My 1979

Chapter 878 Copyright

For a moment, she couldn't figure out what she was thinking, whether it was admiration or admiration, or just gratitude. She knew how hard her mother had pushed that person, but just because she cried twice, that person relented and was willing to continue renting a house to them, without ever raising the rent.

How did Li He know what this little loli was thinking? When passing by the bookstore, he stopped the car.

Buying books has become a habit. When I go home and pass by a bookstore or newsstand, I go in and browse around. It is also a pleasure to pick out and read.

There are already a lot of books at home. Even though he has never read most of them, he still feels a unique sense of stability. The home is incomplete without the decoration of books, whether it is on the bedside, bathroom, sofa, no matter which corner of the house he is stuck in. What your hands touch is always a book.

He Fang once gave him some advice, so he just tried to comfort himself and pretended to study every day.

There are many people in the bookstore, but few people buy. Most of them read books, squatting, standing, or sitting. No matter what their purpose is, they always set their sights on a book, as long as it is suitable. I took it out and looked through it, and it lasted for an hour.

"Has this book "A Brief History of Science and Technology" arrived?" A girl asked in surprise on the bookshelf on the side.


"It's really slow. It only took a month for the goods to arrive." Someone expressed dissatisfaction.

"It's not that the shipment is slow. This book is restocked on Monday. If it comes late, you won't be able to buy it. I didn't expect it to be restocked so soon. Buy it quickly, otherwise it will be gone later." Someone explained. .

A dozen people crowded around the bookshelf.

"It turns out that Germany is the world's first big copycat country. Shanzhai? This word is really interesting. Does it mean plagiarism? It means that Germany copied the United Kingdom, and then the United States copied Europe, and Japan copied the West?"

"Westerners have a profound understanding that if China's 1.1 billion people live the same life as Americans, it will be a disaster for the world. This is the most profound understanding of this phenomenon."

"However, how can the Chinese be willing to stay in poverty and backwardness? China will definitely use its own development to change the original competitive landscape. Maybe China cannot make itself as rich as developed countries, but we can make them become You have to be as poor as us.”

"That's really funny."

"Oh, stop looking. Do you want to buy it? If you don't want to buy it, put it down. Don't block the road!" Someone was very unhappy that the person in front was in the way.

"A Brief History of Technology"?

Li He was curious. He had taught such a course in school, and it was needless to say how popular it was. He could not have imagined that anyone could publish a book that was more popular than him.

Moreover, the content he read gave him a feeling of déjà vu.

Without hesitation, he squeezed to the bookshelf, pulled out a book from it, turned straight to the first page, and was shocked when he saw the content!

His first feeling was that he had been plagiarized!

This book is clearly compiled based on his class lectures!

Even a lot of the content is verbatim!

This handout was once compiled by students and circulated in the school as "Quotations of Li He" for a period of time. He didn't take it seriously, and he was even complacent about it.

But now that someone is using this publication to make money, he can't bear it!

He wanted to see which bastard had copied his work!

When he saw the author on the cover, he was stunned!

The author clearly writes Li He, and when you turn to the second page, there is an introduction to the author, which clearly states his identity, professor, famous physicist, and a long list of titles.

He didn't know the author who wrote the preface at all, and the key point was that he praised him for being "unparalleled in heaven and earth." Li He wondered if he was talking about himself, because the author made it sound as if the two people were very familiar with each other.

The publishing house is the school’s publishing house.

But even so, Li He didn't decide to give up!

Depend on!

He didn't get a dime in royalties!

We can't just let it go!

This is completely disrespectful to the fruits of his labor!

Yes, he decided to go to school.

He bought three books at once. After paying the bill, he drove directly to school.

After arriving at the school, he did not go to the Logistics Office to find Director Jiang first, but went to the Physics Department to find Professor Wu.

"Oh, boss Li is here!"

"Sister Chen, you are getting plumper!" Li He did not expect to meet Chen Yun.

Chen Yun slapped him angrily, "If you say I'm fat, just say it straight away, don't do it in such a roundabout way to hurt others."

Li He pretended to be hurt by being slapped, rubbed his shoulders and said, "It's unfair. What I told you is the truth. Have you just finished class?"

Chen Yun nodded, "get out of class has just ended, why do you have time to come here? It was in the newspaper last time, right? If we weren't acquaintances, no one would dare to recognize me."

Li He smiled sheepishly, "It's not worth mentioning, it's not worth mentioning."

Chen Yun said, "Come on, excessive modesty is hypocrisy. There is something wrong with you. You hide everything, as if we want to take advantage of you."

"That's not possible. If you, eldest sister, have anything to do, just give me your orders. My little brother will never give up!" Li He hurriedly clarified.


Chen Yun said with a smile, "Did you know that in addition to your nickname of 'Reference', you also have another nickname?"

"What?" Li Hezhen didn't know.

"Everyone calls you the master key. You can't do it without you. Look, you have attainments in physics, not to mention you can write songs and books. But your book is really selling well. Just now It was sold out as soon as it was published, and many schools are even preparing to use it as teaching materials."

"Master Key?" Li He was speechless, but then asked, "Are you talking about the book "A Brief History of Science and Technology"? How come it was published without asking for my opinion?"

Chen Yun said, "This is a handout, and the school has the right to publish it on its own. However, your manuscript fee will definitely be indispensable. Professor Wu still said in the meeting a few days ago that the school's publishing house should contact you."

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