My 1979

Chapter 861: Slaughter

But Li He's dream still didn't come true. The car got off the G320 and took the Shanghai-Hangzhou Highway. It started to rain heavily when passing by Haining.

Heavy rain poured down from the dark clouds, making a loud bang on the car. No matter how hard the wipers tried, they could not sweep away the waterfall-like rainwater. It had no much effect, and the vision was blurred.

What's worse is that the car fell into a pit, and the wheels kept spinning in the cement pit and couldn't get out.

"I really want people to die!" Li He looked at the dark sky and just wanted to curse!

"Mr. Li, you take the wheel, and we'll go push the cart." Bai He and others all took off their clothes, leaving only their underpants, and prepared to go push the cart in the rain.

"I'll go down." Li He took off his shirt and got out of the car before Yang Yong, "This road is really confusing."

In historical times, the transportation between Shanghai and Hangzhou was mainly water transportation. In modern times, the construction of the Shanghai-Hangzhou Railway changed this situation, and water transportation also increased by ship transportation.

Both railway and water transport modes have their own advantages and disadvantages. Traditional water transport uses natural waterways, but is far inferior to land transport in terms of speed, transport conditions and capacity.

Over the years, the road has been repaired and repaired. There are many potholes on the road, big and small.

But what he still wants to complain about is that there is no direct flight between the two places. There is no direct flight now and there will not be in the future.

"I found a few bricks, and we all worked hard together, and I stuffed them in." Dong Hao shouted at the top of his voice in the strong wind and rain.

The four people worked together to push behind the car in the rain. After struggling for about twenty minutes, the car's tires were still spinning in the mud. After finally applying some force, they slid down quickly. The bricks underneath them were useless. .

"Pull the handbrake and hit the accelerator." Li He wiped the rain from his forehead and shouted to Bai He, but Yang Yong tried several times without success. "Two knives, this is it. Old Dong, go and replace him." Come down."

Li He still didn't dare to compliment Bai He's driving skills, and he had to ask an experienced driver like Dong Hao to take over.

Without saying a word, Dong Hao walked to the driver's seat, waved to Yangyong, and replaced him. Bai He had no choice but to get out of the car and push along with everyone.

"Old Dong, please pull the handbrake gently." After explaining to Dong Hao, Li He ran to the back of the car and shouted loudly, "I call 123, everyone together."


Black smoke was billowing from the rear of the car, and suddenly everyone felt their hands loosen up, and the car finally broke free from the mud pit.

Li He took a deep breath and washed the mud off his hands and feet with rainwater before getting back into the car.

Li He wiped himself with dry clothes and said, "Is there any hotel or restaurant ahead? Find a place and let's rest for a while. We still can't walk on this road. It's raining heavily and it's not safe to drive."

Bai He said, "Yes, Old Dong, you turn left at the intersection ahead. There is a restaurant. Let's go in and have a rest."

Dong Hao nodded, followed Yang Yong's directions, and found a restaurant.

It seems that many people have the same idea as Li He and others. There are many large and small cars parked at the door. The small restaurant cannot accommodate so many people. Many people come late and are under the eaves, or simply Sit in the car.

Li He also wore pants and slippers and stood under the eaves. The eaves were extended with raincloths, and a few drops of rain would leak out from time to time. He had to be careful not to extinguish his cigarette while smoking.

Bai He said, "I told the hotel owner to make room for you to take a rest."

Li He waved his hand, "Don't be so squeamish, let's wait here and leave when the rain stops. Oh, by the way, let the boss make some ginger soup. Let everyone drink a little, so as not to catch a cold."

Feeling a little cold, he put on the shirt that was draped over his shoulders.

Bai He found a chair for him and made another pot of tea. He leaned against the wall and drowsily waited until there was only a drizzle of rain, but the sky was still so dark.

"It's only two o'clock?" Looking at his watch, Li He was surprised. Judging from the sky, he thought it was at least almost evening.

"You didn't sleep long." Bai He refilled Li He's teapot.

Li He nodded, "Thank you, let's go now."

Everyone stood up and prepared to start again.

There was a dispute between the passengers of a minibus and the driver. The passenger wanted to get on the bus, but the driver refused to get on. The situation was deadlocked.

"Hey, why do you still have to pay for the ticket?" Some passengers complained.

"We have so much money with us"

"As promised, twenty yuan."

Some passengers looked terrified.

"You paid for the last car, but you didn't pay for my car! If you don't pay, you will stay here." The driver looked arrogant.

"Hey, what should I do? Why don't you send me there, and my son will come pick me up and ask him to give you money?" After a stalemate for more than ten minutes, an old lady wearing old coarse cloth and with white hair stopped. Unable to stop herself, she began to beg. She hunched over and took out a handkerchief from her pocket. After opening it, she stretched it out in front of the driver, "Look, look, I really have no money. The tea at home only costs twenty." One dollar, give away twenty and fifty cents for the fare, and leave fifty cents."

"Go, go, go." The driver slapped him away, and he clearly didn't like the scraps.

The old lady staggered when she was photographed and almost fell down.

But inevitably, the basket she had been carrying on her arm fell to the ground. Yellow and white liquid flowed from the basket, and the eggs inside broke.

"This is for my wife to eat during her confinement period." The old lady grinned and cried.

Li He Leng looked at the tall drivers blocking the door of the minibus.

The accents of both parties were very strong, and he seemed to understand. Even though he couldn't understand clearly, he knew what was going on. It was the most common behavior of robbing customers.

You can tell just by looking at the license plate. If the license plate is good and shiny, it must have been rubbed with oil and soil. But after the soil was washed away by the rain, only the oil is left, otherwise the license plate must not be visible clearly.

These individual buses or long-distance buses contracted by individuals make a living by dumping passengers. These days, whether you are taking a car or a boat, the probability of encountering them is very high. Compared with dumping customers or robbing customers, those who dump customers are quite conscientious, after all, they can get you to your destination.

Bai He said, "It sounds like the accent is from Liyang, and it's almost the same as ours."

He himself is from Jiangyin. The two places are not far from each other, so he can understand it.

Dong Hao said, "It should be from your side. The license plate is from Changzhou."

Li He smiled and said, "That's it. Nothing is safe these days."

Bai He said, "These passengers came with the previous car, and the money was already given, but after they got here, the previous car sold them the current car and then left. This car will continue to collect money." Passengers will definitely not be happy about the money.”

Li He sneered, "It's all common tricks. The two cars colluded together just to steal more money."

After saying that, he nuzzled towards Zhang Bing again.

"It's up to me." Zhang Bing understood and threw the Coke can he had been holding directly at the driver with the loudest voice.

He threw the throwing knife accurately, but there was no reason why he couldn't throw the can. The can went straight and bounced on the driver's head before falling to the ground with a clatter.

This time, the chaotic scene just now became quiet, and everyone focused on Zhang Bing.

Li He sat on the chair again, crossed his legs and held the teapot.

Watching the excitement, he is serious.

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