My 1979

Chapter 896 Older Women

He believed that if he continued to be verbose, Dakui would definitely serve him with his fists without hesitation!

It would be unjust to be beaten!

Although it would be more humiliating to just leave, it would be humiliating to be beaten. It is better to lose one's identity than to be embarrassed.

"Third brother!" Fatty Wang saw Yin San'er leaving and hurriedly stopped him.

"I'll settle the score with you later!" Yin San'er kicked him away.

Fatty Wang was stunned. No matter how stupid he was, he still understood what was going on!

He would never have imagined that Yin San'er, who was known as the No. 1 brother in Haidian and was the most powerful man in the world, would one day be like Fan Xiong!

This joke is too big!

This also means that he has hit the iron plate!

And it’s still a very thick iron plate!

Thirty-six strategies are the best ones!

But before he could take a step, he was stopped by a tall figure.

"Where are we going?" Dakui sneered at him and looked in the direction of Li He for advice.

Li He stood up, patted the dust on his buttocks, and said to Li Yan without even looking at Fatty Wang, "Let's go. If it's a little later, your sister-in-law will close the stall, and we'll have to drink the northwest wind when we get back."

"Yeah." Li Yan has not yet recovered from the shock. She definitely did not expect such a simple ending.

"Is that person really Yin San'er?"

Even the people she shared a room with were shocked.

"Yes." Liu Yan nodded, the shock in her heart could not be greater. She had been here for more than a day or two. With the shadow of a famous tree, Yin San'er is naturally remarkable in this area of ​​Haidian, but she can actually be given to her by others. Scared away!

Li He's amazing strength simply broke everyone's understanding, including her!

"Liu Yan, I'm leaving. I'll see you in a few days." Li Yanlin said goodbye to everyone in the rental house one by one before getting in the car.

"Swallow, come back and treat you to dinner."

"Yes, the swallows come back often."


Li Yan has never felt this kind of enthusiasm from everyone.

When Li He drove by Fatty Wang, he ridiculed, "That's all you have? It's a waste of my time."

Then he said to Dakui, "Help Mr. Wang lose weight, remember, we must convince others with virtue."


Li He's car was driving far away, and he could still hear the screams of ghosts and wolves.

In the car, Li Yan kept her head down and said nothing, and she secretly glanced at Li He from time to time.

"There are flowers on my face, look like this." Li He gave her a bottle of mineral water in the car, "Drink some water."

"Thank you, brother." Li Yan unscrewed the lid, took a sip, and whispered after a while, "I'm sorry, second brother, for causing you trouble."

Li He said, "You also know how to call me brother? If you say such nonsense again, you deserve a beating."

Li Yan asked, "Are you angry?"

Li He said angrily, "I'm angry because you didn't come to me. It's not like you don't know I'm here. Even if you don't want your dad to know where you are, you can still call me. I don't have the phone number." It’s all left to you. You said, you are a little girl, why are you messing around? Oh, by the way, didn’t you study in a normal college?”

In fact, he was still curious. Although Li Yan only graduated from a teacher's college, she was not too bad at least. Since she had a job here, why was she so miserable that she couldn't even pay the rent?

But he still didn't ask directly, he still had to take care of the girl's face.

Li Yan Nuo Nuo said, "My father asked me to take the Normal College exam. He said the teacher was reliable. After graduation and working as a teacher for half a year, my father asked me to get married. I don't want to get married."

Li He said, "You are not too young. It's time to think about your own affairs. Your father does it for your own good."

Li Yan is only a few years younger than the fourth child. Whether in the countryside or in the city, the two girls are older young women.

"I don't like that man. My father insisted on letting me marry him." When she said this, Li Yan was still a little angry.

Li He asked, "What did your third brother say?"

Li Long is now considered to be well-known in the county, and he is relatively well-informed, so it is impossible for him not to know about the family that Li Yan is going to marry.

"The third brother also disagreed, saying that the family's reputation was not good, but my father said that the family's conditions were good, and the family made big cars. There were three big cars, and there was also a battlefield. He said that I would be able to enjoy the blessings if I went there. Dad talks in my ears every day, and I can even hear the cocoon." Li Yan said helplessly, "So I have no choice, I can't afford to offend him and I can hide, so I come here."

Li He said confidently, "It's okay. If you don't like it, no one can force you. Come back with me during the Chinese New Year. I'll tell my third uncle. My sister is so beautiful, why are you afraid that she won't get married? Besides, our family's conditions are comparable." Who is missing? As for who to cling to? Those toads who want to eat swan meat, let them go back and take a good look in the mirror."

The men in his old Li family are more ugly than the others, with small noses and small eyes. If they get fat, they can't even find their eyes. For example, Li Dong is a role model. He is so ugly that people and gods are outraged.

As for the girls, each one is prettier than the other, starting from his aunt. Except for his eldest sister Li Mei, who is not tall, one of them is tall and has facial features like her grandmother. They are all extremely delicate and neat.

"Thank you, second brother." Li Yan was very happy. She knew that Li He's words had always been very effective with his father, but then her face turned red again.

Li He smiled and said, "Please, stop saying thank you, my ears are calloused too."

As soon as he got home, He Fang came out to the car horn and helped Li Yan take out the suitcase.

"The swallows are here. Is it cold? Come in quickly."

After autumn, the temperature drops day by day.

"Thank you, sister. Wow, Li Lan has grown taller." Li Yan picked up Li Lan smoothly.

"He and your brother have been eating just for a month and can't gain weight." He Fang gave Li Yan a basin of water and handed her a new towel, "Wash your face and let's eat."

"Sister, I'll do it myself." Li Yan couldn't stand He Fang's enthusiasm.

He Fang said, "The same goes for you. You didn't even say a word when you came here. As soon as your brother heard that you were coming, he hurriedly came to find you. He couldn't even wait for tomorrow."

"You haven't eaten yet?" Li He opened the dishes and found that not a single chopstick had been moved.

He Fang smiled and said, "If you don't come back, we're going to eat. I'll heat it up and you guys will wait."

Li He waved his hands and said, "Don't bother. It's cold today. It's good to be hot or cold. Just eat the pot directly on the stove. Just heat whatever you want in it."

After saying this, he took off the samovar from the stove in the corner and moved the stove to the small table.

"Auntie." Li Yan greeted Mrs. He with a smile as she came over.

The old lady didn't know Li Yan, so He Fang introduced her, "Li Yan from my third uncle's family."

Mrs. He smiled and said, "No wonder I said she looks so similar to these two girls, Li Bing and Li Qin. The girls from this family are so beautiful."

Li Yan pursed her lips and smiled, "Auntie, don't praise me. If you praise me any more, I will laugh so hard that I can't eat."

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