My 1979

Chapter 890 It’s not easy

"I know how to do it, brother, don't worry, I won't let you down." Xiao Wei touched the shiny hair on his head and smiled silly. He was probably influenced by Li He. The aesthetics of hairstyle are developing in the direction of Li He. The previous three-quarter points are gone, and now they are replaced by a thick one that almost exposes the scalp.

But he was pretty good, and Huang Guoyu was even better. He imitated Li He and directly shaved his head into a big bald head, flashing and shining.

"You are not suitable for short hair." Li He gave him a negative opinion. The shape of the skull is very important. Every bald head that can maintain a bald head has a perfect brain shape that makes him secretly proud.

He can do it, and so can Huang Guoyu, but Xiao Wei's face is not suitable.

As for those who are bald, no matter what their head shape is, it is better to keep their hair bald. There is no longer a middle, so instead of growing the hair on both sides with the strategic thinking of surrounding the city from the countryside, just cut your head bald and be more open-minded. !

And maybe after one haircut, you will fall in love with the super pleasure of stroking your scalp!

Xiao Wei chuckled and said, "I'm used to it. It's very open and easy to take care of. If you're happy, you can shave it off in the morning. If you're unhappy, you don't have to take care of it. It saves trouble!"

Li He shook his head, too lazy to say anything more.

After Xiao Wei left, before he lay down on the chair and squinted for a while, he heard Li Lan crying. He didn't pay attention. After all, this naughty kid really needed to be taken care of sometimes, but Li Lan's crying became louder and louder. , he felt bad in his heart.

"Hey, are you done with this bitch?" Li He stepped forward and snatched the bamboo stick from He Fang's hand.

He Fang said, "Don't interfere with me taking care of the child. Go and see if your daughter is awake."

"Is there such a care? Is it too late to do anything?" Looking at the fresh bamboo marks on his son's buttocks, Li He knew that the stir-fried pork with bamboo shoots was solid and not fake at all. He was angry that He Fang could do this. hand.

He Fang said, "How about you take care of it?"

Li He said angrily, "I'll take care of it!"

"Okay, then you can take care of it."

In the evening, He Fang fulfilled her promise. She washed her clothes and dried her quilt at home, and asked Li He to take Li Lan to the Children's Palace.

Of course, Li He had no choice but to refuse, but Li Lan was the only one with a face full of reluctance.

"Hurry up, you think I'm happy to take you there! You just deserve a beating!"

Li He angrily carried the bag containing his dance clothes for him while scolding him. He interceded for him at noon in vain. The child simply didn't read well.

The two of them arrived at the Children's Palace together. There was already a lot of traffic in front of the door. People from all directions gathered with their children in the Children's Palace to participate in various interest classes.

Some are grandparents, and more are parents.

It's really pitiful for parents in the world. For the sake of their children's interests, any difficulty can be overcome.

Li Lan kept looking at the KFC next to him, then looked pitifully at his father, and even showed an envious look at the child sitting inside, with his throat shrugging.

"Want to eat?" Li He felt soft. Sometimes he felt sorry for his son. After all, it was not a good thing for anyone to have such a strong mother.

Li Lan nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

"Okay, I'll take you to eat." Li He immediately took his son in generously.

"Mom is not allowed to eat." Li Lan hesitated.

"You're stupid. It's okay if you don't tell her no. Let's go. You can eat as much as you want." Li He felt aggrieved for his son just thinking about it. Damn, it turns out that eating at KFC is a luxury!

He still hopes that his son will have a happy and playful childhood, and does not want him to bear too much adult pressure from an early age.

Without the supervision of her grandma and mother, Li Lan happily ordered everything in KFC and enjoyed eating.

When Li Lan was in class, Li He sat on a chair in the corridor and looked into the dance classroom from time to time.

Through the window of the dance studio, he saw his five-year-old son sandwiched among a group of five- and six-year-old little girls, doing leg presses and practicing horseback. He always had a strange feeling.

When he became anxious in the corridor, he walked outside and stood on the steps of the Children's Palace smoking like many other parents.

A man in a black jacket looked at him, and he looked at the man.

"Professor Li, long time no see." The man greeted Li He first.

"Hey, Director Zhang, why do you have time to come here?" Li He also greeted with a smile. The man in front of him was Zhang Weisheng, the director of the bleaching and dyeing factory. He had helped mediate the fight between him and Wang Xiaohua before. Unexpectedly, Will meet here.

Zhang Weisheng handed Li He a pipe and said, "You are also sending your children here, right? I am the same, my daughter is in piano class."

Li He asked, "Isn't the factory busy? Are you so free?"

Zhang Weisheng shook his head, "No matter what you are busy with, it is all in vain. I don't know how long our factory can survive."

Li He asked, "Can't you? You are a factory with a thousand employees after all. Your equipment and technology are good, so why can't you survive?"

Zhang Weisheng said, "It was good in the past few years, but not so good in recent years. Cotton spinning, printing and dyeing factories have popped up in piles in southern Jiangsu. They have the advantage of being latecomers, and their technology and equipment are newer than ours." , some large factories even produce one-stop production of sizing, weaving, bleaching and dyeing, printing and dyeing, weaving, and finishing. What future can we have for those like us who only do bleaching and dyeing?"

"Hey, it's not easy." Li He smiled.

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