My 1979

Chapter 814 Fashion Industry

"Why should I give it to you! What qualifications do you have to ask for it!" The tall girl tightly protected the camera in her arms and said loudly, "I just want to expose people like you!"

"Please give me the negatives." Li He repeated again. He didn't like arguing with people, and he was arguing with women, so he seemed a little impatient. "Among the basic rights granted to everyone by the constitution, include the right to portrait and the right to privacy. . As a reporter, of course, you cannot overstep the authority of the Constitution. You need to respect the basic rights of the parties involved, and you cannot take photos just when you want. Generally speaking, you must obtain the consent of the parties involved. Do you agree with this?"

The middle-aged man snorted coldly with a puffy stomach, "I have never heard of this in the law. Seeking truth from facts is a journalist's right. We will not give you the negatives no matter what."

"Huh?" Has the Press Law not been released yet? Li He really didn't know, but he said nonchalantly, "Let me put it this way, if you dare to use my photos indiscriminately, I can sue you until you go bankrupt."

He has this confidence.

Bafula whispered a few words to Jiang Jianjian, then stood up and said, "This is the United States. You must respect American laws, otherwise I have the right to sue you!"

When Bavla came forward, Li He didn't have to worry anymore. He hid nearby and smoked, being lazy. It seemed like he was incompetent to tangle with these people.

When the other party saw Bavla coming forward, he was stunned. The tall girl smiled and said, "Miss, I promise with my personality that we didn't take any photos of you. Please don't worry."

Facing the arrogant Bavla, she unconsciously panicked.

"Sorry, I have to see your negatives before I can believe what you said." Bavla shook her head and handed over her business card, saying proudly, "I have reason to believe that you are those hateful paparazzi. In order to protect For my privacy, please give me the negatives.”

"American Visvim Fashion Group." The tall girl took the business card first, looked at it carefully, and then handed it to the middle-aged man, "President, take a look."

The middle-aged man took the business card and carefully turned it from front to back, frowning from time to time.

The girl wearing glasses also leaned her head close to look at the business card, glanced at the arrogant Bavla, and then whispered to the middle-aged man, "President Zheng, this store is on Fifth Avenue, do you remember it?" ?"

"Yes." Director Zheng nodded. How could he not remember that a piece of clothing costs thousands of dollars? This reflects the great wealth of material production of the American people. He is also planning to go back and write a book about it. . He was hesitating whether to return the business card to Bafla, but in the end he did not return it. He just said, "Miss Bafla, I think you have misunderstood something. We definitely did not film you."

"Please give me the film." Bavla, with enchanting and lazy eyes, proudly pointed at the patrolling policeman on the road and said, "Otherwise I will call the police to come and deal with it."

She originally studied medicine, and under Li He's arrangement, she became a veritable king of peat and potash minerals in Belarus. However, she still harbored a yearning for the United States and secretly encouraged Ivanov to come to the United States. .

For her, she hated dealing with dirty peat. Although the potassium salt looked white and flawless, she felt it was too lifeless and dull.

It's all her property in name, but Ivanov is basically taking care of it.

As soon as she arrived in the United States, she devoted herself to the American fashion industry. Although she was only passionate and interested in fashion and did not understand anything about fashion, who made her Li He's savior? Li He basically let her go .

Commercial Bank and Delta Bank have always refused her loan requests. Relying on Li He's funds, she has stirred up chaos in the American fashion industry and hates her.

If you have money, you will be willful. You buy, buy, buy. Not only did you acquire two old fashion companies, you also invited top fashion designers from all over the world.

She respected Li He's words like a god, and any problem that could be solved with money was no problem.

Some investment banks that know about her relationship with Li He, such as Goldman Sachs and Beledan, are actively planning for her to go public, and she is now fully prepared.

"President Zheng, what should I do?" the young boy in a suit asked in a low voice.

Everyone looked at each other for a moment.

President Zheng pondered for a moment and said, "The United States is a society governed by the rule of law. Here, we should respect it and show it to this young lady."

He didn't understand what the relationship was between this foreign woman and Li He, and why she wanted to stand up for Li He.

Then he said to Bafula in English, "Miss Bafula, you can take a look at the negatives first. If there are no photos of you, please return them to us. Xiao Du, take out the negatives."

Bavla snorted coldly and said nothing.

The tall girl named Xiao Du actually opened the camera and took out the film.

Bavla took it unceremoniously and threw it directly to Ivanov.

But Ivanov lit it with a lighter before the other party could react.

"Hey, sir, how could you do this!" The tall girl was about to go up to save the situation when she was stopped by Ivanov's bodyguard, who looked like she was about to cry.

Ivanov ignored them and just said to Li He, who was carrying his back, "Mr. Li, OK."

Seeing that the matter had been resolved, Li He said, "Let's go."

Only a group of people were left staring at his back in a daze.

"I remembered!" The girl named Xiao Du looked at Li He's watch that flashed by while walking, and suddenly shouted, startling the others.

President Zheng said, "Why are you so surprised? What did you remember?"

"I remembered who this person was!" Xiao Du said angrily, "Why didn't I think about that! What a coincidence!"

"Who?" President Zheng asked, frowning like everyone else.

Xiao Du said excitedly, "Do you still remember what the Belarusian called him just now?"

"Li, Sir." The girl with eyes added, "That's Li or Li."

"He said he was a May 1st Labor Medal winner and a professor. It's easy to guess." Xiao Du said excitedly, "The only private enterprise representative who won the May 1st Labor Medal this year is named Li. Do you have any impressions? We were too far apart at the awards ceremony, so I didn’t take the photo carefully. There were a lot more reports about him in the newspapers later, and they were all blurry, but the photo of him shaking hands with the leader, the handshake gesture was very special, and the watch on his wrist The angle of the shot stood out. I looked at it and saw that it was a Rolex. I also muttered that the self-employed people nowadays are really rich."

"Yes, that person just now was wearing a Rolex." The young man in a suit also slapped his thigh.

"What is the name of the unit?" President Zheng was also trying to remember.

Xiao Du smiled and said, "Wanbei Renewable Resources Co., Ltd."

She said it with absolute certainty.

This is Li He's only unit with a name, but it is actually Li Long's scrap station.

When he asked Bian Mei to apply for a business license for Li Long, he did not explain clearly. Bian Mei was not familiar with Li Long and had poor communication skills. In order to save trouble, he directly established the legal person as Li He.

After so many years, Li He forgot that Li Long thought there was nothing wrong with him, so he never changed it.

It was not until the list of May Day Labor Medals was finalized and the name of the company in the invitation letter given to him by the province was Wanbei Renewable Resources Company that he remembered that he had occupied the name of his brother's general manager for so many years and could only wait to return to his hometown. Will change it later.

"That's right." The girl wearing glasses also confirmed, "From age to surname, everything matches."

President Zheng said, "When we go back, we will do the confirmation work again. We will never unjustly accuse a good person."

Everyone laughed. The president was really angry this time. They were very busy when they got back. There was nothing they couldn't criticize. It was their responsibility and obligation to point out social phenomena.

The fog has dissipated, the sun has come out, and the air seems clean again.

"Mr. Li, this is the New York Stock Exchange." After arriving at the New York Stock Exchange at No. 11 Wall Street, Jiang Jianjian continued to act as a tour guide.

"It looks pretty ordinary." Standing outside, Li He couldn't feel the atmosphere inside at all.

But he understands the power of the New York Stock Exchange.

The New York Stock Exchange is a joint stock company managed by a board of directors composed of twenty-one directors. It is the auditorium of capitalism and the arsenal of corporate growth.

Even though Microsoft and Intel, which made people rich overnight, are traded on Nasdaq, the New York Stock Exchange is still the largest, oldest, and most popular market. It just held its 200th anniversary celebration, and the red banner to celebrate is still hanging on the door.

There are at least 1,800 listed stocks, including most of the "Fortune 500 companies" with a long history, with a total stock price of US$250 billion. The listing conditions are also relatively strict. Companies that want to go public to raise funds before making money cannot enter the New York Stock Exchange. exchange.

In the movie, the scenes of people in the stock market making noise and gesticulating cannot be seen in Nasdaq, which uses computers and telephones to trade.

To feel the heat of the money game, you can only come to the New York Stock Exchange at Eleven Wall Street.

However, since the U.S. Congress abolished the fixed commission system in 1975 and encouraged the implementation of a competitive system, the transaction volume has declined and it has been at a competitive disadvantage.

The realization of computer education is a trend, but the New York Stock Exchange still uses an auction situation, and transaction costs are very high.

Li He heard the crowds inside, and some were curious, so he suddenly asked, "Can I visit at will?"

Jiang Jiangan said, "Mr. Li, wait a moment, I'll make a call."

After a while, a group of people came out of the exchange door.

"Hello, Mr. Calvin, we meet again." Jiang Jianjian stepped forward and shook hands with a bald old man, then led him to Li He and introduced, "This is our Mr. Li."

"Hello, Mr. Li." The bald old man was very respectful to Li He.

Jiang Jianpin said to Li He, "This is Mr. Donald Galvin, the exchange's senior vice president in charge of public affairs."

"Excuse me." Li He followed the old man into the exchange, the heart of Wall Street.

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