over the years, she has lived a life of satisfaction and contentment, and has never had such a comfortable life. Her son-in-law and daughter would give her several thousand dollars today and several hundred dollars the next day. She usually had no place to spend money and had saved up to 50,000 yuan. Since her son wanted to do something, she hurriedly gave it to her son.

Li He just pretended not to see it.

Aren’t all mothers in the world like this?

Who can be exempted from vulgarity?

Da Kui shoveled alone for more than an hour, sweating all over. He was not tired, but anxious. In such a long time, he only cleaned the door. How long would it take to finish the two walls?

In the end, he was so anxious that he had no choice but to call a few more people over. The scene in front of Li He's house became huge. Seven or eight people were working hard at the door with small shovels.

As for Li He, he was holding a teapot and supervising the work.

In the end, some spots formed by the paste couldn't be removed. He found a rag and asked everyone to use the rag dipped in water to poke hard.

People like Dakui have been promoted to heaven because of Li He in recent years. They are now people who earn about a dollar every minute! Where have I ever spent this kind of patience to do this kind of thing!

But Li He asked, how could they refuse!

Not only can’t you refuse, but you also have to be happy!

I'm glad I have the opportunity to curry favor with Li He!

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