My 1979

Chapter 9 Living in a new house

After the new house was built, the smell dissipated for five or six days, and a brazier was burned in the house for a few days.

Li He couldn't wait to arrange for his wife, eldest sister, and two younger sisters to live in the house. In summer, the temperature is high and dry. There is no moisture in the house, and the paint is useless. The hydrated lime and lithopone painted directly on the walls are non-existent. What formaldehyde exceeds the standard?

It doesn’t need to face the sea, but it can definitely achieve spring blooms

I asked the carpenter to make two new large beds, and put one in each of the new east and west rooms. The middle room was reserved for the dining table and sundries, and was simply unoccupied.

Li Mei took the fourth child to sleep in the east room, Wang Yulan took the little girl to sleep in the west room, and Li and the two brothers continued to live in the old house, each sleeping in a room. In this way, the family finally lived in a spacious place. However, the back wall of the earthen house is almost collapsed and will need to be demolished sooner or later.

When moving to a new house, the rural rules require a banquet. Li He found it troublesome, "Auntie, it's not a big event, and you still have to be clingy. After the stage, my university notice will come out. If you want to have a banquet, let's do it together at noon." Just set a table with your family and call your grandma and uncle."

Li Mei also found it troublesome. Besides, his father was not at home, so it was not easy to deal with people and sophistication.

Seeing that her son and daughter were so insistent, Wang Yulan had no choice. She originally wanted to hold a banquet to show off, but no house in the village was as spacious as her own, and none of her neighbors envied her two sons for their abilities.

The meal at noon was quite impressive, with plenty of hard vegetables, including chicken, duck, and fish, braised pork, scrambled eggs with leeks, loach noodles, and stewed hens with dried radish.

Grandma Li, Wang Yulan, Li Mei, and his two aunts were busy in the kitchen, adding fuel to the fire, chopping vegetables, and cooking. Although the kitchen is not covered, the stove is newly built with red bricks. When the original earthen stove touches water, the countertop becomes extremely dirty.

A few men were sitting at the door chatting, while a group of children sniffed the aroma from the kitchen and waited for the meal to start.

Li and his second uncle Li Zhaoming have three children. The eldest Li Dong is only 18 years old. His younger uncle Li Zhaohui has two children. The eldest Li Yan is only 14 years old.

There are very few memories about the two aunts Li He. Most of them are that Wang Yulan later often mentioned in front of Li He that these two aunts were nothing when they were young, how they bullied her and did not treat her as a sister-in-law.

The relationship between the sisters-in-law was not necessarily harmonious, and quarrels and grinding of teeth were unavoidable. But then the old lady Wang Yulan stayed in the country, and the two aunts often delivered meat and vegetables, and helped with the cooking when she was not in good health.

Li He has seen clearly throughout his life, and he doesn't have so much anger in his heart. As a woman struggling to make ends meet in a rural area at the bottom of society, her knowledge and ideas are limited to this era, so they can't blame them.

After the food was served, the adults gathered around the table, and the child picked up the food and climbed directly on the small chair to eat with his mouth full. The poor baby couldn't eat meat several times a year.

Li Zhaoming worked with the brothers Li He and Li Long at this stage, but he could no longer treat the brothers as children, especially Li He, who was very strict in what he said and did, even he, as an uncle, was convinced.

Besides, I earned more than 100 yuan from following these two brothers, and I usually get cigarettes and alcohol from here.

Therefore, when I came over for dinner, I specially brought a bottle of Laoyingjia wine, which cost me 1 yuan. I wouldn't have had the courage to do so in the past.

Li He was not polite, opened the wine directly, started pouring wine in front of Li Fucheng, then filled the wine glasses for his two uncles, and even poured a glass in front of Da Zhuang and Li Long.

He stood up and said, "Grandpa, if we meet each other, you will be exhausted these days."

Li Fucheng didn't hesitate. He picked up the wine cup, took a sip, and swallowed it without frowning.

Grandma said with a smile next to her, "You kid, your brain has fainted after studying for a while, and you are talking such nonsense. He is your father, and he should be exhausted."

Although the old lady said this, she couldn't help being happy in her heart. The eldest grandson knew how to be grateful, so he felt in his heart that no matter how much he did, it was worth it.

The old lady likes to eat rice soaked in plain water. She would pour boiling water into the rice halfway through the meal. But the old man said that eating like this would hurt the stomach and the old lady was not allowed to do this. The old lady just nodded and continued to eat like this.

Li He quickly filled up Li Fucheng's wine, filled it up himself, and clinked his glasses to his two uncles in turn.

Li Zhaoming gave Li He a chicken nugget and said, "Don't drink so much, eat some food."

After dinner, Li He was preparing to make tea for everyone when he suddenly heard the sound of beeping coming from far away.

As we got closer, we discovered that it was selling popsicles. The popsicle sellers all carry a simple insulated box made of foam boards, which contains only two varieties of popsicles and is covered firmly with cotton pads.

You can buy a popsicle for 2 cents, and you can buy a cream popsicle for a dime. In fact, the popsicles made here are just sugar and water, with some flavoring added at best, but even that is delicious.

Li He quickly ran over and took 20 cream popsicles. This made the child so happy that he couldn't bear to bite and eat them. He put them in the cup and licked them slowly. He was very happy.

Li He was very busy during this period. He was so tired every day that he fell asleep after taking a shower.

When he woke up from sleeping under the shade of a tree, he seemed to have had a vague dream about his wife.

If you are trying hard to remember the characteristics of your wife when she was young...

The tattered clothes and long hair left the deepest impression on him.

You can only sleep peacefully with your wife by your side. When can you find that peace again?

He thought silently in his heart: I miss you! Miss you so much!

As soon as I calm down, I always think that it would be nice if she was here. I have become accustomed to her and can't live without her. One love lasts a lifetime. Li He suddenly reborn without knowing why. A long journey to the west, he found the beginning, but he didn't. Guess the ending.

I opened a pack of cigarettes, took out one, lit it, and took a long puff, but ended up choking hard.

I can only find support from cigarettes. After smoking half a pack of cigarettes, he recovered slightly, and then simply took a shower by the well.

Thinking about meeting his wife in September, he was both nervous and excited. Wouldn't it be so exciting to fall in love with his wife again in this life? In my previous life, I didn’t give my wife too many sweet words, nor did I say “I love you.”

No flowers, no chocolates, no diamond rings. They were together without vows or material things.

As for being reborn and starting a harem, Li He has no such interest. In his 18-year-old body, he is an arrogant little old man who is nearly 60 years old. Although he has never been among thousands of flowers, it is not uncommon to see crazy bees and chaos. In the fantasy world and real life inside.

Some people just talk nonsense, maybe

Oh, don’t mention “can’t help it”! Nothing but shamelessness.

Li He feels that he does not have a "sharp face" and a cold face, and his wife is not a Mary Sue with a skin that can be broken by a bomb, let alone a beautiful woman. Maybe it is not because of love, but after living together for a lifetime, in their concept There is no such thing as divorce. No matter how difficult life is, the two people support each other through the difficulties, and the various emotions become more complex and thicker.

In my heart, my wife is the best.

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