My 1979

Chapter 819 Treat

The two of them just sat on the sofa, staring at each other, with no one willing to greet them.

"What's going on?" Li He could only mutter in a low voice. After all, she was Chen Shuo's wife. It was not easy for him to forcefully break her face. It was Chen Shuo who was not good-looking.

"Wait, I don't know what that guy is doing." Wu Bo scanned the room and saw no trace of Chen Shuo. He could only lean on the sofa helplessly with his hands folded behind him. .

A child of seven or eight years old came out of the back room on a tricycle. Li He joked, "This kid is just like his father."

Children have always been fond of cars since childhood. Li Lan rides his little excavator every day, pounding here and digging there. Li He is thinking that it would be a pity not to send it to Lan Xiang. After all, The talent is there.

"Really?" Wu Bo also looked at the child again.

"Who are you?" A stranger came to the house, and the little boy couldn't help but be curious.

Li He smiled and said, "Your father's friend."

The little boy looked confused.

"It's over, another banana man. He can't even understand Chinese." It's normal for people who grew up in the United States not to know Chinese. Like Li Ke, who went to Hong Kong on the way, but in the past few years, both Cantonese and English have become He's very smooth, and he doesn't speak much Mandarin or his hometown dialect anymore. He only speaks a few words with Li Zhaokun and his wife when he's in the mood.

Environment changes people.

The door opened from the outside, Wu Bo turned around, and Chen Shuo came in.

Chen Shuo was stunned for a moment, then threw the things in his hands to the ground, opened his arms and shouted, "It's really you two guys! I thought you were coaxing me!"

"Why are you coaxing me?" Li He punched him in the heart, "Not bad, he's strong."

"Sit, sit." Chen Shuo put an arm around one of them, "I'll make tea for you."

"Hey, how many times have I told you, put the things you bought in the kitchen and don't throw them away." The woman came in from the yard and accused Chen Shuo.

"Forgot, forgot, I'll pick it up now." Chen Shuo hurriedly took the things he just bought from the door to the kitchen.

Then he looked at Wu Bo and Li He awkwardly.

The two of them wanted to laugh but couldn't, so they could only pretend not to see it.

"Drink some tea." Chen Shuo hurriedly served it to the two of them.

"Don't bother." Li He stood up and took the cup in his hand, and faintly heard the woman nagging that the cup had just been washed.

He looked at Chen Shuo's face again, and it didn't look good.

Chen Shuo smiled bitterly in a low voice, "Don't take offense to his temper. In fact, I don't blame him. The key point is that there have been too many relatives in the family in the past few years, so she is also afraid."

"Understood." Li He smiled. Chen Shuo did not treat him as an outsider and say such things to him. But I also sneered at this. How many relatives could come from thousands of miles away?

"You guys sit down and cook some dishes. We haven't seen each other for so many years. Let's have a good meal at noon."

As soon as Chen Shuo was about to stand up, Li He pulled him, "No, I can't understand your cooking skills? We can't eat. If there are any restaurants nearby, I'll treat you."

Looking at his wife's face, Li He felt that it was not interesting to stay here. Anyway, she mainly looked after her old classmates. It didn't matter what she ate, even if it was Western food, he was prepared to deal with it.

"You look down on people. I have worked hard outside for so many years. I have developed this cooking skill. Come to my place, there is no reason for you to treat me." Chen Shuo was not convinced by Li He's words.

Wu Bo pointed to the big clock on the wall, "It's almost 11 o'clock. It's dinner time. You shouldn't cook anymore. By the time you're done, you won't even know when it will be. Besides, the food you cooked It’s too sweet, we can’t stand it. Let’s drive and leave now. Since Comrade Li Erhe said he’s treating you, let him treat you. If you don’t pay, you won’t pay.”

"Then being respectful is worse than obeying orders." Chen Shuo shook his arms and said, "Let me clean up and we'll leave now."

As soon as he reached the door, he was blocked by his wife again.

"your treat?"

"My classmate came all the way here, why don't I entertain him? Hey, what are you doing?" Chen Shuo said kindly.

"Why is it so late? I'll give you three hundred in the morning." The woman took out the money from his pocket and counted it carefully.

"Buying groceries and gas, nothing is money." As Chen Shuo said, he kept looking in the direction of the living room and said in a low voice, "What are you doing? Our incomes are not low, so it is necessary to argue like this. Really? I haven’t seen my classmate for more than ten years, can you give me some face?"

The woman glared and said, "Old Chen, I'm telling you, this family doesn't belong to you alone. I also have a share in it. Don't make yourself fat. When your brother got married, you secretly transferred ten thousand dollars to your family. I don’t care about you anymore, don’t be shameless anymore.”

"Okay, okay, I know how to do it." Chen Shuo took advantage of her stupidity to take the money back and hurriedly put it into his pocket.

He took a tie, tied it again, took the child, and greeted Li and the two of them to go out.

"You're a good boy. Big Benz really got you involved." Li He banged the bang of Chen Shuo's Mercedes-Benz.

"Easy, I just bought it new." Chen Shuo said proudly, "Not bad, remember what you said when I came to the United States? You said you would pick me up in Pingzhi, but now I will pick you up."

Li He smiled and said, "When you return to China, you will be a big benz. Pick up as many cars as you want."

Several people went to the door and waited for about twenty minutes before the woman came out. She put on light makeup and eyebrows, opened the front door unceremoniously, and got in.

Chen Shuo got out of the car awkwardly and opened the door for Li He, "Sit in the back and help me look after the child."

"Sure." Li He mourned for Chen Shuo, wondering how a promising young man could marry such a wife.

"I haven't introduced you yet, but this is my wife Zhao Meixin. Her family came to the United States in the 1960s and opened a Chinese restaurant in Chinatown."

"Hello, Li He, we used to be in the same dormitory." Since Chen Shuo introduced him, Li He still had to be polite and didn't pretend to ask where the restaurant was in Chinatown.

The catering industry is a pillar industry for Chinese-Americans in the United States. His wife works in a restaurant, so Li He doesn't find it strange.

"Hello." Zhao Mei didn't even reply.

"My name is Wu Bo. We are all in the same class." Wu Bo also introduced himself bravely.

Zhao Meixin also responded and nodded.

The car took five or six turns along the way, and the roads and roads were so complicated that Li He was a little confused.

Suddenly Zhao Meixin said in shock, "Old Chen, look at the car behind."

"What's wrong?" Chen Shuo looked at the rearview mirror curiously. Except for the car, it was just a car. He didn't think there was anything fuss about it.

"The six cars behind us have been following us since we left the house." Zhao Meixin felt the difference with her keen observation. Wherever their car turned, the cars behind them followed us!

What a coincidence!

Chen Shuo was speechless. The car drove five or six hundred meters ahead, and there was a gas station. He deliberately walked through the gas station, but the six cars behind him also entered the gas station like him, and they followed him in a row. .

"Trouble, are you trying to kidnap or rob?" But Chen Shuo was curious, how many robbers came out to rob in luxury cars?

Isn’t this a brain disease?

"I'll call the police." Zhao Meixin hurriedly picked up the phone to dial.


Li He, who had never known how to interrupt, hurriedly stopped him. If he really called the police, the flood would flood the Dragon King Temple, and the whole family didn't know each other.

Chen Shuo asked, "What, do you know him?"

Li He smiled and said, "They are all my friends. They sent me here."

"Did you see it clearly? Open the window and look. Don't admit it." Zhao Meixin felt that Li He was lying. The Rolls-Royce Phantom in the lead cost more than 4 million US dollars!

These two people had just come from China. How could they make any decent friends?

Li He smiled bitterly and said to Chen Shuo, "You are really my friend. Why did I lie to you? Drive your car well."

As they headed towards the prosperous area, the road became more and more congested. Li and the pig in the same pig cart looked at each other for about ten minutes.

When they arrived at Bolton Street, Li He pointed to a hotel next to him and said, "Don't go ahead, just stay here."

"Have a rest. Unless you want to bankrupt me in a place like this," Chen Shuo said with a smile, "Just turn another corner and we'll be there."

He was determined to treat guests himself, but he still didn't have the courage to treat guests in a five-star hotel.

The car finally entered a Mexican restaurant at a very slow speed.

After a few people went upstairs from the parking lot, Chen Shuo explained, "I guess you are also familiar with Chinese and Western food. Let me give you a taste of Mexican food. It has that spicy and sour taste, but it is a little different from Hunan and Sichuan food. The main thing is It’s light and not that oily.”

ps: Please give me a vote. . Don't sleep at night. .

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