My 1979

Chapter 832 You are my brother

She looked at Old Man Tang's face carefully again, and there was really no sign of familiarity.

"Is there a well in front of your house?" Old Man Tang raised his neck and drank all the water in one gulp.

“Whose oil mill can’t have a well in front of it?”

"How many wells are there in the west of the temple?"

"Three mouths, the shallowest one in my family is eight feet long, and the other two holes are ten feet long." Old Mrs. Yang fell into memories again, "When I was eight or nine years old, my mother taught me how to fetch water. It took twenty-seven turns to twist the jiaojiao. middle."

"Is there a big elm tree at the door?" Old Man Tang said calmly.

Old Mrs. Yang shook her head and said, "It's a jujube tree. It's an old jujube tree that's fifty or sixty years old. But it's a pity that it's gone."

"Oh, it's been too long, I can't even remember." Old Man Tang kept swaying.

Mrs. Yang teased, "Brother, if you drink too much, you'll get cold. You'd better drink less. Oh, by the way, I haven't asked you where you come from? What's your father's name? I'll see if I can remember it. Okay, but don’t say that your family also runs an oil shop, that’s nonsense.”

Old Man Tang asked seriously, "Is your nickname Xingzi?"

Mrs. Yang was stunned, "How do you know?"

"My father is also called Tang Dazhu." Old Man Tang's accent has changed, and the traces of tears on his rough face are particularly clear.

"What's your name?" Mrs. Yang couldn't believe it.

"I'm your Brother Song." Old Tang wanted to hold Old Mrs. Yang's hand but didn't dare.

"What's my mother's name?"

"Feng Yuee."

"Did you study there?" Old Mrs. Yang was basically sure that the person in front of her was her brother, but she still couldn't believe it. She didn't expect that the person she thought about day and night was right in front of her.

She was afraid that this was a dream, and in order to wake up the dream, she had to ask more questions.

In other words, she was so excited at this moment that she didn't know what to say.

"Hankou." Old Man Tang finally bravely took the old lady's hand and compared it, saying, "When I went to study, you were only this tall and a little girl."

"Well, yes, yes. You told me to bring me something delicious when you come back."

She has waited her whole life for this sentence.

So far, the brother and sister have never seen each other again.

The people next to me were dumbfounded. Is the world so small?

"Don't cry." Old Tang asked Old Mrs. Yang not to cry, but his own tears couldn't be stopped.

"Why is there no news about you later? When my mother closed her eyes, she was still wondering if you were back."

"Um, mother." Old Man Tang burst into tears at this sentence, and finally cried like a child, "I'm sorry, mother, I didn't even see her."

"Brother, don't cry." Old Mrs. Yang also called out the title of brother excitedly.

"After I came out of school, I went to join the army. I didn't have a smooth road, and I was unlucky all the way. Today I fight with this commander, and tomorrow I fight with that commander. Whoever gives me food will fight with whom. Today I lose, tomorrow I win, and then everything is the same. If we lose the battle, I wish my parents had lost two legs, so they don’t have time to run away, so how can they have time to go home!"

If things force a person to go down a certain path, he has to go, just like a train, the track has been laid out, just follow it, and it will overturn if something goes wrong.

The two people held their heads and cried loudly. They never expected that the two people would meet here.

"You're old, you're old. I don't even recognize you anymore. I remember when you left, you were not tall, you didn't have a beard, you didn't have gray hair, and you didn't have so many wrinkles." Old Mrs. Yang kept moving her hands. Rubbing Old Man Tang's face.

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