My 1979

Chapter 777 Wang Yuan

After finding a noodle restaurant, Li He was full.

Afterwards, they went to a hotel. Li He just entered the room and lay down, and he didn't know how long he slept. As soon as he woke up, he found that there was an extra person in the room, sitting in another suite talking and laughing with Dong Jinjin.

The man was tall and thick, about 1.8 meters tall with a big belly, which was extremely disproportionate to his small nose and small eyes.

"Boss Li, long time no see."

"Old Wang, you came so quickly?" Li He looked at his watch and was surprised that Wang Yuan came so quickly.

Wang Yuandao said, "I took the plane from the forest ranger station and came all the way here."

The main mission of the aviation forest ranger station is to carry out aerial monitoring of key forest areas with sparsely populated areas, inconvenient transportation, high fire risk levels and concentrated forests, put out fires and provide disaster relief, and achieve forest fire prevention. This is neither under the jurisdiction of the aviation department nor the Ministry of Agriculture. Instead, it was managed by the Office of the National Forest Fire Prevention Headquarters under the Ministry of Forestry, and later the Forest Public Security Bureau directly under the State Forestry Administration.

"Sit down, you're welcome, I'm not an outsider." Li He didn't take the cigarette he handed him, but just drank the water in the teapot and then refilled it. Wherever he goes now, the teapot is brought.

"Thank you, Boss Li, for thinking of me." Wang Yuan didn't know why, but he was very reserved when he saw Li He. Maybe in his own eyes, working alone like that back then was considered a betrayal, because without Li He, he would never be where he is today.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door. Dong Jinjin immediately opened the door and saw a simple and honest face.

"Who are you looking for?"

He pressed against the door, alert.

Before the person outside the door spoke, Wang Yuan waved to him and said, "Come in, one of your own."

The man who entered the room first said nervously to Li He, "Hello, Boss Li."

"Chen Lili, why are you here?" Li He didn't expect to meet this pimp again.

Chen Lili still looked honest and honest, and said honestly, "Boss Li, you forgot, this is my hometown!"

"Sit down." Li He didn't know whether to be happy or cry.

"You two know each other?" Wang Yuan was even more surprised.

Chen Li explained, "Fortunately, I got help from Boss Li in Moscow. We met in Beijing last week."

Li He was noncommittal.

Wang Yuan smiled and said, "I brought him with me specially to get to know you."

The sun was just right, so Li He moved an ordinary chair and sat on the balcony, holding the teapot and lazily sipping tea, swallowing the last piece of dried meat, and touching his injured forehead.

The air is warm, and the ginkgo trees on the street are sprouting vigorously, full of vitality and peace.

Li He ate and drank wildly with Wang Yuan, Dong Jinjin and others for several days in a row. Finally, enough was enough. He was unwilling to go out with a few people in the future, nor was he willing to let a few people stay next to him as an eyesore.

But in the end, Wang Yuan left three people with Li He for safety reasons.

Seeing that it was already past three o'clock in the afternoon, he felt his stomach and remembered that he had not eaten a grain of rice and had no meat to fill his stomach. He decided to go downstairs and have a meal first. As soon as he opened the door, he found that there was someone standing at the door. Two people, he was shocked.

"Boss Li." A tall man said to Li He, "Boss Wang asked us to guard here."

"Oh, let's go down and have a meal together." After speaking, Li He took the lead and went downstairs.

One of them followed closely, and the other trotted forward and pressed the button to open the elevator.

I randomly picked a restaurant downstairs. When I saw two people still standing at the door, I shouted, "Come over to eat, what are you doing standing there?"

"Thank you, Boss Li." The two looked at each other and sat across from Li He.

"Order what you want." Li He ordered a pork stewed vermicelli and then threw the menu in front of the two of them.

The two of them ordered two at random, and the tall man asked, "Boss Li, what kind of wine do you want?"

"Beer." Li He always felt sleepy after drinking. If he drank too much, he was afraid that he would not have the energy to beat someone up at night.

Li He also only drank one bottle of beer, and only one of the two people opposite drank.

The three of them finished the meal without saying a word.

When waiting to check out, Li He touched his pockets and looked up at the two people opposite. The tall man went to check out as a matter of course.

After returning to the room, Li He gave the tall man two hundred yuan and could not refuse.

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